您将需要一个正常运行的 Elasticsearch 安装 - 类似于我们在 下载和安装 Elasticsearch 中描述的安装配方在 第 1 章,< /span> 开始。
要执行这些命令,可以使用任何 HTTP 客户端,例如 Curl (https://curl.haxx.se/) 或 Postman (https://www.getpostman.com/)。您可以使用 Kibana 控制台,因为它为 Elasticsearch 提供了代码完成和更好的字符转义。
- To create a snapshot called snap_1 for the index*, mybooks* and mygeo* indices, the HTTP method that we use is PUT, and the command is as follows:
- If you check your filesystem, then the /backup/my_repository directory will be populated with a number of files, such as index (a directory that contains our data), metadata-snap_1, and snapshot-snap_1.
- To retrieve the snapshot information, the HTTP method that we use is GET, and the command is as follows:
- To delete a snapshot, the HTTP method that we use is DELETE, and the command is as follows:
创建快照所需的最低配置是存储库的名称和快照的名称(即 snap_1)。
- indices (a comma-delimited list of indices; wildcards are accepted): This controls the indices that must be dumped.
- ignore_unavailable (the default is false): This prevents the snapshot from failing if some indices are missing.
- include_global_state (this defaults to true; the available values are true, false, and partial): This controls the storing of the global state in the snapshot. If a primary shard is not available, then the snapshot fails.
wait_for_completion 查询参数 允许您在返回调用之前等待快照结束。如果您想自动化您的快照脚本以顺序备份索引,这将非常有用。
如果未设置 wait_for_completion 参数,则为了检查快照状态,用户必须使用快照 GET 调用对其进行监控。
快照过程被设计为尽可能快,因此它实现了存储库中 Lucene 索引段的直接副本。为了防止在复制过程中可能发生的更改和索引损坏,所有需要复制的段都被阻止更改,直到快照结束。
Lucene 的段副本是在分片级别的,所以如果你有一个由多个节点组成的集群并且你有一个本地存储库,那么快照会传播到所有节点。因此,在生产集群中,必须共享存储库,以便轻松收集所有备份片段。
Elasticsearch 会处理快照期间的所有事情,包括防止将数据写入快照过程中的文件,以及管理集群事件(例如分片重定位、故障等)。
可以使用 _status 端点监控快照过程,该端点提供快照状态的完整概览。
对于当前示例,快照 _status API 调用如下:
- Here is the information about the snapshot:
- Here are the global shard's statistics:
- Here are the snapshot's global statistics:
- Here is a drill down of the snapshot index statistics:
- Here are the statistics for each index and shard: