战神诸神黄昏 战神5适合国王宠爱漫游
《适合当国王》是《战神与拉格纳洛克》中克瑞托斯的恩惠(侧任务)。本演练将引导您完成Fit for a King ;Side Quest的所有目标。有关游戏中所有 ;任务的概述,请参阅战神拉格纳罗所有爱好。
Requirement: Access to All Realms
Reward: 15000 Kratos XP, 3750 Freya XP, Hilt of Skofnung, Berserker Armor Set, Gale Flame, Frozen Flame, Attachments of the Nine Realms, Asgard Amulet Enchantments, Grave Mistake
- 击败狂暴之魂
- 回到你发现斯科夫农的坟墓
- 击败霍罗夫国王
推荐装备: ;攻击盾、狂暴装甲套装、3倍尼夫海姆咒语、3倍穆斯佩尔海姆咒语、九界徽章、更大再生精华、躲避徽章
战略: ;赫罗夫·克拉基国王在击败所有其他狂暴战士后,可以在国王墓的狂暴战士墓碑中找到他的遗物。霍罗夫国王将采用许多以前狂暴战士的攻击模式,以及吹嘘拥有巨大的生命值吧,使他成为游戏中最艰难的两场战斗之一。
Before you fight King Hrolf, it is recommended that you have the above listed recommended gear and abilities at max level. You can change some things up if you like, but in my testing I found this to be the best loadout for defeating him on No Mercy difficulty. This loadout will allow you to dodge further, deal more damage when your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom bar is full, effectively deal with Hrolf’s shield strike ability, regenerate your relic and runic attacks at a faster rate, and deal massive damage while in Realm Shift and using your +
He will also jump into the air to charge up with Bifrost energy, which is unblockable and covers the whole arena. When he does this, make sure to hit him with a ranged attack with either the Spear or Axe, or by detonating spears inside of him. Hrolf will also do a shield strike attack, where he will slam his weapons together to deal damage across the entire arena. He can do this at range, which makes it very difficult to deal with if you don’t have the Onslaught Shield, hence the recommendation. With this, you can initiate a shield strike ( twice) from across the arena and you will charge at him to strike him. Even if he manages to complete the attack before you reach him, you will block it mid-charge, turning the attack from a very deadly attack at range to something you can mitigate completely.
As for actually fighting King Hrolf, you won’t be able to get too many combos on him as he will be very aggressive at close range and will often immediately jump back to a long distance upon finishing a combo. You’ll be able to get a few hits in here and there normally, but the best way to deal damage is to utilize your runic attacks, companion attacks, Spartan Wrath and a combination of the Hilt of Hofud relic and your +
attack. The Berserker Armour set will make it so many of these attacks will cooldown faster, allowing you to do them more often, while the Amulet Enchantments and Hilt of Hofud will make it so when your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom bar is full, you can slow down time with the relic, then use
with your preferred weapon (I opt to use the Leviathan Axe for it), then unleash a combo on him during slowdown to deal heavy damage to him. When he is at range, you can abuse your Draupnir Spear, throwing charged spears to deal damage and fill him with spears that you can detonate for further damage, as well as potentially stun him.
Health crystals will drop throughout the fight, but these won’t heal a huge amount, so don’t rely on them. Greater Regenerating Essence is good in this regard, as it will provide passive healing over the fight. Once his health is depleted, finish him with .
对于 ;,所有其他任务均参考 ;战神Ragnarok演练。