

vue-router 入口分析

 createRouter 如何实现,完整的代码 在gitHub上router/router.ts at main · vuejs/router · GitHub

参数 RouterOptions 是规范我们配置的路由对象,主要包含 history、routes 等数据。routes 就是我们需要配置的路由对象,类型是 RouteRecordRaw 组成的数组,并且 RouteRecordRaw 的类型是三个类型的合并。然后返回值的类型 Router 就是包含了 addRoute、push、beforeEnter、install 方法的一个对象,并且维护了 currentRoute 和 options 两个属性。

并且每个类型方法还有详细的注释,这也极大降低了阅读源码的门槛,可以帮助我们在看到函数的类型时就知道函数大概的功能。我们知道 Vue 中 app.use 实际上执行的就是 router 对象内部的 install 方法,我们先进入到 install 方法看下是如何安装的

// createRouter传递参数的类型export interface RouterOptions extends PathParserOptions { history: RouterHistory routes: RouteRecordRaw[] scrollBehavior?: RouterScrollBehavior ...}// 每个路由配置的类型export type RouteRecordRaw = | RouteRecordSingleView | RouteRecordMultipleViews | RouteRecordRedirect
//... other config// Router接口的全部方法和属性export interface Router { readonly currentRoute: Ref<RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded>  readonly options: RouterOptions addRoute(parentName: RouteRecordName, route: RouteRecordRaw): () => void addRoute(route: RouteRecordRaw): () => void Route(name: RouteRecordName): void  hasRoute(name: RouteRecordName): boolean getRoutes(): RouteRecord[] resolve( to: RouteLocationRaw, currentLocation?: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded ): RouteLocation & { href: string } push(to: RouteLocationRaw): Promise<NavigationFailure | void | undefined> replace(to: RouteLocationRaw): Promise<NavigationFailure | void | undefined> back(): ReturnType<Router['go']> forward(): ReturnType<Router['go']> go(delta: number): void beforeEach(guard: NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>): () => void beforeResolve(guard: NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>): () => void afterEach(guard: NavigationHookAfter): () => void onError(handler: _ErrorHandler): () => void isReady(): Promise<void> install(app: App): void}export function createRouter(options: RouterOptions): Router {}


 createRouter 的最后,创建了包含 addRoute、push 等方法的对象,并且 install 方法内部注册了 RouterLink 和 RouterView 两个组件。所以我们可以在任何组件内部直接使用  和  组件,然后注册全局变量 router和route,其中 router就是我们通过createRouter返回的路由对象,包含addRoute、push等方法,route 使用 defineProperty 的形式返回 currentRoute 的值,可以做到和 currentRoute 值同步。

然后使用 computed 把路由变成响应式对象,存储在 reactiveRoute 对象中,再通过 app.provide 给全局注册了 route 和 reactive 包裹后的 reactiveRoute 对象。我们之前介绍 provide 函数的时候也介绍了,provide 提供的数据并没有做响应式的封装,需要响应式的时候需要自己使用 ref 或者 reactive 封装为响应式对象,最后注册 unmount 方法实现 vue-router 的安装。

export function createRouter(options: RouterOptions): Router {.... let started: boolean | undefined const installedApps = new Set<App>() // 路由对象 const router: Router = { currentRoute,
addRoute, removeRoute, hasRoute, getRoutes, resolve, options,
push, replace, go, back: () => go(-1), forward: () => go(1),
beforeEach: beforeGuards.add, beforeResolve: beforeResolveGuards.add, afterEach: afterGuards.add,
onError: errorHandlers.add, isReady, // 插件按章 install(app: App) { const router = this // 注册全局组件 router-link和router-view app.component('RouterLink', RouterLink) app.component('RouterView', RouterView)
app.config.globalProperties.$router = router Object.defineProperty(app.config.globalProperties, '$route', { enumerable: true, get: () => unref(currentRoute), }) if ( isBrowser && !started && currentRoute.value === START_LOCATION_NORMALIZED ) { // see above started = true push(routerHistory.location).catch(err => { if (__DEV__) warn('Unexpected error when starting the router:', err) }) }
const reactiveRoute = {} as { [k in keyof RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded]: ComputedRef <          RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded[k]> } for (const key in START_LOCATION_NORMALIZED) { // @ts-expect-error: the key matches reactiveRoute[key] = computed(() => currentRoute.value[key]) } // 提供全局配置 app.provide(routerKey, router) app.provide(routeLocationKey, reactive(reactiveRoute)) app.provide(routerViewLocationKey, currentRoute)
const unmountApp = app.unmount installedApps.add(app) app.unmount = function () { installedApps.delete(app) // ... unmountApp() }
if ((__DEV__ || __FEATURE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) && isBrowser) { addDevtools(app, router, matcher) } }, }
return router}

路由对象创建和安装之后,我们下一步需要了解的就是 router-link 和 router-view 两个组件的实现方式

RouterView 的 setup 函数返回了一个函数,这个函数就是 RouterView 组件的 render 函数。大部分我们使用的方式就是一个  组件,没有 slot 情况下返回的就是 component 变量。component 使用 h 函数返回 ViewComponent 的虚拟 DOM,而 ViewComponent 是根据 matchedRoute.components[props.name]计算而来

matchedRoute 依赖的 matchedRouteRef 的计算逻辑在如下代码的第 12~15 行,数据来源 injectedRoute 就是上面我们注入的 currentRoute 对象。

export const RouterViewImpl = /*#__PURE__*/ defineComponent({ name: 'RouterView', props: { name: { type: String as PropType<string>, default: 'default', }, route: Object as PropType<RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded>, }, // router-view组件源码 setup(props, { attrs, slots }) { // 全局的reactiveRoute对象注入 const injectedRoute = inject(routerViewLocationKey)! const routeToDisplay = computed(() => props.route || injectedRoute.value) const depth = inject(viewDepthKey, 0) const matchedRouteRef = computed<RouteLocationMatched | undefined>( () => routeToDisplay.value.matched[depth] ) // 嵌套层级 provide(viewDepthKey, depth + 1) // 匹配的router对象 provide(matchedRouteKey, matchedRouteRef) provide(routerViewLocationKey, routeToDisplay)
const viewRef = ref<ComponentPublicInstance>() // 返回的render函数 return () => { const route = routeToDisplay.value const matchedRoute = matchedRouteRef.value const ViewComponent = matchedRoute && matchedRoute. components[props.name] const currentName = props.name
if (!ViewComponent) { return normalizeSlot(slots.default, { Component: ViewComponent, route }) }
// props from route configuration const routePropsOption = matchedRoute!.props[props.name] const routeProps = routePropsOption ? routePropsOption === true ? route.params : typeof routePropsOption === 'function' ? routePropsOption(route) : routePropsOption : null
const onVnodeUnmounted: VNodeProps['onVnodeUnmounted'] = vnode => { // remove the instance reference to prevent leak if (vnode.component!.isUnmounted) { matchedRoute!.instances[currentName] = null } } // 创建需要渲染组件的虚拟dom const component = h( ViewComponent, assign({}, routeProps, attrs, { onVnodeUnmounted, ref: viewRef, }) ) return ( // pass the vnode to the slot as a prop. // h and <component :is="..."> both accept vnodes normalizeSlot(slots.default, { Component: component, route         })|| component ) } },})


RouterView 渲染的组件是由当前匹配的路由变量 matchedRoute 决定的。接下来我们回到 createRouter 函数中,可以看到 matcher 对象是由 createRouterMatcher 创建,createRouterMatcher 函数传入 routes 配置的路由数组,并且返回创建的 RouterMatcher 对象,内部遍历 routes 数组,通过 addRoute 挨个处理路由配置。

export function createRouter(options: RouterOptions): Router { const matcher = createRouterMatcher(options.routes, options) ///....}export function createRouterMatcher( routes: RouteRecordRaw[], globalOptions: PathParserOptions): RouterMatcher { // matchers数组 const matchers: RouteRecordMatcher[] = [] // matcher对象 const matcherMap = new Map<RouteRecordName, RouteRecordMatcher>() globalOptions = mergeOptions( { strict: false, end: true, sensitive: false } as PathParserOptions, globalOptions ) function addRoute(){} function remoteRoute(){} function getRoutes(){ return matchers } function insertMatcher(){} function resolve(){} // add initial routes routes.forEach(route => addRoute(route))
return { addRoute, resolve, removeRoute, getRoutes, getRecordMatcher }}

addRoute 函数内部通过 createRouteRecordMatcher 创建扩展之后的 matcher 对象,包括了 record、parent、children 等树形,可以很好地描述路由之间的嵌套父子关系。这样整个路由对象就已经创建完毕,那我们如何在路由切换的时候寻找到正确的路由对象呢?

function addRoute( record: RouteRecordRaw, parent?: RouteRecordMatcher, originalRecord?: RouteRecordMatcher){ if ('alias' in record) { // 标准化alias } for (const normalizedRecord of normalizedRecords) { // ... matcher = createRouteRecordMatcher(normalizedRecord, parent, options) insertMatcher(matcher) } return originalMatcher ? () => { // since other matchers are aliases, they should be removed by the original matcher removeRoute(originalMatcher!) } : noop
export function createRouteRecordMatcher( record: Readonly<RouteRecord>, parent: RouteRecordMatcher | undefined, options?: PathParserOptions): RouteRecordMatcher { const parser = tokensToParser(tokenizePath(record.path), options) const matcher: RouteRecordMatcher = assign(parser, { record, parent, // these needs to be populated by the parent children: [], alias: [], })
if (parent) { if (!matcher.record.aliasOf === !parent.record.aliasOf) parent.children.push(matcher) }
return matcher}

在 vue-router 中,路由更新可以通过 router-link 渲染的链接实现,也可以使用 router 对象的 push 等方法实现。下面的代码中,router-link 组件内部也是渲染一个 a 标签,并且注册了 a 标签的 onClick 函数,内部也是通过 router.replace 或者 router.push 来实现。

export const RouterLinkImpl = /*#__PURE__*/ defineComponent({ name: 'RouterLink', props: { to: { type: [String, Object] as PropType<RouteLocationRaw>, required: true, }, ... }, // router-link源码 setup(props, { slots }) { const link = reactive(useLink(props)) const { options } = inject(routerKey)!
const elClass = computed(() => ({ ... }))
return () => { const children = slots.default && slots.default(link) return props.custom ? children : h( 'a', { href: link.href, onClick: link.navigate, class: elClass.value, }, children ) } },})// 跳转 function navigate( e: MouseEvent = {} as MouseEvent): Promise<void | NavigationFailure> { if (guardEvent(e)) { return router[unref(props.replace) ? 'replace' : 'push']( unref(props.to) // avoid uncaught errors are they are logged anyway ).catch(noop) } return Promise.resolve() }

createRouter 函数中,可以看到 push 函数直接调用了 pushWithRedirect 函数来实现,内部通过 resolve(to) 生成 targetLocation 变量。这个变量会赋值给 toLocation,然后执行 navigate(toLocation) 函数。而这个函数内部会执行一系列的导航守卫函数,最后会执行 finalizeNavigation 函数完成导航。

function push(to: RouteLocationRaw | RouteLocation) { return pushWithRedirect(to)}
function replace(to: RouteLocationRaw | RouteLocationNormalized) { return push(assign(locationAsObject(to), { replace: true }))}// 路由跳转函数function pushWithRedirect( to: RouteLocationRaw | RouteLocation, redirectedFrom?: RouteLocation): Promise<NavigationFailure | void | undefined> { const targetLocation: RouteLocation = (pendingLocation = resolve(to)) const from = currentRoute.value const data: HistoryState | undefined = (to as RouteLocationOptions).state const force: boolean | undefined = (to as RouteLocationOptions).force // to could be a string where `replace` is a function const replace = (to as RouteLocationOptions).replace === true

const toLocation = targetLocation as RouteLocationNormalized
return (failure ? Promise.resolve(failure) : navigate(toLocation, from)) .catch((error: NavigationFailure | NavigationRedirectError) => isNavigationFailure(error) ? error : // reject any unknown error triggerError(error, toLocation, from) ) .then((failure: NavigationFailure | NavigationRedirectError | void) => {
failure = finalizeNavigation( toLocation as RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, from, true, replace, data )
triggerAfterEach( toLocation as RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, from, failure ) return failure })}

finalizeNavigation 函数内部通过 routerHistory.push 或者 replace 实现路由跳转,并且更新 currentRoute.value。

currentRoute 就是我们在 install 方法中注册的全局变量 route,每次页面跳转currentRoute都会更新为toLocation,在任意组件中都可以通过route 变量来获取当前路由的数据,最后在 handleScroll 设置滚动行为

routerHistory 在 createRouter 中通过 option.history 获取,就是我们创建 vue-router 应用时通过 createWebHistory 或者 createWebHashHistory 创建的对象。createWebHistory 返回的是 HTML5 的 history 模式路由对象,createWebHashHistory 是 Hash 模式的路由对象。

function finalizeNavigation( toLocation: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, from: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, isPush: boolean, replace?: boolean, data?: HistoryState): NavigationFailure | void {

const isFirstNavigation = from === START_LOCATION_NORMALIZED const state = !isBrowser ? {} : history.state
if (isPush) {
if (replace || isFirstNavigation) routerHistory.replace( toLocation.fullPath ) else routerHistory.push(toLocation.fullPath, data) }
// accept current navigation currentRoute.value = toLocation handleScroll(toLocation, from, isPush, isFirstNavigation)
markAsReady() } function markAsReady(err?: any): void { if (ready) return ready = true setupListeners() readyHandlers .list() .forEach(([resolve, reject]) => (err ? reject(err) : resolve())) readyHandlers.reset() }

createWebHashHistory 和 createWebHistory 的实现,内部都是通过 useHistoryListeners 实现路由的监听,通过 useHistoryStateNavigation 实现路由的切换。useHistoryStateNavigation 会返回 push 或者 replace 方法来更新路由,这两个函数你可以在GitHub上自行学习github.com

export function createWebHashHistory(base?: string): RouterHistory { base = location.host ? base || location.pathname + location.search : '' // allow the user to provide a `#` in the middle: `/base/#/app` if (!base.includes('#')) base += '#' return createWebHistory(base)}

export function createWebHistory(base?: string): RouterHistory { base = normalizeBase(base)
const historyNavigation = useHistoryStateNavigation(base) const historyListeners = useHistoryListeners( base, historyNavigation.state, historyNavigation.location, historyNavigation.replace ) function go(delta: number, triggerListeners = true) { if (!triggerListeners) historyListeners.pauseListeners() history.go(delta) }
const routerHistory: RouterHistory = assign( { // it's overridden right after location: '', base, go, createHref: createHref.bind(null, base), },
historyNavigation, historyListeners )
Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'location', { enumerable: true, get: () => historyNavigation.location.value, })
Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'state', { enumerable: true, get: () => historyNavigation.state.value, })
return routerHistory}

createRouter 函数入口函数,createRouter 函数返回了 router 对象,router 对象提供了 addRoute、push 等方法,并且在 install 方法中实现了路由,注册了组件 router-link 和 router-view

然后通过 createRouterMatcher 创建路由匹配对象,并且在路由变化的时候维护 currentRoute,让你可以在每个组件内部 router和route 获取路由匹配的数据,并且动态渲染当前路由匹配的组件到 router-view 组件内部,实现了前端的路由系统。