

extern int mysqld_main(int argc, char **argv);
int main(int argc, char **argv){ return mysqld_main(argc, argv);}


my_progname= argv[0];


#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(HAVE_SMEM) handle_connections_methods();#else handle_connections_sockets();#endif /* _WIN32 || HAVE_SMEM */


 if (!(thd= new THD)) { (void) mysql_socket_shutdown(new_sock, SHUT_RDWR); (void) mysql_socket_close(new_sock); statistic_increment(connection_errors_internal, &LOCK_status); continue; }
bool is_unix_sock= (mysql_socket_getfd(sock) == mysql_socket_getfd(unix_sock)); enum_vio_type vio_type= (is_unix_sock ? VIO_TYPE_SOCKET : VIO_TYPE_TCPIP); uint vio_flags= (is_unix_sock ? VIO_LOCALHOST : 0);
vio_tmp= mysql_socket_vio_new(new_sock, vio_type, vio_flags);
if (!vio_tmp || my_net_init(&thd->net, vio_tmp)) { /* Only delete the temporary vio if we didn't already attach it to the NET object. The destructor in THD will delete any initialized net structure. */ if (vio_tmp && thd->net.vio != vio_tmp) vio_delete(vio_tmp); else { (void) mysql_socket_shutdown(new_sock, SHUT_RDWR); (void) mysql_socket_close(new_sock); } delete thd; statistic_increment(connection_errors_internal, &LOCK_status); continue; } init_net_server_extension(thd); if (mysql_socket_getfd(sock) == mysql_socket_getfd(unix_sock)) thd->security_ctx->set_host((char*) my_localhost);
create_new_thread(thd); }


/* Initialize scheduler for --thread-handling=one-thread-per-connection*/
#ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARYvoid one_thread_per_connection_scheduler(){ scheduler_init(); one_thread_per_connection_scheduler_functions.max_threads= max_connections; thread_scheduler= &one_thread_per_connection_scheduler_functions;}#endif


MYSQL_CALLBACK(thread_scheduler, add_connection, (thd))


 if ((error= mysql_thread_create(key_thread_one_connection, &thd->real_id, &connection_attrib, handle_one_connection, (void*) thd)))


 thd->m_server_idle= true; packet_length= my_net_read(net); thd->m_server_idle= false;


size_t vio_read(Vio *vio, uchar *buf, size_t size){ ssize_t ret; int flags= 0; DBUG_ENTER("vio_read");
/* Ensure nobody uses vio_read_buff and vio_read simultaneously. */ DBUG_ASSERT(vio->read_end == vio->read_pos);
/* If timeout is enabled, do not block if data is unavailable. */ if (vio->read_timeout >= 0) flags= VIO_DONTWAIT;
while ((ret= mysql_socket_recv(vio->mysql_socket, (SOCKBUF_T *)buf, size, flags)) == -1) { int error= socket_errno;
/* The operation would block? */ if (error != SOCKET_EAGAIN && error != SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK) break;
/* Wait for input data to become available. */ if ((ret= vio_socket_io_wait(vio, VIO_IO_EVENT_READ))) break; }


int recv( SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags);result= recv(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags);
command= (enum enum_server_command) (uchar) packet[0];


bool dispatch_command(enum enum_server_command command, THD *thd, char* packet, uint packet_length){ switch (command) { case COM_INIT_DB: ... case SQLCOM_EXECUTE: { mysql_sql_stmt_execute(thd); break; } case SQLCOM_DEALLOCATE_PREPARE: { mysql_sql_stmt_close(thd); break; }
/* and so on for 18 other cases */ default: send_error(thd, ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR); break; }


mysql_execute_command(THD *thd){ case SQLCOM_REPLACE:#ifndef DBUG_OFF if (mysql_bin_log.is_open()) { /* Generate an incident log event before writing the real event to the binary log. We put this event is before the statement since that makes it simpler to check that the statement was not executed on the slave (since incidents usually stop the slave).
Observe that any row events that are generated will be generated before.
This is only for testing purposes and will not be present in a release build. */
Incident incident= INCIDENT_NONE; DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Just before generate_incident()")); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("incident_database_resync_on_replace", incident= INCIDENT_LOST_EVENTS;); if (incident) { Incident_log_event ev(thd, incident); if (mysql_bin_log.write_incident(&ev, true/*need_lock_log=true*/)) { res= 1; break; } } DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Just after generate_incident()")); }#endif case SQLCOM_INSERT: { DBUG_ASSERT(first_table == all_tables && first_table != 0);
/* Since INSERT DELAYED doesn't support temporary tables, we could not pre-open temporary tables for SQLCOM_INSERT / SQLCOM_REPLACE. Open them here instead. */ if (first_table->lock_type != TL_WRITE_DELAYED) { if ((res= open_temporary_tables(thd, all_tables))) break; }
if ((res= insert_precheck(thd, all_tables))) break;
MYSQL_INSERT_START(thd->query()); res= mysql_insert(thd, all_tables, lex->field_list, lex->many_values, lex->update_list, lex->value_list, lex->duplicates, lex->ignore); MYSQL_INSERT_DONE(res, (ulong) thd->get_row_count_func()); /* If we have inserted into a VIEW, and the base table has AUTO_INCREMENT column, but this column is not accessible through a view, then we should restore LAST_INSERT_ID to the value it had before the statement. */ if (first_table->view && !first_table->contain_auto_increment) thd->first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt= thd->first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt;
DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("after_mysql_insert", { const char act[]= "now " "wait_for signal.continue"; DBUG_ASSERT(opt_debug_sync_timeout > 0); DBUG_ASSERT(!debug_sync_set_action(current_thd, STRING_WITH_LEN(act))); };); break; } case SQLCOM_REPLACE_SELECT: case SQLCOM_INSERT_SELECT:


 error= write_record(thd, table, &info, &update);


int handler::ha_write_row(uchar *buf){ int error; Log_func *log_func= Write_rows_log_event::binlog_row_logging_function; DBUG_ASSERT(table_share->tmp_table != NO_TMP_TABLE || m_lock_type == F_WRLCK);
DBUG_ENTER("handler::ha_write_row"); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("inject_error_ha_write_row", DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); );
MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_START(table_share->db.str, table_share->table_name.str); mark_trx_read_write();
MYSQL_TABLE_IO_WAIT(m_psi, PSI_TABLE_WRITE_ROW, MAX_KEY, 0, { error= write_row(buf); })
MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_DONE(error); if (unlikely(error)) DBUG_RETURN(error);
if (unlikely(error= binlog_log_row(table, 0, buf, log_func))) DBUG_RETURN(error); /* purecov: inspected */
DEBUG_SYNC_C("ha_write_row_end"); DBUG_RETURN(0);}


 virtual int write_row(uchar *buf MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) { return HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND;  }


int ha_tina::write_row(uchar * buf){ int size; DBUG_ENTER("ha_tina::write_row");
size= encode_quote(buf);
if (!share->tina_write_opened) if (init_tina_writer()) DBUG_RETURN(-1);
/* use pwrite, as concurrent reader could have changed the position */ if (mysql_file_write(share->tina_write_filedes, (uchar*)buffer.ptr(), size, MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP))) DBUG_RETURN(-1);
/* update local copy of the max position to see our own changes */ local_saved_data_file_length+= size;
/* update shared info */ mysql_mutex_lock(&share->mutex); share->rows_recorded++; /* update status for the log tables */ if (share->is_log_table) update_status(); mysql_mutex_unlock(&share->mutex);
stats.records++; DBUG_RETURN(0);}