
论文推送| 基于模糊C均值聚类算法的传感器部署策略:面向室内环境安全与健康的在线控制

论文推送| 基于模糊C均值聚类算法的传感器部署策略:面向室内环境安全与健康的在线控制


Sensor deployment strategy using cluster analysis of FuzzyC-Means Algorithm: Towards online control of indoor environment’s safety and health

Authors: Shi-Jie Cao, Junwei Ding, Chen Ren

Sustainable cities and society


论文推送| 基于模糊C均值聚类算法的传感器部署策略:面向室内环境安全与健康的在线控制

摘  要

传感器监测在室内环境控制和节能方面起着非常重要的作用。然而,考虑到传感器的数量和位置,在讨论传感器部署的方法和策略时始终是一个具有挑战性的任务。因此,本研究旨在利用模糊c均值(FCM)算法的聚类方法,为高效的室内环境监测提供一套系统的传感器部署方法。以实验室内为通风基础。应用低维线性通风模型(LLVM)生成一系列低维污染物浓度,代表潜在的假设监测数据。然后采用FCM算法对这些数据以及相应的网格点进行聚类,划分为三个区域,即主流区域、主要扩散区域和良好混合区域。然后确定每个区域的簇中心,表示为传感器部署的位置。最后,以集群中心为假设的传感器位置和相应的浓度作为输入LLVM-based ANN(人工神经网络),预测二氧化碳浓度也同意直接从低维CFD模拟的结果的最大误差为6.5%。该工作将进一步促进人工智能通风系统的实现和室内环境的有效控制。
[关键词]  传感器布置策略;室内空气品质; 模糊聚类分析;人工神经网络;低维线性通风模型

Sensor monitoring plays a very important role in indoor environment control and energy efficiency. However, it is always a challenging task when discussing the methods and strategy for sensor deployment, considering its numbers and locations. Thus, this work aims to provide a systematic methodology of sensor deployment for efficient indoor environment monitoring by using clustering method of Fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm. An experimental chamber was considered for ventilation basis. Low-dimensional Linear Ventilation Models (LLVM) were applied to generate a series of low-dimensional pollutant concentrations, representing the potential hypothetic monitoring data. FCM algorithm was then adopted to cluster these data as well as corresponding grid points classified by three zones, i.e., main flow, main diffusion and well-mixed zones. Then the cluster centers of each zone were determined representing as the locations of sensor deployment. Lastly, taking the cluster centers as the hypothetic sensor locations and corresponding concentrations as the input for LLVM-based ANN (Artificial Neural Network), the predicted volume-averaged CO2 concentrations agree well with the simulated ones directly from low-dimensional CFD results, with the maximal error of 6.5 %. This work will be further facilitating the realization of artificial intelligent ventilation system and efficient indoor environment control.

Sensor deployment strategy;Indoor air quality (IAQ);Fuzzy cluster analysis;Artificial Neural Network (ANN);Low dimensional Linear Ventilation Model (LLVM)

论文推送| 基于模糊C均值聚类算法的传感器部署策略:面向室内环境安全与健康的在线控制


室内空气品质(IAQ)影响公众的生活质量和健康。暴露于空气污染物(高浓度的二氧化碳、挥发性有机化合物、颗粒物或微生物污染物)可能导致急性的过敏反应慢性的健康问题。一些突发性的公共卫生事件(甲类传染病、生化武器等),污染物在大空间内快速扩散,如果不能有效控制将严重危及室内居民的健康安全。传统的建筑通风系统往往使用单一模式的气流组织并且在设定的通风速率下运行,消耗大量能量的同时还不能保证污染物的有效去除,不利于构建安全、健康、节能的建筑环境。随着物联网监测、低成本传感器技术等新兴技术的快速发展,传感器监测在室内环境参数(温度、湿度、污染物浓度)控制和建筑节能方面起着越来越重要的作用。任宸、曹世杰提出由 “监测”、 “预测”和 “控制”三个模块组成的智能通风系统,利用有限传感器获取的监测数据作为快速预测模型输入,实现室内环境参数的快速预测和HVAC系统的在线控制。



论文推送| 基于模糊C均值聚类算法的传感器部署策略:面向室内环境安全与健康的在线控制


通过监测”、 “预测”和 “控制”这三个步骤,在快速预测和评估不同通风方式下污染物非均匀的浓度分布的基础上,进行通风方式的快速决定性调整。因此,我们利用有限的在线监测数据,将在线监测浓度作为人工神经网络训练和预测的输入,进一步发展上述模型,实现对室内污染物分布的快于实时预测。

通过使用低维线性通风模型(LLVM)生成不同工况下的低维污染分布浓度进行模糊聚类分析(FCM),将室内的送风环境分为送风主流区域、污染扩散区域充分混合区域三个区域。我们的快速预测模型将污染源信息(位置和强度)作为ANN训练的参数,以聚类中心作为传感器位置,相应的浓度数据作为快速预测模型(LLVM-based ANN)的输入,预测室内二氧化碳浓度的低维分布并与实际的CFD模拟数据进行了误差分析。

论文推送| 基于模糊C均值聚类算法的传感器部署策略:面向室内环境安全与健康的在线控制

Fig. 1 Schematicrepresentation of LLVM-based FCM (dots circle Red represents the clustercenter).

论文推送| 基于模糊C均值聚类算法的传感器部署策略:面向室内环境安全与健康的在线控制

Fig. 2 Theclustering results of hypothetic monitoring points and two categorized caseswith the pollutant source position of A and ABDE, divided by (a) 3 × 3 × 3

cubes, Row 1 and3; (b) 5 × 4 × 3 cubes, Row 2 and 4. (Cluster center is lined by red and zone labelindicated above).

论文推送| 基于模糊C均值聚类算法的传感器部署策略:面向室内环境安全与健康的在线控制



Fig. 3 Comparisonof low-dimensional CO2 concentration fields obtained from LLVM-based ANN (usingsensor data in the monitoring zones as inputs) and CFD

validation whenACH equals to 11 [(a): the case with source position A, 3 × 3 × 3; (b): thecase with source position ABDE, 3 × 3 × 3; (c): the case with source

position A, 5 × 4× 3; (d): the case with source position ABDE, 5 × 4 × 3].


Shi-Jie Cao, Junwei Ding, Chen Ren. Sensor deployment strategy usingcluster analysis of Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm: Towards online control of indoorenvironment’s safety and health. Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume59, 2020, 102190, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102190.