【C++/Python3/C】LeetCode#35 1984. 学生分数的最小差值 题解:滑动窗口、排序 Easy
You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums, where nums[i] represents the score of the ith student. You are also given an integer k.
Pick the scores of any k students from the array so that the difference between the highest and the lowest of the k scores is minimized.
Return the minimum possible difference.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [90], k = 1
Output: 0
There is one way to pick score(s) of one student:[90]. The difference between the highest and lowest score is 90 - 90 = 0.The minimum possible difference is 0.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [9,4,1,7], k = 2
Output: 2
Explanation: There are six ways to pick score(s) of two students:
1 <= k <= nums.length <= 1000 -
0 <= nums[i] <= 10^5
给你一个 下标从 0 开始 的整数数组 nums ,其中 nums[i] 表示第 i 名学生的分数。另给你一个整数 k 。
从数组中选出任意 k 名学生的分数,使这 k 个分数间 最高分 和 最低分 的 差值 达到 最小化 。
返回可能的 最小差值 。
示例 1:
输入:nums = [90], k = 1
解释:选出 1 名学生的分数,仅有 1 种方法:[90] 最高分和最低分之间的差值是 90 - 90 = 0,可能的最小差值是 0
示例 2:
输入:nums = [9,4,1,7], k = 2
解释:选出 2 名学生的分数,有 6 种方法:
[9,4,1,7] 最高分和最低分之间的差值是 9 - 4 = 5 -
[9,4,1,7] 最高分和最低分之间的差值是 9 - 1 = 8 -
[9,4,1,7] 最高分和最低分之间的差值是 9 - 7 = 2 -
[9,4,1,7] 最高分和最低分之间的差值是 4 - 1 = 3 -
[9,4,1,7] 最高分和最低分之间的差值是 7 - 4 = 3 -
[9,4,1,7] 最高分和最低分之间的差值是 7 - 1 = 6
可能的最小差值是 2
1 <= k <= nums.length <= 1000 -
0 <= nums[i] <= 10^5
排序sort()、滑动窗口 -
class Solution {
int minimumDifference(vector<int>& nums, int k)
sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
int n = nums.size();
int ans = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i <= n - k; ++i)
ans = min(ans, nums[i + k - 1] - nums[i]);
return ans;
class Solution:
def minimumDifference(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
n = len(nums)
ans = float("inf") # 无穷大,类似C++中的INT_MAX
for i in range(n - k + 1):
ans = min(ans, nums[i + k - 1] - nums[i])
return ans
int cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
return *(int *)a - *(int *)b;
int minimumDifference(int* nums, int numsSize, int k)
qsort(nums, numsSize, sizeof(int), cmp);
int min = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < numsSize - k + 1; i++)
min = min < nums[i + k - 1] - nums[i] ? min : nums[i + k - 1] - nums[i];
return min;