Oracle Database 21c 数据库的 JSON 数据类型验证测试。
JSON数据类型从Oracle Database 12c开始引入。JSON数据类型最开始以VARCHAR2或者CLOB的数据类型,配合CHECK约束来实现。
1、You can use the JSON data type to store JSON data natively in binary format. This improves query performance because textual JSON data no longer needs to be parsed.
2、You can create JSON type instances from other SQL data, and conversely.
3、You must set the database initialization parameter compatible to 20 in order to use the new JSON data type.
4、The other SQL data types that support JSON data, besides JSON type, are VARCHAR2 , CLOB ,and BLOB . Non-JSON type data is called textual, or serialized, JSON data. It is unparsed character data.
5、You can use the JSON constructor function to convert textual JSON data to JSON type data.
6、To convert JSON type data to textual data, you can use the JSON_SERIALIZE function.
7、You can create complex JSON type data from non- JSON type data using the JSON generation functions: JSON_OBJECT , JSON_ARRAY , JSON_OBJECTAGG , and JSON_ARRAYAGG .
8、You can create a JSON type instance with a scalar JSON value using the function JSON_SCALAR .
9、In the other direction, you can use the function JSON_VALUE to query JSON type data and return an instance of a SQL object type or collection type.