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使用 Fyne 构建跨平台 GUI 应用程序
- Become well-versed with the history of GUI development and how Fyne and the Golang programming language make it easier
- Explore how the Fyne toolkit is architected and the various modules are provided
- Discover how Fyne apps can be tested and constructed using best practices
- Construct five complete applications and deploy them to your devices
- Customize the design of your apps by extending widgets and themes
- Understand the separation and presentation of data and how to test and build applications that present dynamic data
使用 Go 实现高性能实践
- Organize and manipulate data effectively with clusters and job queues
- Explore commonly applied Go data structures and algorithms
- Write anonymous functions in Go to build reusable apps
- Profile and trace Go apps to reduce bottlenecks and improve efficiency
- Deploy, monitor, and iterate Go programs with a focus on performance
- Dive into memory management and CPU and GPU parallelism in Go
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