




Alcatel provides end-to-end solutions.It enables enterprises to deliver content to any type of user.lcatel operates in 130 countries.Alcatel focus on optimizing their service offerings and revenue streams





struct edge { char word[21]; int lines[201], numnow;};




      首先,我们需要知道,在以文件形式进行输入的时候,如果使用while循环,当输入函数(fscanf,fgetc,scanf等)读取到文件末尾时会返回EOF(end of file),而EOF在stdio.h头文件中已有定义(如下)。

#define EOF (-1)
int __cdecl fgetc(FILE *_File);int __cdecl fscanf(FILE * __restrict__ _File,const char * __restrict__ _Format,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN;



int __cdecl ungetc(int _Ch,FILE *_File);



void pickaword (char a[]){              //rid all illegal signatures int i; for (i = 0; a[i] != '\0' && a[i] != ',' && a[i] != '.'; i ++); a[i] = '\0';}





for(int i = 0; i < structnums - 1; i ++) {                    //sort for (int j = 0; j < structnums - i - 1; j ++) { if (strcmp(words[j].word, words[j + 1].word) >= 0) { tempstruct = words[j]; words[j] = words[j + 1]; words[j + 1] = tempstruct; } } }





#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>
struct edge { char word[21]; int lines[201], numnow;}words[201], tempstruct;
bool ifaword (char a[]) { //used to judge if a string is legal word int len = strlen(a); if (len == 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++) { if (!((a[i] >= 'a' && a[i] <= 'z') || (a[i] >= 'A' && a[i] <= 'Z') || (a[i] == '-' && i != 0))) return false; } if (strcmp ("a", a) == 0 || strcmp ("an", a) == 0 || strcmp ("the", a) == 0 || strcmp ("and", a) == 0) return false; return true;}
void pickaword (char a[]){ //rid all illegal signatures int i; for (i = 0; a[i] != '\0' && a[i] != ',' && a[i] != '.'; i ++); a[i] = '\0';}
int main() { memset (words, 0, sizeof (words)); FILE* fpin = fopen ("crossin.txt", "r"); if (fpin == NULL) return 0; int lines = 1, structnums = 0; char testpoint, tempword[21]; //use a testpoint to test if is a space or the end of line or file while ((testpoint = fgetc (fpin)) != EOF){ //if the testpoint is end of file bool ifanew = true; if (testpoint == '\n'){ //end of the line lines ++; continue; } else if (testpoint == ' ') continue; //a space else{ ungetc (testpoint, fpin); //load the charactor back to the file in case one-letter-word appear fscanf (fpin, "%s", tempword); } pickaword (tempword);    for (int i = 0; i < structnums; i ++) {                                   //judge if this is a new word if (strcmp (tempword, words[i].word) == 0) { words[i].lines[words[i].numnow ++] = lines; ifanew = false; break; } } if (ifanew){ strcpy (words[structnums].word, tempword); words[structnums].lines[words[structnums].numnow] = lines; words[structnums].numnow ++; structnums ++; } } fclose (fpin); for(int i = 0; i < structnums - 1; i ++) { //sort for (int j = 0; j < structnums - i - 1; j ++) { if (strcmp(words[j].word, words[j + 1].word) >= 0) { tempstruct = words[j]; words[j] = words[j + 1]; words[j + 1] = tempstruct; } } } FILE* fpout = fopen ("crossout.txt", "w"); if (fpout == NULL) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < structnums; i ++) { if (!ifaword(words[i].word)) continue; fprintf (fpout, "%s:", words[i].word); if (words[i].numnow == 1) fprintf (fpout, "%d\n", words[i].lines[0]); else{ for (int j = 0; j < words[i].numnow; j ++) { if (j == 0) fprintf (fpout, "%d", words[i].lines[0]); else if (words[i].lines[j] != words[i].lines[j - 1]) fprintf (fpout, ",%d", words[i].lines[j]); if (j == words[i].numnow - 1) fprintf (fpout, "\n"); } } } fclose (fpout); return 0;}