
Nacos 1.3.0-BETA 即将来袭,这次来波大的!



  1. nacos-core模块修改

    a. nacos集群节点成员寻址模式的统一管理

    b. nacos内部事件机制

    c. nacos一致性协议层

  2. nacos-config模块修改

    a. 新增内嵌分布式数据存储组件

    b. 内嵌存储与外置存储细分

    c. 内嵌存储简单运维

  3. nacos-consistency模块新增

    a. 对于AP协议以及CP协议的统一抽象



在1.3.0-BETA之前,nacos的naming模块以及config模块存在各自的集群成员节点列表管理任务。为了统一nacos集群下成员列表的寻址模式,将集群节点管理的实现从naming模块以及config模块剥离出来,统一下沉到了core模块的寻址模式,同时新增命令参数 -Dnacos.member.list进行设置nacos集群节点列表,该参数可以看作是 cluster.conf 文件的一个替代。前nacos的寻址模式类别如下:

  • a. 单机模式:StandaloneMemberLookup

  • b. 集群模式:

  • i.cluster.conf 件存在:FileConfigMemberLookup

  • ii.nacos.member.discovery==true:DiscoveryMemberLookup

  • iii.cluster.conf 件不存在或者 -Dnacos.member.list没有设置:AddressServerMemberLookup

逻辑图如下:Nacos 1.3.0-BETA 即将来袭,这次来波大的!

本次还新增成员节点元数据信息,如site、raft_port、adweight、weight,以支持将来在成员节点之间做相应的负载均衡或者其他操作,因此cluster.conf 件中配置集群成员节点列表的格式如下:

  1. 1172.20.10.7:7001?raft_port=8001&site=unknown&adweight=0&weight=1

该格式完全兼容原本的 cluster.conf格式,用户在使用 1.3.0-BETA版本时, 无需改动 cluster.conf文件的内容。




该寻址模式是基于 cluster.conf文件进行管理的,每个节点会读取各 ${nacos.home}/conf下的 cluster.conf 件内的成员节点列表,然后组成一个集群。并且在首次读取完 ${nacos.home}/conf下的 cluster.conf文件后,会自动向操作系统的inotify机制注册一个目录监听器,监听 ${nacos.home}/conf目录下的所有文件变动(注意,这里只会监听文件,对于目录下的文件变动无法监听),当需要进行集群节点扩缩容时,需要手动去修改每个节点各自 ${nacos.home}/conf下的 cluster.conf的成员节点列表内容。

  1. private FileWatcher watcher = new FileWatcher() {

  2. @Override

  3. public void onChange(FileChangeEvent event) {

  4. readClusterConfFromDisk();

  5. }

  6. @Override

  7. public boolean interest(String context) {

  8. return StringUtils.contains(context, "cluster.conf");

  9. }

  10. };

  11. @Override

  12. public void run() throws NacosException {

  13. readClusterConfFromDisk();

  14. if (memberManager.getServerList().isEmpty()) {

  15. throw new NacosException(NacosException.SERVER_ERROR,

  16. "Failed to initialize the member node, is empty" );

  17. }

  18. // Use the inotify mechanism to monitor file changes and automat ically

  19. // trigger the reading of cluster.conf

  20. try {

  21. WatchFileCenter.registerWatcher(ApplicationUtils.getConfFile Path(), watcher);

  22. }

  23. catch (Throwable e) {

  24. Loggers.CLUSTER.error("An exception occurred in the launch f ile monitor : {}", e);

  25. }

  26. }

首次启动时直接读取 cluster.conf文件内的节点列表信息,然后向 WatchFileCenter注册一个目录监听器,当 cluster.conf 文件发生变动时自动触发 readClusterConfFromDisk()重新读取 cluster.conf文件。


该寻址模式是基于一个额外的web服务器来管理 cluster.conf,每个节点定期向该web服务器请求 cluster.conf的文件内容,然后实现集群节点间的寻址,以及扩缩容。

  1. public void init(ServerMemberManager memberManager) throws NacosExce ption {

  2. super.init(memberManager);

  3. initAddressSys();

  4. this.maxFailCount =Integer.parseInt(ApplicationUtils.getProperty("maxHealthCheckFailCount", "12"));

  5. }

  6. private void initAddressSys() {

  7. String envDomainName = System.getenv("address_server_domain");

  8. if (StringUtils.isBlank(envDomainName)) {

  9. domainName = System.getProperty("address.server.domain", "jm env.tbsite.net");

  10. } else {

  11. domainName = envDomainName;

  12. }

  13. String envAddressPort = System.getenv("address_server_port");

  14. if (StringUtils.isBlank(envAddressPort)) {

  15. addressPort = System.getProperty("address.server.port", "8080");

  16. } else {

  17. addressPort = envAddressPort;

  18. }

  19. addressUrl = System.getProperty("address.server.url", memberManager.getContextPath() + "/" + "serverlist");

  20. addressServerUrl = "http://" + domainName + ":" + addressPort + addressUrl;envIdUrl = "http://" + domainName + ":" + addressPort + "/env";

  21. Loggers.CORE.info("ServerListService address-server port:" + addressPort);

  22. Loggers.CORE.info("ADDRESS_SERVER_URL:" + addressServerUrl);

  23. }

  24. @SuppressWarnings("PMD.UndefineMagicConstantRule")

  25. @Override

  26. public void run() throws NacosException {

  27. // With the address server, you need to perform a synchronous me mber node pull at startup

  28. // Repeat three times, successfully jump out

  29. boolean success = false;

  30. Throwable ex = null;

  31. int maxRetry = ApplicationUtils.getProperty("nacos.core.address-server.retry", Integer.class, 5);

  32. for (int i = 0; i < maxRetry; i ++) {

  33. try {

  34. syncFromAddressUrl();

  35. success = true;

  36. break;

  37. } catch (Throwable e) {

  38. ex = e;

  39. Loggers.CLUSTER.error("[serverlist] exception, error : {}", ex);

  40. }

  41. }

  42. if (!success) {

  43. throw new NacosException(NacosException.SERVER_ERROR, ex);;

  44. }

  45. task = new AddressServerSyncTask();

  46. GlobalExecutor.scheduleSyncJob(task, 5_000L);

  47. }


该寻址模式是新增的集群节点发现模式,该模式需要 cluster.conf或者 -Dnacos.member.list提供初始化集群节点列表,假设已有集群cluster-one中有A、B、C三个节点,新节点D要加集群,那么只需要节点D在启动时的集群节点列表存在A、B、C三个中的一个即可,然后节点之间会相互同步各自知道的集群节点列表,在一定的是时间内,A、B、C、D四个节点知道的集群节点成员列表都会是[A、B、C、D]在执行集群节点列表同步时,会随机选取K个处于UP状态的节点进行同步。

  1. Collection<Member> members = MemberUtils.kRandom(memberManager, membe r -> {

  2. // local node or node check failed will not perform task processing

  3. if (memberManager.isSelf(member) || !member.check ()) {

  4. return false;

  5. }

  6. NodeState state = member.getState();

  7. return !(state == NodeState.DOWN || state == Node State.SUSPICIOUS);

  8. });







  1. ip[:port]

  2. ip[:port]

  3. ip[:port]



  1. ip[:port][:RPC_PORT]

  2. ip[:port][:RPC_PORT]

  3. ip[:port][:RPC_PORT]

对于之前的 cluster.conf是完全支持的,因为nacos内部可以通过一些计算来约定 RPC_PORT的端口值,也可以通过显示的设置来约定。通过计算来约定RPC_PORT的代码如下:

  1. // member port

  2. int port = Member.getPort();

  3. // Set the default Raft port information for security

  4. int rpcPort = port + 1000 >= 65535 ? port + 1 : port + 1000;

但是这样会有一个问题,即如果用户手动设置了 RPC_PORT的话,那么对于客户端、服务端来说,感知新的 RPC_PORT就要修改对应的配置文件或者初始化参数。因此希望说能够让用户无感知的过渡到 RPC_PORT通信通道,即用户需要对RPC协议使用的端口无需自己在进行设置。


端口协商即利用目前已有的HTTP接口,将RPC协议占用的端口通过HTTP接口进行查询返回,这样无论是客户端还是服务端,都无需修改目前已有的初始化参数或者 cluster.conf文件,其大致时序图如下:

Nacos 1.3.0-BETA 即将来袭,这次来波大的!




  • 目前持久化服务使用了变种版本的raft,并且业务和raft协议耦合,因此需要抽离解耦,同时是选择一个标准的Java版Raft实现。

  • 对于中小用户,配置基本不超过100个,独立一个mysql,相对重一些,需要一个轻量化的存储方案,并且支持2.0不依赖mysql和3.0依赖mysql可配置能力。

  • 由于CP或者AP,其存在多种实现,如何对一致性协议层做一次很好的抽象,以便将来可以快速的实现底层一致性协议具体实现的替换,如Raft协议,目前nacos的选型是JRaft,不排除将来nacos会自己实现一个标准raft协议或者实现Paxos协议。

  • 由于Nacos存在多个独立工作的功能模块,每个功能模块之间不能出现影响,比如A模块处理请求过慢或者出现异常时,不能影响B模块的正常工作,即每个功能模块在使用一致性协议时,如何将每个模块的数据处理进行隔离?





  1. /**

  2. * Has nothing to do with the specific implementation of the consist ency protocol

  3. * Initialization sequence:init(Config)

  4. *

  5. * <ul>

  6. * <li>{@link Config} : Relevant configuration information requi red by the consistency protocol,

  7. * for example, the Raft protocol needs to set the election time out time, the location where

  8. * the Log is stored, and the snapshot task execution interval</ li>

  9. * <li>{@link ConsistencyProtocol#protocolMetaData()} : Returns metadata information of the consistency

  10. * protocol, such as leader, term, and other metadata informatio n in the Raft protocol</li>

  11. * </ul>

  12. *

  13. * @author <a href="mailto:liaochuntao@live.com">liaochuntao</a>

  14. */

  15. public interface ConsistencyProtocol<T extends Config> extends CommandOperations {

  16. /**

  17. * Consistency protocol initialization: perform initialization o perations based

  18. on the incoming Config

  19. * 一致性协议初始化,根据 Config 实现类

  20. *

  21. * @param config {@link Config}

  22. */

  23. void init(T config);

  24. /**

  25. * Copy of metadata information for this consensus protocol

  26. * 该一致性协议的元数据信息

  27. *

  28. * @return metaData {@link ProtocolMetaData}

  29. */

  30. ProtocolMetaData protocolMetaData();

  31. /**

  32. * Obtain data according to the request

  33. * 数据获取操作,根据GetRequest中的请求上下文进行查询相应的数据

  34. *

  35. * @param request request

  36. * @return data {@link GetRequest}

  37. * @throws Exception

  38. */

  39. GetResponse getData(GetRequest request) throws Exception;

  40. /**

  41. * Data operation, returning submission results synchronously

  42. * 同步数据提交,在 Datum 中已携带相应的数据操作信息

  43. *

  44. * @param data {@link Log}

  45. * @return submit operation result

  46. * @throws Exception

  47. */

  48. LogFuture submit(Log data) throws Exception;

  49. /**

  50. * Data submission operation, returning submission results async hronously

  51. * 异步数据提交,在 Datum 中已携带相应的数据操作信息,返回一个Future,自行操作,提交发 的异常会在CompleteFuture中

  52. *

  53. * @param data {@link Log}

  54. * @return {@link CompletableFuture<LogFuture>} submit result

  55. * @throws Exception when submit throw Exception

  56. */

  57. CompletableFuture<LogFuture> submitAsync(Log data);

  58. /**

  59. * New member list

  60. * 新的成员节点列表,一致性协议处理相应的成员节点是加入还是离开

  61. *

  62. * @param addresses [ip:port, ip:port, ...]

  63. */

  64. void memberChange(Set<String> addresses);

  65. /**

  66. * Consistency agreement service shut down

  67. * 一致性协议服务关闭

  68. */

  69. void shutdown();

  70. }


  1. public interface CPProtocol<C extends Config> extends ConsistencyPro tocol<C> {

  2. /**

  3. * Returns whether this node is a leader node

  4. *

  5. * @param group business module info

  6. * @return is leader

  7. * @throws Exception

  8. */

  9. boolean isLeader(String group) throws Exception;

  10. }



1. 数据修改

  • 数据修改操作,一定要知道本次请求是属于哪一个功能模块的。

  • 数据修改操作,首先一定要知道这个数据的修改操作具体是哪一种修改操作,方便功能模块针对真正的数据修改操作进行相应的逻辑操作。

  • 数据修改操作,一定要知道修改的数据是什么,即请求体,为了使得一致性协议层更为通用,这里对于请求体的数据结构,选择了byte[]数组。

  • 数据的类型,由于我们将真正的数据序列化为了byte[]数组,为了能够正常序列化,我们可能还需要记录这个数据的类型是什么。

  • 本次请求的信息摘要或者标识信息。

  • 本次请求的额外信息,用于将来扩展需要传输的数据


  1. message Log {

  2. // 功能模块分组信息

  3. string group = 1;

  4. // 摘要或者标识

  5. string key = 2;

  6. // 具体请求数据

  7. bytes data = 3;

  8. // 数据类型

  9. string type = 4;

  10. // 更为具体的数据操作

  11. string operation = 5;

  12. // 额外信息

  13. map<string, string> extendInfo = 6;

  14. }

2. 数据查询

  • 数据查询操作,一定要知道本次请求是由哪一个功能模块发起的。

  • 数据查询的条件是什么,为了兼容各种存储结构的数据查询操作,这byte[]进行存储。

  • 本次请求的额外信息,用于将来扩展需要传输的数据。


  1. message GetRequest {

  2. // 功能模块分组信息

  3. string group = 1;

  4. // 具体请求数据

  5. bytes data = 2;

  6. // 额外信息

  7. map<string, string> extendInfo = 3;

  8. }



  1. public abstract class LogProcessor {

  2. /**

  3. * get data by key

  4. *

  5. * @param request request {@link GetRequest}

  6. * @return target type data

  7. */

  8. public abstract GetResponse getData(GetRequest request);

  9. /**

  10. * Process Submitted Log

  11. *

  12. * @param log {@link Log}

  13. * @return {@link boolean}

  14. */

  15. public abstract LogFuture onApply(Log log);

  16. /**

  17. * Irremediable errors that need to trigger business price cuts

  18. *

  19. * @param error {@link Throwable}

  20. */

  21. public void onError(Throwable error) {

  22. }

  23. /**

  24. * In order for the state machine that handles the transaction to be able to route

  25. * the Log to the correct LogProcessor, the LogProcessor needs to have an identity

  26. * information

  27. *

  28. * @return Business unique identification name

  29. */

  30. public abstract String group();

  31. }


  1. public abstract class LogProcessor4CP extends LogProcessor {

  2. /**

  3. * Discovery snapshot handler

  4. * It is up to LogProcessor to decide which SnapshotOperate shou ld be loaded and saved by itself

  5. *

  6. * @return {@link List <SnapshotOperate>}

  7. */

  8. public List<SnapshotOperation> loadSnapshotOperate() {

  9. return Collections.emptyList();

  10. }

  11. }

我们可以通过一个时序图看看,一致性协议层的大致工作流程如下:Nacos 1.3.0-BETA 即将来袭,这次来波大的!





注意事项:JRaft运行期间产生的数据在 ${nacos.home}/protocol/raft文件目录下。不同的业务模块有不同的文件分组,如果当节点出现crash或者异常关闭时,清空该目录下的文件,重启节点即可。

由于JRaft实现了raft group的概念,因此,完全可以利用 raft group的设计,为每个功能模块单独创建个raft group。这里给出部分代码,该代码体现了如何将LogProcessor嵌入 到状态机中并为每个LogPrcessor创建一个Raft Group

  1. synchronized void createMultiRaftGroup(Collection<LogProcessor4CP> processors) {

  2. // There is no reason why the LogProcessor cannot be processed b ecause of the synchronization

  3. if (!this.isStarted) {

  4. this.processors.addAll(processors);

  5. return;

  6. }

  7. final String parentPath = Paths.get(ApplicationUtils.getNacosHome(), "protocol/raft").toString();

  8. for (LogProcessor4CP processor : processors) {

  9. final String groupName = processor.group();

  10. if (alreadyRegisterBiz.contains(groupName)) {

  11. throw new DuplicateRaftGroupException(groupName);

  12. }

  13. alreadyRegisterBiz.add(groupName);

  14. final String logUri = Paths.get(parentPath, groupName, "log").toString();

  15. final String snapshotUri = Paths.get(parentPath, groupName,"snapshot").toString();

  16. final String metaDataUri = Paths.get(parentPath, groupName,"meta-data").toString();

  17. // Initialize the raft file storage path for different services

  18. try {

  19. DiskUtils.forceMkdir(new File(logUri));

  20. DiskUtils.forceMkdir(new File(snapshotUri));

  21. DiskUtils.forceMkdir(new File(metaDataUri));

  22. }

  23. catch (Exception e) {

  24. Loggers.RAFT.error("Init Raft-File dir have some error : {}", e);

  25. throw new RuntimeException(e);

  26. }

  27. // Ensure that each Raft Group has its own configuration and NodeOptions

  28. Configuration configuration = conf.copy();

  29. NodeOptions copy = nodeOptions.copy();

  30. // Here, the LogProcessor is passed into StateMachine, and when the StateMachine

  31. // triggers onApply, the onApply of the LogProcessor is actually called

  32. NacosStateMachine machine = new NacosStateMachine(this, processor);

  33. copy.setLogUri(logUri);

  34. copy.setRaftMetaUri(metaDataUri);

  35. copy.setSnapshotUri(snapshotUri);

  36. copy.setFsm(machine);

  37. copy.setInitialConf(configuration);

  38. // Set snapshot interval, default 1800 seconds

  39. int doSnapshotInterval = ConvertUtils.toInt(raftConfig.getVal(RaftSysConstants.RAFT_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL_SECS),


  41. // If the business module does not implement a snapshot processor, cancel the snapshot

  42. doSnapshotInterval = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(processor.loadS napshotOperate()) ? 0 : doSnapshotInterval;

  43. copy.setSnapshotIntervalSecs(doSnapshotInterval);

  44. Loggers.RAFT.info("create raft group : {}", groupName);

  45. RaftGroupService raftGroupService = new RaftGroupService(gro upName, localPeerId, copy, rpcServer, true);

  46. // Because RpcServer has been started before, it is not allo wed to start again here

  47. Node node = raftGroupService.start(false);

  48. machine.setNode(node);

  49. RouteTable.getInstance().updateConfiguration(groupName, conf iguration);

  50. // Turn on the leader auto refresh for this group

  51. Random random = new Random();

  52. long period = nodeOptions.getElectionTimeoutMs() + random.ne xtInt(5 * 1000);

  53. RaftExecutor.scheduleRaftMemberRefreshJob(() -> refreshRoute Table(groupName), period, period, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

  54. // Save the node instance corresponding to the current group

  55. multiRaftGroup.put(groupName, new RaftGroupTuple(node, proce ssor, raftGroupService));

  56. }

  57. }

或许有的人会有疑问,为什么要创建多个raft group,既然之前已经设计出了LogProcessor,完全可以利用一个Raft Group,在状态机appl时,根据Log的group属性进行路由到不同的LogProcessor即可,每个功能模块就创建一个raft group,不是会消耗大量的资源吗?

正如之前所说,我们希望独工作的模块之间相互不存在影响,比如A模块处理Log因为存在Block操作可能使得apply的速度缓慢,亦或者可能中途发生异常,对于Raft协议来说,当日志apply失败时,状态机将不能够继续向前推进,因为如果继续向前推进的话,由于上一步的apply失败,后面的所有apply都可能失败,将会导致这个节点的数据与其他节点的数据永远不一致。如果说我们将所有独立工作的模块,对于数据操作的请求处理放在同一个raft group,即一个状态机中,就不可避免的会出现上述所说的问题,某个模块在apply 日志发生不可控的因素时,会影响其他模块的正常工作。


为了使用者能够对JRaft进行相关简单的运维,如Leader的切换,重置当前Raft集群成员,触发某个节点进 Snapshot操作等等,提供了 个简单的HTTP接 进 操作,并且 接 有 定的限制,即每次只会执 条运维指令

1.切换某一个Raft Group的Leader节点

  1. POST /nacos/v1/core/ops/raft

  2. {

  3. "groupId": "xxx",

  4. "transferLeader": "ip:{raft_port}"

  5. }

2.重置某一个Raft Group的集群成员

  1. POST /nacos/v1/core/ops/raft

  2. {

  3. "groupId": "xxx",

  4. "resetRaftCluster": "ip:{raft_port},ip:{raft_port},ip:{raft_por t},ip:{raft_port}"

  5. }

3.触发某一个Raft Group执行快照操作

  1. POST /nacos/v1/core/ops/raft

  2. {

  3. "groupId": "xxx",

  4. "doSnapshot": "ip:{raft_port}"

  5. }


  1. ### Sets the Raft cluster election timeout, default value is 5 second

  2. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.election_timeout_ms=5000

  3. ### Sets the amount of time the Raft snapshot will execute periodica lly, default is 30 minute

  4. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.snapshot_interval_secs=30

  5. ### Requested retries, default value is 1

  6. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.request_failoverRetries=1

  7. ### raft internal worker threads

  8. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.core_thread_num=8

  9. ### Number of threads required for raft business request processing

  10. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.cli_service_thread_num=4

  11. ### raft linear read strategy, defaults to index

  12. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.read_index_type=ReadOnlySafe

  13. ### rpc request timeout, default 5 seconds

  14. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.rpc_request_timeout_ms=5000

  15. ### Maximum size of each file RPC (snapshot copy) request between me mbers, default is 128 K

  16. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.max_byte_count_per_rpc=131072

  17. ### Maximum number of logs sent from leader to follower, default is 1024

  18. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.max_entries_size=1024

  19. ### Maximum body size for sending logs from leader to follower, defa ult is 512K

  20. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.max_body_size=524288

  21. ### Maximum log storage buffer size, default 256K

  22. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.max_append_buffer_size=262144

  23. ### Election timer interval will be a random maximum outside the spe cified time, default is 1 second

  24. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.max_election_delay_ms=1000

  25. ### Specify the ratio between election timeout and heartbeat interval. Heartbeat interval is equal to

  26. ### electionTimeoutMs/electionHeartbeatFactor,One tenth by default.

  27. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.election_heartbeat_factor=10

  28. ### The tasks submitted to the leader accumulate the maximum batch s ize of a batch flush log storage. The default is 32 tasks.

  29. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.apply_batch=32

  30. ### Call fsync when necessary when writing logs and meta informatio n, usually should be true

  31. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.sync=true

  32. ### Whether to write snapshot / raft meta-information to call fsync. The default is false. When sync is true, it is preferred to respect sync.

  33. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.sync_meta=false

  34. ### Internal disruptor buffer size. For applications with high write throughput, you need to increase this value. The default value is 16384.

  35. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.disruptor_buffer_size=16384

  36. ### Whether to enable replication of pipeline request optimization, which is enabled by default

  37. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.replicator_pipeline=true

  38. ### Maximum number of in-flight requests with pipeline requests enab led, default is 256

  39. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.max_replicator_inflight_msgs=256

  40. ### Whether to enable LogEntry checksum

  41. nacos.core.protocol.raft.data.enable_log_entry_checksum=false



  1. InetAddress address;

  2. try {

  3. address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();

  4. } catch (final UnknownHostException e) {

  5. throw new IllegalStateException(

  6. "Cannot get LocalHost InetAddress, please ch eck your network!");

  7. }

  8. byte[] ipAddressByteArray = address.getAddress();

  9. workerId = (((ipAddressByteArray[ipAddressByteArray.length - 2] & 0B 11)

  10. << Byte.SIZE) + (ipAddressByteArray[ipAddressByteArray.length - 1] & 0xFF));

如果需要手动指定dataCenterId以及workerId,则在application.properties或者启动时添加命令 参数

  1. ### set the dataCenterID manually

  2. # nacos.core.snowflake.data-center=

  3. ### set the WorkerID manually

  4. # nacos.core.snowflake.worker-id=



  • 如果配置文件数量较少,在集群模式下需要高可用数据库集群作为支撑的成本太大,期望有一个轻量的分布式关系型存储来解决。

  • nacos内部一些元数据信息存储,比如用户信息,命名空间信息

  • 思路来源:https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite



将一次请求操作涉及的SQL上下文按顺序保存起来。然后通过一致协议层将本次请求涉及的SQL上下 文进行同步,然后每个节点将其解析并重新按顺序在一次数据库会话中执行。

Nacos 1.3.0-BETA 即将来袭,这次来波大的!



  1. private void registerSubscribe() {

  2. NotifyCenter.registerSubscribe(new SmartSubscribe() {

  3. @Override

  4. public void onEvent(Event event) {

  5. if (event instanceof RaftDBErrorRecoverEvent) {

  6. downgrading = false;

  7. return;

  8. }

  9. if (event instanceof RaftDBErrorEvent) {

  10. downgrading = true;

  11. }

  12. }

  13. @Override

  14. public boolean canNotify(Event event) {

  15. return (event instanceof RaftDBErrorEvent) || (event instanceof RaftDBErrorRecoverEvent);

  16. }

  17. });

  18. }


Nacos 1.3.0-BETA 即将来袭,这次来波大的!



  1. SelectRequest

  1. public class SelectRequest implements Serializable {

  2. private static final long serialVersionUID = 2212052574976898602L;

  3. // 查询类别,因为 前使 的是JdbcTemplate,查询单个、查询多个,是否使 RowM apper转为对象

  4. 5private byte queryType;

  5. // sql语句

  6. // select * from config_info where

  7. private String sql;

  8. private Object[] args;

  9. private String className;

  10. }

        2.  ModifyRequest

  1. public class ModifyRequest implements Serializable {

  2. private static final long serialVersionUID = 4548851816596520564L;

  3. private int executeNo;

  4. private String sql;

  5. private Object[] args;

  6. }



  • config_info保存配置信息。

  • configtagsrelation保存配置与标签的关联关系。

  • hisconfiginfo保存 条配置操作历史记录。


  1. public void addConfigInfo(final String srcIp, final String srcUser,

  2. final ConfigInfo configInfo, final Timestamp time,

  3. final Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo, final boolean notify) {

  4. try {

  5. // 同过雪花ID获取一个ID值

  6. long configId = idGeneratorManager.nextId(configInfoId);

  7. long configHistoryId = idGeneratorManager.nextId(this.configHistoryId);

  8. // 配置插入

  9. addConfigInfoAtomic(configId, srcIp, srcUser, configInfo, time, configAdvanceInfo);

  10. String configTags = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("config_tags");

  11. // 配置与标签信息关联操作

  12. addConfigTagsRelation(configId, configTags, configInfo.getD ataId(), configInfo.getGroup(), configInfo.getTenant());

  13. // 配置历史插入

  14. insertConfigHistoryAtomic(configHistoryId, configInfo, srcI p, srcUser, time, "I");

  15. boolean result = databaseOperate.smartUpdate();

  16. if (!result) {

  17. throw new NacosConfigException("Config add failed");

  18. }

  19. if (notify) {

  20. EventDispatcher.fireEvent(

  21. new ConfigDataChangeEvent(false, configInfo.getDataId(),

  22. configInfo.getGroup(), configInfo.getTenant(), time.getTime()));

  23. }

  24. }

  25. finally {

  26. SqlContextUtils.cleanCurrentSqlContext();

  27. }

  28. }

  29. public long addConfigInfoAtomic(final long id, final String srcIp, final String srcUser, final ConfigInfo configInfo, final Timestamp time, Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {

  30. ...

  31. // 参数处理

  32. ...

  33. final String sql =

  34. "INSERT INTO config_info(id, data_id, group_id, tenant_id, app_name, content, md5, src_ip, src_user, gmt_create,"

  35. + "gmt_modified, c_desc, c_use, effect, type, c_schema) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

  36. final Object[] args = new Object[] { id, configInfo.getDataId(),

  37. configInfo.getGroup(), tenantTmp, appNameTmp, configInfo.getContent(),

  38. md5Tmp, srcIp, srcUser, time, time, desc, use, effect, type, schema, };

  39. SqlContextUtils.addSqlContext(sql, args);

  40. return id;

  41. }

  42. public void addConfigTagRelationAtomic(long configId, String tagName, String dataId,

  43. String group, String tenant) {

  44. final String sql = "INSERT INTO config_tags_relation(id,tag_name,tag_type,data_id,group_id,tenant_id) " + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)";

  45. final Object[] args = new Object[] { configId, tagName, null, d ataId, group, tenant };

  46. SqlContextUtils.addSqlContext(sql, args);

  47. }

  48. public void insertConfigHistoryAtomic(long configHistoryId, ConfigI nfo configInfo, String srcIp, String srcUser, final Timestamp time, String ops) {

  49. ...

  50. // 参数处理

  51. ...

  52. final String sql = "INSERT INTO his_config_info (id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5," + "src_ip,src_user,gmt_modified,op_type) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

  53. final Object[] args = new Object[] { configHistoryId, configInf o.getDataId(), configInfo.getGroup(), tenantTmp, appNameTmp, configInfo.getContent(), md5Tmp, srcIp, srcUser, time, ops};

  54. SqlContextUtils.addSqlContext(sql, args);

  55. }

  56. /**

  57. * Temporarily saves all insert, update, and delete statements under

  58. * a transaction in the order in which they occur

  59. *

  60. * @author <a href="mailto:liaochuntao@live.com">liaochuntao</a>

  61. */

  62. public class SqlContextUtils {

  63. private static final ThreadLocal<ArrayList<ModifyRequest>> SQL_CONTEXT =

  64. ThreadLocal.withInitial(ArrayList::new);

  65. public static void addSqlContext(String sql, Object... args) {

  66. ArrayList<ModifyRequest> requests = SQL_CONTEXT.get();

  67. ModifyRequest context = new ModifyRequest();

  68. context.setExecuteNo(requests.size());

  69. context.setSql(sql);

  70. context.setArgs(args);

  71. requests.add(context);

  72. SQL_CONTEXT.set(requests);

  73. }

  74. public static List<ModifyRequest> getCurrentSqlContext() {

  75. return SQL_CONTEXT.get();

  76. }

  77. public static void cleanCurrentSqlContext() {

  78. SQL_CONTEXT.remove();

  79. }

  80. }



  1. #*************** Embed Storage Related Configurations ***************

  2. #

  3. ### This value is true in stand-alone mode and false in cluster mode

  4. ### If this value is set to true in cluster mode, nacos's distributed storage engine is turned on embeddedStorage=true




  1. GET /nacos/v1/cs/ops/derby?sql=select * from config_info

  2. return List<Map<String, Object>>


  • 在数据库上层构建一层分布式数据操作同步层,对数据库的操作存在了限制,如第一步insert操作,然后select操作,最后在update操作,这种在数据修改语句中穿插着查询语句的操作顺序是不支持的。

  • 限制了数据库的性能,由于间接的将数据库事务隔离级别调整为了串行化,人为的将并发能力降低了。


将于Apache Derby官方一起尝试基于Raft实现BingLog的同步复制操作,从底层实现数据库同步能力。