
20、Java 二分搜索算法

Java 二分搜索算法

package search;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

import static java.lang.String.format;

* Binary search is one of the most popular algorithms
* The algorithm finds the position of a target value within a sorted array
* Worst-case performance O(log n)
* Best-case performance O(1)
* Average performance O(log n)
* Worst-case space complexity O(1)
* @see SearchAlgorithm
* @see IterativeBinarySearch

class BinarySearch implements SearchAlgorithm {

* @param array is an array where the element should be found
* @param key is an element which should be found
* @param <T> is any comparable type
* @return index of the element
public <T extends Comparable<T>> int find(T array[], T key) {
return search(array, key, 0, array.length);

* This method implements the Generic Binary Search
* @param array The array to make the binary search
* @param key The number you are looking for
* @param left The lower bound
* @param right The upper bound
* @return the location of the key
private <T extends Comparable<T>> int search(T array[], T key, int left, int right){
if (right < left) return -1; // this means that the key not found

// find median
int median = (left + right) >>> 1;
int comp = key.compareTo(array[median]);

if (comp < 0) {
return search(array, key, left, median - 1);

if (comp > 0) {
return search(array, key, median + 1, right);

return median;

// Driver Program
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Just generate data
Random random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();

int size = 100;
int maxElement = 100000;

int[] integers = IntStream.generate(() -> r.nextInt(maxElement)).limit(size).sorted().toArray();

// The element that should be found
int shouldBeFound = integers[r.nextInt(size - 1)];

BinarySearch search = new BinarySearch();
int atIndex = search.find(integers, shouldBeFound);

"Should be found: %d. Found %d at index %d. An array length %d",
shouldBeFound, integers[atIndex], atIndex, size

int toCheck = Arrays.binarySearch(integers, shouldBeFound);
System.out.println(format("Found by system method at an index: %d. Is equal: %b", toCheck, toCheck == atIndex));