


1. BitSet介绍





在java中,bitset的实现位于java.util包中,从jdk 1.0就引入了这个数据结构。在多个jdk的演变中,bitset也不断演变。这里参照的是jdk 1.7 源代码中的实现。

package java.util; import java.io.*;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.nio.ByteOrder;import java.nio.LongBuffer; public class BitSet implements Cloneable, java.io.Serializable { /* * BitSets are packed into arrays of "words." Currently a word is * a long, which consists of 64 bits, requiring 6 address bits. * The choice of word size is determined purely by performance concerns. */ private final static int ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 6; private final static int BITS_PER_WORD = 1 << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD; private final static int BIT_INDEX_MASK = BITS_PER_WORD - 1;  /* Used to shift left or right for a partial word mask */ private static final long WORD_MASK = 0xffffffffffffffffL;  /** * @serialField bits long[] * * The bits in this BitSet. The ith bit is stored in bits[i/64] at * bit position i % 64 (where bit position 0 refers to the least * significant bit and 63 refers to the most significant bit). */ private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = { new ObjectStreamField("bits", long[].class), };  /** * The internal field corresponding to the serialField "bits". */ private long[] words;  .....}



2. BitSet构造方法



 /** * Creates a new bit set. All bits are initially {@code false}. */ public BitSet() { initWords(BITS_PER_WORD); sizeIsSticky = false; }

2.2、BitSet(int nbits)

 /** * Creates a bit set whose initial size is large enough to explicitly * represent bits with indices in the range {@code 0} through * {@code nbits-1}. All bits are initially {@code false}. * * @param nbits the initial size of the bit set * @throws NegativeArraySizeException if the specified initial size * is negative */ public BitSet(int nbits) { // nbits can't be negative; size 0 is OK if (nbits < 0) throw new NegativeArraySizeException("nbits < 0: " + nbits);  initWords(nbits); sizeIsSticky = true; }


 private final static int ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 6; private final static int BITS_PER_WORD = 1 << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD; private void initWords(int nbits) { words = new long[wordIndex(nbits-1) + 1]; } private static int wordIndex(int bitIndex) { return bitIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD; }


(1)无参构造函数BitSet( )调用initWords(BITS_PER_WORD),其中BITS_PER_WORD = 1 << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 1 << 6 = 64。下面就应该计算initWords(64)。
(2)initWords(int nbits)调用words = new long[wordIndex(nbits-1) + 1],把nbits = 64带入,wordIndex(64-1) = wordIndex(63) 。下面计算initWords(63)。
(3)wordIndex(int bitIndex)中计算bitIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD,把bitIndex  = 63带进去,63 >> 6是对63做六次右移运算,结果为0。
(4)把wordIndex(int bitIndex)的计算结果带入words = new long[wordIndex(nbits-1) + 1]得words = new long[1],说明初始化的时候分配了1个long型数组,占64位。

在新建BitSet时默认大小是64位,如果BitSet指定的初始大小没有超过64 bit时也会分配64 bit的大小:

import java.util.BitSet;public class BitSetDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(); System.out.println("default size="+bitSet.size()+" "+bitSet.length());  BitSet bitSet2 = new BitSet(1); System.out.println(" size="+bitSet2.size()+" "+bitSet.length()); }}



import java.util.BitSet;public class BitSetDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { //这个时候bitSet.size() = 128; BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(100); System.out.println("allocate size="+bitSet.size()+" "+bitSet.length());  //这个时候bitSet.size() = 256; BitSet bitSet2 = new BitSet(200); System.out.println("allocate size="+bitSet2.size()+" "+bitSet.length()); }}



3. BitSet常用方法


3.1 初始化一个bitset


3.2 设置某一指定位


 /** * Sets the bit at the specified index to {@code true}. * * @param bitIndex a bit index * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative * @since JDK1.0 */ public void set(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);  int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex); expandTo(wordIndex);  words[wordIndex] |= (1L << bitIndex); // Restores invariants  checkInvariants(); }





(1)这个数位于哪个数组,也就是确定words[wordIndex] 的wordIndex是多少。

那么对于set( )操作,我们可以通过往BitSet中放入一个数据看一下set( )是如何存数据的。假如要放入的数是14。
(1)传入bitIndex  = 14。首先判断传入的下标是否越界。
(2)int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex)判断要存入的bitIndex应该存入哪个数组。通过计算wordIndex应该是0,就是存入第一个long数组。

private static int wordIndex(int bitIndex) { return bitIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;}

在进行逻辑运算之前,执行了一个函数 expandTo(wordIndex); 这个函数是确保BitSet中有对应的这个long数组。如果没有的话,就对BitSet中的long数组进行扩展。扩展的策略,是将当前的空间翻一倍。如果wordIndex的值大于当前BitSet的size就会进行扩充。expandTo(wordIndex)代码如下:

 /** * Ensures that the BitSet can hold enough words. * @param wordsRequired the minimum acceptable number of words. */ private void ensureCapacity(int wordsRequired) { if (words.length < wordsRequired) { // Allocate larger of doubled size or required size int request = Math.max(2 * words.length, wordsRequired); words = Arrays.copyOf(words, request); sizeIsSticky = false; } }  /** * Ensures that the BitSet can accommodate a given wordIndex, * temporarily violating the invariants. The caller must * restore the invariants before returning to the user, * possibly using recalculateWordsInUse(). * @param wordIndex the index to be accommodated. */ private void expandTo(int wordIndex) { int wordsRequired = wordIndex+1; if (wordsInUse < wordsRequired) { ensureCapacity(wordsRequired); wordsInUse = wordsRequired; } }

(3)words[wordIndex] |= (1L << bitIndex)是进行的逻辑运算,对1进行左移,然后与words[wordIndex]做或(or)运算。对1右移14位,然后与所在的数组做与运算,目的就是把对应数组words的bitIndex所在的位置置为1,从而达到标记一个数存在于BitSet中的目的。


 /** * Sets the bit at the specified index to the specified value. * * @param bitIndex a bit index * @param value a boolean value to set * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative * @since 1.4 */ public void set(int bitIndex, boolean value) { if (value) set(bitIndex); else clear(bitIndex); }

3.3 清空BitSet

a. 清空所有的bit位,即全部置0。

 /** * Sets all of the bits in this BitSet to {@code false}. * * @since 1.4 */ public void clear() { while (wordsInUse > 0) words[--wordsInUse] = 0; }

b. 清空某一位。

 /** * Sets the bit specified by the index to {@code false}. * * @param bitIndex the index of the bit to be cleared * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative * @since JDK1.0 */ public void clear(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);  int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex); if (wordIndex >= wordsInUse) return;  words[wordIndex] &= ~(1L << bitIndex);  recalculateWordsInUse(); checkInvariants(); }



  • 找到对应的long数组 

             这行语句是:int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex);  

  • 操作对应的位。
          这行语句是:words[wordIndex] &= ~(1L << bitIndex);
    ~(1L << bitIndex)首先通过1L << bitIndex移动到指定的位bitIndex,这一位设置为1,然后取反,把其他位都设置为1,这一位设置为0。1L << bitIndex的目的就是定位到bitIndex所在的位并把该位标记为1。最后和words[wordIndex]做&运算,words[wordIndex]&bitIndex = 0 的位把该为清空,words[wordIndex]&非bitIndex = 1不影响其余位原来的数值。如果清空一个原本就不在BitSet的位返回的值是不影响正确结果的。

    注意:这里的参数检查, if (bitIndex < 0)是对负数index抛出异常。if (wordIndex >= wordsInUse)是对超出大小的index,不做任何操作,直接返回。因为输入一个超出大小的index,没有对应位置的数据,不需要做取反操作,就可以直接返回啦。

c. 清空指定范围的bits。

 /** * Sets the bits from the specified {@code fromIndex} (inclusive) to the * specified {@code toIndex} (exclusive) to {@code false}. * * @param fromIndex index of the first bit to be cleared * @param toIndex index after the last bit to be cleared * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code fromIndex} is negative, * or {@code toIndex} is negative, or {@code fromIndex} is * larger than {@code toIndex} * @since 1.4 */ public void clear(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { checkRange(fromIndex, toIndex);  if (fromIndex == toIndex) return;  int startWordIndex = wordIndex(fromIndex); if (startWordIndex >= wordsInUse) return;  int endWordIndex = wordIndex(toIndex - 1); if (endWordIndex >= wordsInUse) { toIndex = length(); endWordIndex = wordsInUse - 1; }  long firstWordMask = WORD_MASK << fromIndex; long lastWordMask = WORD_MASK >>> -toIndex; if (startWordIndex == endWordIndex) { // Case 1: One word words[startWordIndex] &= ~(firstWordMask & lastWordMask); } else { // Case 2: Multiple words // Handle first word words[startWordIndex] &= ~firstWordMask;  // Handle intermediate words, if any for (int i = startWordIndex+1; i < endWordIndex; i++) words[i] = 0;  // Handle last word words[endWordIndex] &= ~lastWordMask; }  recalculateWordsInUse(); checkInvariants(); }


其中startWord,是从该long数组words[startWordIndex]对应的firstWordMask 就是开始位置开始到该long数组结束的位置全部置0;intervalWord则是这些long数组的所有bits全部置0;而endWord这是对ong数组words[startWordIndex]从起始位置0到指定的结束位lastWordMask全部置0。在这里需要分别对startword和stopword进行逻辑运算。


3.4 两个重要的内部检查函数


 /** * Sets the field wordsInUse to the logical size in words of the bit set. * WARNING:This method assumes that the number of words actually in use is * less than or equal to the current value of wordsInUse! */ private void recalculateWordsInUse() { // Traverse the bitset until a used word is found int i; for (i = wordsInUse-1; i >= 0; i--) if (words[i] != 0) break;  wordsInUse = i+1; // The new logical size }



 /** * Every public method must preserve these invariants. */ private void checkInvariants() { assert(wordsInUse == 0 || words[wordsInUse - 1] != 0); assert(wordsInUse >= 0 && wordsInUse <= words.length); assert(wordsInUse == words.length || words[wordsInUse] == 0); }

checkInvariants 可以看出是检查内部状态,尤其是对wordsInUse是否合法的检查。 

3.5 反转某一指定位


 /** * Sets the bit at the specified index to the complement of its * current value. * * @param bitIndex the index of the bit to flip * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative * @since 1.4 */ public void flip(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);  int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex); expandTo(wordIndex);  words[wordIndex] ^= (1L << bitIndex);  recalculateWordsInUse(); checkInvariants(); }


int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex)用于找到bitIndex所在的long数组,
words[wordIndex] ^= (1L << bitIndex)定位bitIndex所在的位置并让long数组与该位置进行异或(xor)运算。 

同时在flip(int bitIndex)执行逻辑运算之前也执行了expandTo(wordIndex)函数,这个函数是确保bitset中有对应的这个long。如果没有就对bitset中的long数组进行扩展。在介绍set(int bitIndex)方法的时候讲过了。

同样,也提供了一个指定区间的反转,实现方案与clear(int fromIndex, int toIndex)方法的区间运算基本相同,只是对应的逻辑运算不同。代码如下:

 /** * Sets each bit from the specified {@code fromIndex} (inclusive) to the * specified {@code toIndex} (exclusive) to the complement of its current * value. * * @param fromIndex index of the first bit to flip * @param toIndex index after the last bit to flip * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code fromIndex} is negative, * or {@code toIndex} is negative, or {@code fromIndex} is * larger than {@code toIndex} * @since 1.4 */ public void flip(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { checkRange(fromIndex, toIndex);  if (fromIndex == toIndex) return;  int startWordIndex = wordIndex(fromIndex); int endWordIndex = wordIndex(toIndex - 1); expandTo(endWordIndex);  long firstWordMask = WORD_MASK << fromIndex; long lastWordMask = WORD_MASK >>> -toIndex; if (startWordIndex == endWordIndex) { // Case 1: One word words[startWordIndex] ^= (firstWordMask & lastWordMask); } else { // Case 2: Multiple words // Handle first word words[startWordIndex] ^= firstWordMask;  // Handle intermediate words, if any for (int i = startWordIndex+1; i < endWordIndex; i++) words[i] ^= WORD_MASK;  // Handle last word words[endWordIndex] ^= lastWordMask; }  recalculateWordsInUse(); checkInvariants(); }

3.6 获取某一指定位的状态

/** * Returns the value of the bit with the specified index. The value * is {@code true} if the bit with the index {@code bitIndex} * is currently set in this {@code BitSet}; otherwise, the result * is {@code false}. * * @param bitIndex the bit index * @return the value of the bit with the specified index * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative */ public boolean get(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex); checkInvariants(); int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex); return (wordIndex < wordsInUse) && ((words[wordIndex] & (1L << bitIndex)) != 0); }


jdk同时提供了一个获取指定区间的BitSet的方法:get(int fromIndex, int toIndex)。

此方法返回一个新的 BitSet,它由原BitSet中从fromIndex(包括)到 toIndex(不包括)范围内的位组成。

3.7 获取当前bitset总bit的大小

 /** * Returns the "logical size" of this {@code BitSet}: the index of * the highest set bit in the {@code BitSet} plus one. Returns zero * if the {@code BitSet} contains no set bits. * * @return the logical size of this {@code BitSet} * @since 1.2 */ public int length() { if (wordsInUse == 0) return 0;  return BITS_PER_WORD * (wordsInUse - 1) + (BITS_PER_WORD - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(words[wordsInUse - 1])); }

 length( )方法返回此BitSet实际使用的空间大小BitSet中位数值为1的最高位的索引值加 1。 


 /** * Returns the number of bits of space actually in use by this * {@code BitSet} to represent bit values. * The maximum element in the set is the size - 1st element. * * @return the number of bits currently in this bit set */ public int size() { return words.length * BITS_PER_WORD; }


BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(65);
System.out.println(bitSet.length()+" "+bitSet.size());

那么次bitSet返回的length = 66, 返回的size = 128。申请了128位的空间,但是只用了66,如果申请28位的空间就需要两个数组,第66位正好位于第二个数组。如果初始大小是63,length = 66就不需要第二个long数组了。

3.8 hashcode


 /** * Returns the hash code value for this bit set. The hash code depends * only on which bits are set within this {@code BitSet}. * * <p>The hash code is defined to be the result of the following * calculation: * <pre> {@code * public int hashCode() { * long h = 1234; * long[] words = toLongArray(); * for (int i = words.length; --i >= 0; ) * h ^= words[i] * (i + 1); * return (int)((h >> 32) ^ h); * }}</pre> * Note that the hash code changes if the set of bits is altered. * * @return the hash code value for this bit set */ public int hashCode() { long h = 1234; for (int i = wordsInUse; --i >= 0; ) h ^= words[i] * (i + 1);  return (int)((h >> 32) ^ h); }


3.9 Java中Bitet的应用


