Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
『Guacamelee! STCE』是款Metroid和Castlevania风格的2D平台动作冒险游戏,故事背景为以传统墨西哥文化与民间传说为发想的魔幻世界。准备好迎接…… -连续战斗动作:更多的招式选择,包含「Intenso」和The Rooster Uppercut -多重空间。实时在生命的世界和死亡的世界之间切换 -能提升移动速度的战斗招式,以前所未见的方式结合平台机制和战斗动作 -景观多样的游戏世界,包含活泼的城镇、黑暗的森林、绚丽的运河和炽烈的火山 -随加随离(Drop in/out)的单机双人合作模式,并具有独立的空间切换 -多个头目、众多对手,以及全新的菁英级敌人 -可改变角色外貌和属性的服装
Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.
Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.
Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.
Key Features
- Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
- Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
- Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
- Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
- Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
- Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
- Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
- Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
- Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
- Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.
*** Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition. ***