

Making the Move – Design, Plan, and Execute

随着 Web 服务变得越来越复杂,以及软件服务公司的规模不断扩大,我们需要新的工作方式来适应和加快变化的速度,同时制定高质量的标准。微服务架构已成为控制大型软件系统的最佳工具之一,由容器和编排器等新工具提供支持。我们将首先介绍传统单体架构和微服务架构之间的差异,以及转向后者的优势。我们将介绍如何构建架构迁移以及如何计划在这个困难的过程中取得成功。

在本书中,我们将处理 web server 服务,尽管其中一些想法可以用于其他类型的软件应用程序,显然是通过调整它们。单体/微服务架构与操作系统设计中的单体/微内核讨论有一些相似之处,包括 著名的辩论(https://www.oreilly.com/openbook/opensources/book/appa.html) 在 Linus Torvalds 和 Andrew S. Tanenbaum,早在 1992 年。本章对工具相对不可知,而接下来的章节将介绍具体的工具。


  • The traditional monolith approach and its problems
  • The characteristics of a microservices approach
  • Parallel deployment and development speed
  • Challenges and red flags
  • Analyzing the current system
  • Preparing and adapting by measuring usage
  • Strategic planning to break the monolith
  • Executing the move


Technical requirements

The traditional monolith approach and its problems

开发系统时软件的传统方法是创建一个整体。这是一个花哨的词,可以说单个元素,包含所有内容,而且几乎每个项目都是这样开始的。在 Web 应用程序的上下文中,这意味着创建可以复制的可部署代码,以便可以将请求定向到任何已部署的副本:



运行 Web 服务有很多选择,但通常由一个或多个运行 Web 服务器应用程序(如 NGINX 或 Apache)的服务器(物理机、虚拟机和云实例,如 EC2 等)组成将请求定向到 HTTP 端口 80 或 HTTPS 端口 443 向一个或多个 Python 工作者(通常通过 WSGI 协议)运行,由 mod_wsgi—— https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/mod_wsgi(仅限 Apache)、uWSGI、GNUnicorn 等.

如果使用多台服务器,则会有一个负载均衡器在它们之间分配负载。我们将在本章后面讨论它们。服务器(或负载均衡器)需要可在 Internet 上访问,因此它将具有专用 DNS 和公共 IP 地址。

在其他编程语言中,结构将类似:前端 Web 服务器以 HTTP/HTTPS 公开端口,后端在专用 Web Worker 中运行整体代码。





  • The code will increase in size: Without strict boundaries between modules, developers will start having problems understanding the whole code base. While good practices can help, the complexity naturally tends to increase, making it more difficult to change the code in certain ways and increasing subtle bugs. Running all tests will become slow, decreasing the speed of any Continuous Integration system.
  • Inefficient utilization of resources: Each individual deployed web worker will require all the resources required for the whole system to work, for example, the maximum amount of memory for any kind of request, even if a request that demands a lot of memory is rare and just a couple of workers will be sufficient. The same may happen with the CPU. If the monolith connects to a database, each individual worker will require a connection to it, whether that's used regularly or not, and so on.
  • Issues with development scalability: Even if the system is perfectly designed to be horizontally scalable (unlimited new workers can be added), as the system grows and the development team grows, development will be more and more difficult without stepping on each other's toes. A small team can coordinate easily, but once several teams are working on the same code base, the probability of clashing will increase. Imposing boundaries for teams in terms of ownership and responsibility can also become blurry unless strict discipline is enforced. In any case, teams will need to be actively coordinated, which reduces their independence and speed.
  • Deployment limitations: The deployment approach will need to be shared across teams, and teams can't be individually responsible for each deployment, as deployment will probably involve work for multiple teams. A deployment problem will bring down the whole system.
  • Interdependency of technologies: Any new tech needs to fit with the tech in use in the monolith. A new technology, for example, a tool that's perfect for a particular problem, may be complicated to add to the monolith, due to a mismatch of technologies. Updating dependencies can also cause issues. For example, an update to a new version of Python (or a submodule) needs to operate with the whole code base. Some required maintenance tasks, such as a security patch, can cause a problem just because the monolith already uses a specific version of a library, which will break if changed. Adapting to these changes requires extra work too.
  • A bug in a small part of the system can bring down the whole service: As the service is a whole, any critical issue that affects the stability affects everything, making it difficult to generate quality service strategies or causing degraded results.


The characteristics of a microservices approach



  1. A collection of specialized services, meaning that there are different, well-defined modules.
  2. Loosely coupled, meaning that each of the microservices can be independently deployed.
  3. That work in unison—each microservice is capable of communicating with others.
  4. To provide a comprehensive service, because our microservice system will need to replicate the same functionalities that were available using a monolith approach. There is an intent behind its design.



每个外部请求都将被引导到 微服务 A 或 微服务 B,每个请求都专门处理一种特定类型的请求。在某些情况下,微服务 B 与 微服务 C 通信,而不是直接在外部可用。请注意,每个微服务可能有多个工作人员。


  1. If the communication between microservices is done through a standard protocol, each microservice can be programmed in different languages.
在整本书中,我们将使用带有 JSON 编码数据的 HTTP 请求在微服务之间进行通信。尽管有更多选项,但这绝对是最标准和最广泛使用的选项,因为几乎所有广泛使用的编程语言都对它有很好的支持。


  1. Better resource utilization—if Microservice A requires more memory, we can reduce the number of worker copies. While on a monolith, each worker requires the maximum resource allocation, now each microservice uses only the resources required for its part of the whole system. Maybe some of them don't need to connect to the database, for example. Each individual element can be tweaked, potentially even at the hardware level.
  2. Each individual service is smaller and can be dealt with independently. That means fewer lines of code to maintain, faster builds, and a simpler design, with less technical debt to maintain. There are no dependency issues between services, as each can define and move them at their own pace. Performing refactors can be done in a more controlled way, as they won't affect the totality of the system. Furthermore, each microservice can change the programming language it's written in, without affecting other microservices.
从某种角度来说,微服务架构类似于UNIX的哲学,应用于Web服务:写每个程序(服务)做一件事并做好 ,编写程序(服务)协同工作,编写程序(服务)处理文本流(HTTP调用),因为这是一个通用接口。
  1. Some services can be hidden from external access. For example, Microservice C is only called by other services, not externally. In some scenarios, that can improve security, reducing the attack surface area for sensitive data or services.
  2. As the systems are independent, a stability problem in one won't completely stop the system. This reduces critical responses and limits the scope of a catastrophic failure.
  3. Each service can be maintained independently by different developers. This allows for parallel development and deployment, increasing the amount of work that can be done by the company. This requires the exposed APIs to be backward compatible, as we will describe later.

Docker containers



Docker 是 Web 应用程序容器的主要参与者。它有一个非常活跃的社区支持它,以及用于各种操作的强大工具。我们将学习如何使用 Docker 工作和操作。

我第一次使用 Docker 容器时,它们在我看来就像是一种 轻型虚拟机;一个不需要模拟硬件即可运行的小型操作系统。但过了一会儿,我意识到这不是正确的方法。


这使得容器非常便携,因为它们与底层硬件和运行它们的平台分离;它们非常轻量级,因为需要包含最少量的数据,并且它们是安全的,因为容器的暴露攻击面非常小。您不需要像在传统服务器(如 sshd 服务器或 Puppet 等配置工具)上那样管理它们的应用程序。它们是专门的,设计为小型且单一用途。

In particular, try to keep your containers small and single-purpose. If you end up adding several daemons and a lot of configuration, it's likely that you are trying to include too much; maybe you need to split it into several containers.

使用 Docker 容器有两个步骤。首先,我们构建容器,对文件系统进行一层又一层的更改,例如添加将要执行的软件和配置文件。然后,我们执行它,启动它的主命令。我们将在 第 3 章 中了解如何做到这一点,Dockerizing the服务

微服务架构非常符合 Docker 容器的一些特征——通过 HTTP 调用进行通信的小型、单一用途的元素。这就是为什么,尽管这不是一个硬性要求,但现在它们通常会一起呈现。

Twelve-Factor App 原则(https://12factor .net/) 是一组已被证明在开发 Web 应用程序方面取得成功的实践,它们也非常符合 Docker 容器和微服务架构。 Docker 中的一些原则非常容易遵循,我们将在本书后面深入评论它们。

An important factor for dealing with containers is that containers should be stateless (Factor VI— https://12factor.net/processes). Any state needs to be stored in a database and each container stores no persistent data. This is one of the key elements for scalable web servers that, when dealing with a couple of servers, may not be done. Be sure to keep it in mind.

Docker 的另一个优势是大量现成容器的可用性。 Docker Hub (https://hub.docker.com/) 是一个充满趣味的公共注册中心在开发或生产中继承或直接使用的容器。 这可以帮助您为自己的服务提供示例,并快速创建需要很少配置的小型服务。

Container orchestration and Kubernetes

尽管 Docker 介绍了如何处理每个单独的微服务,但我们需要一个编排器来处理整个服务集群。为此,我们将在整个过程中使用 Kubernetes (https://kubernetes.io/)书。这是主要的编排项目,得到了主要云厂商的大力支持。我们将在第5章中详细讨论,使用Kubernetes协调微服务

Parallel deployment and development speed




The microservice architecture is strongly related to Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment principles. Small services are easy to keep up to date and to continuously build, as well as to deploy without interruption. In that regard, a CI/CD system tends to be microservices due to the increase in parallelization and the speed of delivery.




The need to clearly communicate and define owners cannot be stressed enough. Aim to allow each team to make their own decisions about their code and formalize and maintain the external APIs where other services depend on them.


微服务还可能影响组织中团队的结构。作为一般规则,应该尊重现有团队。他们将拥有非常有用的专业知识,而引发一场全面革命将破坏这一点。但可能需要进行一些调整。每个微服务都需要一些概念,例如理解 Web 服务和 RESTful 接口,以及如何部署自己的服务的知识。

划分团队的传统方式是创建一个负责基础设施和任何新部署的运营团队,因为他们是唯一允许访问生产服务器的人。微服务方法会干扰这一点,因为它需要团队能够控制自己的部署。在 第五章使用 Kubernetes 来协调微服务,我们将看到使用 Kubernetes 在这种情况下的帮助,将基础设施的维护与服务的部署分离。


Challenges and red flags





  1. Migrating to microservices requires a lot of effort, actively changing the way an organization operates, and a big investment until it starts to pay off. The transition will probably be painful, as a pragmatic approach is required and compromises will need to be made. It will also involve a lot of designing documents and meetings to plan the migration—all while the business continues to operate. This requires full commitment and an understanding of what's involved.
  2. Do not underestimate the cultural change—organizations are made of people, and people do not like change. A lot of the changes in microservices are related to different ways of operating and doing things in different ways. While this empowers different teams, it also forces them to clarify their interfaces and APIs and to formalize communication and boundaries. This can lead to frustration and resistance by members of the teams.
There's an adage called Conway's law ( http://www.melconway.com/Home/Conways_Law.html) that states that organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations. For microservices, this means that divisions between teams should reflect the different services. Having multiple teams working in the same microservice will blur the interfaces. We will discuss Conway's law in detail in Chapter 12, Collaborating and Communicating across Teams.
  1. There's also a learning curve in learning the tools and procedures. Managing clusters is done differently than a single monolith, and developers will need to understand how to interoperate different services for testing locally. In the same way, that deployment will be different from traditional, local development as well. In particular, learning Docker takes some time to adapt. Plan accordingly and give support and training to everyone involved.
  1. Debugging a request that moves across services is more difficult than a monolithic system. Monitoring the life cycle of a request is important and some subtle bugs can be difficult to replicate and fix in development.
  1. Splitting a monolith into different services requires careful consideration. A bad division line can make two services tightly coupled, not allowing independent deployment. A red flag in that means almost any change to one service requires a change in the other, even if, normally, it could be done independently. This creates duplication of work, as routinely working on a single feature requires changing and deploying multiple microservices. Microservices can be mutated later and boundaries redefined, but there's a cost associated with that. The same care should be taken when adding new services.
  2. There's an overhead in creating microservices, as there's some work that gets replicated on each service. That overhead gets compensated by allowing independent and parallel development. But, to fully take advantage of that, you need numbers. A small development team of up to 10 people can coordinate and handle a monolith very efficiently. It's only when the size grows and independent teams are formed that migrating to microservices starts to make sense. The bigger the company, the more it makes sense.
  3. A balance between freedom and allowing each team to make their own decisions and standardize some common elements and decisions is necessary. If teams have too little direction, they'll keep reinventing the wheel over and over. They'll also end up creating knowledge silos where the knowledge in a section of the company is totally nontransferable to another team, making it difficult to learn lessons collectively. Solid communication between teams is required to allow consensus and the reuse of common solutions. Allow controlled experimentation, label it as such, and get the lessons learned across the board so that the rest of the teams benefit. There will be tension between shared and reusable ideas and independent, multiple-implementation ideas.
Be careful when introducing shared code across services. If the code grows, it will make services dependent on each other. This can reduce the independence of the microservices.
  1. Following the Agile principles, we know that working software is more important than extensive documentation. However, in microservices, it's important to maximize the usability of each individual microservice to reduce the amount of support between teams. That involves some degree of documentation. The best approach is to create self-documenting services. We'll look at some examples later in the book on how to use tools to allow documenting how to use a service with minimal effort.
  2. Each call to another service, such as internal microservices calling each other, can increase the delay of responses, as multiple layers will have to be involved. This can produce latency problems, with external responses taking longer. They will also be affected by the performance and capacity of the internal network connecting the microservices.


Analyzing the current system




我们将在本书中使用一个示例应用程序——一个名为 MyThoughts 的微博站点,这是一个允许我们发布和阅读短消息或想法的简单服务。该网站允许我们登录、发布新想法、查看我们的想法以及在系统中搜索想法。



我们示例的代码可在此处获得: https://github.com /PacktPublishing/Hands-On-Docker-for-Microservices-with-Python/tree/master/Chapter01/Monolith。它是一个使用 Bootstrap 作为其 HTML 界面的 Django 应用程序。见 README 以获取有关如何运行它的说明。

在我们的示例中,MyThoughts 模型如下图所示:


如您所见,整体似乎遵循模型视图控制器结构 (https://www.codecademy. com/articles/mvc):

Django 使用一种称为模型模板视图的结构,它遵循与 MVC 相似的模式。阅读文章 https://medium.com/shecodeafrica/understanding-the-mvc -pattern-in-django-edda05b9f43f 了解更多信息。是否是 100% MCV 是有争议的。我们不要拘泥于语义,而是以定义为起点来描述系统。
  • There are three entities stored in a database and accessed through the models: the user, the thoughts, and the session models. The session is used for keeping track of logins.
  • A user can log in and out to access the site through the code in login.py. If the user logs in, a session is created that allows the user to see the rest of the website.
请注意,此示例中对身份验证和密码的处理仅用于演示目的。使用 Django 中的默认机制以获得更安全的访问。对于不使用本机会话管理的会话也是如此。
  • A user can see their own thoughts. On the same page, there's a new form that creates a new thought. This is handled by the thoughts.py file, which retrieves and stores the thoughts through ThoughtModel.
  • To search other users' thoughts, there's a search bar that connects to the search.py module and returns the obtained values.
  • The HTML is rendered through the login.html, search.html, list_thoughts.html, and base.html templates.
  • On top of that, there are static assets that style the website.


  • The static data is very isolated. It can be changed at any point without requiring any changes anywhere else (as long as the templates are compatible with Bootstrap).
  • The search functionality is strongly related to list down thoughts. The template is similar, and the information is displayed in the same way.
  • Login and logout don't interact with ThoughtModel. They edit the session, but the rest of the application only reads the information there.
  • The base.html template generates the top bar and it's used for all pages.


  1. Just leave it the way it is, investing in structuring it, but without splitting it into several services. It has a certain structure already, though some parts could be improved. For example, the handling of whether the user is logged in or not could be better. This is obviously a small example, and, in real life, splitting it into microservices would have a big overhead. Remember that sticking with a monolith may be a viable strategy, but if you do, please invest time in cleaning up code and paying technical debt.
  1. Searching for thoughts is pretty basic. At the moment, we directly search the database. If there are millions of thoughts, this won't be a viable option. The code in search.py could call a specific search microservice, backed by a search engine such as Solr (https://lucene.apache.org/solr/) or Elasticsearch (https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch). This will scale the searches and could add capabilities like searching between dates or displaying the text matches. Search is also read-only, so it may be a good idea to detach calls creating new thoughts from calls searching them.
  2. Authentication is also a different problem from reading and writing thoughts. Splitting it will allow us to keep on track for new security issues and have a team specifically dealing with those issues. From the point of view of the rest of the application, it only requires you to have something available to check whether a user is logged or not, and that can be delegated in a module or package.
  3. The frontend is pretty static at the moment. Maybe we want to create a single-page application that calls a backend API to render the frontend in the client. To do that, a RESTful API microservice that is able to return elements for thoughts and searches will need to be created. The frontend could be coded in a JavaScript framework, such as Angular (https://angular.io) or React (https://reactjs.org/). In this case, the new microservice will be the frontend, which will be served as static, precompiled code, and will pull from the backend.
  4. The RESTful API backend will also be available to allow external developers to create their own tools on top of the MyThoughts data, for example, to create a native phone app.

这些只是一些想法,需要讨论和评估。您的单体应用程序的具体痛点是什么?路线图和战略未来是什么?现在或未来最重要的点和特点是什么?也许,对于一家公司来说,拥有强大的安全性是首要任务,第 3 点至关重要,但对于另一家公司来说,第 5 点可能是与合作伙伴合作的扩展模型的一部分。

团队的结构也很重要。第 4 点需要一个具有良好前端和 JavaScript 技能的团队,而第 2 点可能涉及后端优化和数据库工作,以允许高效搜索数百万条记录。

Do not jump too quickly to conclusions here; think about what capacity is viable and what your teams can achieve. As we discussed before, the change to microservices requires a certain way of working. Check with the people involved for their feedback and suggestions.




  1. Users backend: This will have the responsibility for all authentication tasks and keep information about the users. It will store its data in the database.
  2. Thoughts backend: This will create and store thoughts.
  3. Search backend: This will allow searching thoughts.
  4. A proxy that will route any request to the proper backend. This needs to be externally accessible.
  5. HTML frontend: This will replicate the current functionality. This will ensure that we work in a backward-compatible way and that the transition can be made smoothly.
  6. Allowing clients to access the backends will allow the creation of other clients than our HTML frontend. A dynamic frontend server will be created, and there are talks with an external company to create a mobile app.
  7. Static assets: A web server capable of handling static files. This will serve the styling for the HTML frontend and the index files and JavaScript files for the dynamic frontend.


Preparing and adapting by measuring usage



了解实时系统如何工作的能力称为可观察性。它的主要工具是指标和日志。您会发现的问题是它们通常会被配置为反映外部请求并且不提供有关内部模块的信息。 我们将在第 10 章监控日志和指标。您可以参考它以获取更多信息并应用此处描述的技术。

If your system is a web service, by default, it will have activated its access log. This will log each HTTP request that comes into the system and store the URL, result, and time when it happens. Check with your team where these logs are located, as they will provide good information on what URLs are being called.


Be careful, in particular, about making a microservice that's a dependency for every other service. Unless the service is extremely stable, that will make frequent updates likely when any other service requires a new feature.





  1. The teams don't have good knowledge of JavaScript dynamic programming. The change to the frontend, at the same time as making the move to microservices, is seen as too risky.
  2. The external mobile application, on the other hand, is seen as a strategic move for the company, making the externally accessible API a desirable move.
  3. Analyzing the logs, it seems like the search functionality is not often used. The growth in the number of searches is small, and splitting search into its own service will require coordination with the Thoughts Backend, as it's an area of active development, with new fields being added. It is decided to keep search under the Thoughts Backend, as both work with the same thoughts.
  4. The Users Backend has been received well. It will allow improving the security of authentication by having clear ownership of who's responsible for patching security vulnerabilities and improving the services. The rest of the microservices will have to work independently with verification by the Users Backend, which means the team responsible for this microservice will need to create and maintain a package with information on how to validate a request.


Strategic planning to break the monolith


这被称为 扼杀者模式 ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture /patterns/strangler)——逐渐更换系统的一部分,直到旧系统被“扼杀”并且可以安全地移除。


  • The replacement approach, which replaces the older code with new code written from scratch the new service
  • The divide approach, which cherry-picks existing code and moves it into its own new service
  • A combination of the two


The replacement approach







The divide approach


在这种情况下,创建一个新服务更像是一种复制粘贴的练习,并用最少的代码包装它,以允许它独立执行并与其他系统互操作,换句话说,围绕 HTTP 构建其 API要求有一个标准的接口。


被调用到这部分的系统也必须适应进行调用,而不是内部代码,而是通过 HTTP 调用。好的部分是这可以通过几个步骤完成:

  1. Copy the code into its own microservice and deploy it.
  2. The old calling system is using the old embedded code.
  3. Migrate a call and check that the system is working fine.
  4. Iterate until all old calls are migrated to the new system.
  5. Delete the divided code from the old system.


Change and structured approach





  • An ordered plan of what microservices will be available first, taking into account how to deal with dependencies.
  • An idea of what the biggest pain points are, and whether working on them is a priority. Pain points are the elements that are worked with frequently and the current way of dealing with the monolith makes them difficult.
  • What are the difficult points and the cans of worms? It's likely that there'll be some. Acknowledge that they exist and minimize their impact on other services. Note that they may be the same as the pain points, or not. The difficult points may be old systems that are very stable.
  • A couple of quick wins that will keep the momentum of the project going. Show the advantages to your teams and stakeholders quickly! This will also allow everyone to understand the new mode of operation you want to move to and start working that way.
  • An idea of the training that teams will require and what the new elements are that you want to introduce. Also, whether there are any skills lacking in your team – it's possible that you may plan to hire.
  • Any team changes and ownership of the new services. It's important to consider feedback from the teams, so they can express their concerns over any oversights during the creation of the plan.


  • As a prerequisite, a load balancer will need to be in front of the operation. This will be responsible for channeling requests to the proper microservice. Then, changing the configuration of this element, we will be able to route the requests toward the old monolith or any new microservice.
  • After that, the static files will be served through their own independent service, which is an easy change. A static web server is enough, though it will be deployed as an independent microservice. This project will help in understanding the move to Docker.
  • The code for authentication will be replicated in a new service. It will use a RESTful API to log in and generate a session, and to log out. The service will be responsible for checking whether a user exists or not, as well as adding them and removing them:
    • The first idea was to check each session retrieved against the service, but, given that checking a session is a very common operation, we decided to generate a package, shared across the externally faced microservices, which will allow checking to see whether a session has been generated with our own service. This will be achieved by signing the session cryptographically and sharing the secret across our services. This module is expected not to change often, as it's a dependency for all the microservices. This makes the session one that does not need to be stored.
    • The Users Backend needs to be able to allow authentication using OAuth 2.0 schema, which will allow other external services, not based on web browsers, to authenticate and operate, for example, a mobile app.
  • The Thoughts Backend will also be replicated as a RESTful API. This backend is quite simple at the moment, and it will include the search functionality.
  • After both backends are available, the current monolith will be changed, from calling the database directly, to use the RESTful APIs of the backends. After this is successfully done, the old deployment will be replaced with a Docker build and added to the load balancer.
  • The new API will be added externally to the load balancer and promoted as externally accessible. The company making the mobile app will then start integrating their clients.



请注意,HTML 前端将使用与外部可用的相同 API。这将验证调用是否有用,因为我们将首先将它们用于我们自己的客户端。



Executing the move




这显然说起来容易做起来难,有时被称为以福特 T 开始比赛,以法拉利结束比赛,不停地更换每一件。好消息是软件非常灵活和可延展,它实际上是可能的。

Web services' best friend – the load balancer

负载均衡器是一种允许在多个后端资源之间分配 HTTP 请求(或其他类型的网络请求)的工具。





那是正常的操作。但它也可以用来替换服务。负载均衡器确保每个请求都干净利落地发送给一个工作人员或另一个工作人员。工作池中的服务可以不同,因此我们可以使用它来干净地在一个版本的 Web 服务和另一个版本之间进行转换。

出于我们的目的,负载均衡器后面的一组旧 Web 服务可以添加一个或多个向后兼容的替换服务,而不会中断操作。替换旧服务的新服务将少量添加(可能是一两个工人),以合理配置分配流量,并确保一切按预期工作。验证后,通过停止向旧服务发送新请求、耗尽它们并只留下新服务器来完全替换它。


但对于从旧的单体架构迁移到新的微服务,放慢速度更为明智。服务可以在 5%/95% 的拆分中存活数天,因此任何意外错误只会出现二十分之一的时间,然后迁移到 33/66,然后是 50/50,然后是 100% 迁移。

A highly loaded system with good observability will be able to detect problems very quickly and may only need to wait minutes before proceeding. Most legacy systems will likely not fall into this category, though.

任何能够以反向代理模式运行的 Web 服务器,例如 NGINX,都能够作为负载均衡器工作,但是,对于这个任务,可能最完整的选项是 HAProxy (http://www.haproxy.org/)。

HAProxy 专门用于在高可用性和高需求的情况下充当负载均衡器。它是非常可配置的,并在必要时接受从 HTTP 到较低级别 TCP 连接的流量。它还有一个很棒的状态页面,有助于监控通过它的流量,以及采取快速行动,例如禁用失败的工作人员。

AWS 或 Google 等云提供商也提供集成负载均衡器产品。它们在我们的网络边缘工作非常有趣,因为它们的稳定性使它们很棒,但它们不会像 HAProxy 那样可配置且易于集成到您的操作系统中。例如,Amazon Web Services 提供的产品称为 Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)—https://aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/

要从具有 DNS 引用的外部 IP 的传统服务器迁移并在前面放置负载均衡器,您需要遵循以下过程:

  1. Create a new DNS to access the current system. This will allow you to refer to the old system independently when the transition is done.
  2. Deploy your load balancer, configured to serve the traffic to your old system on the old DNS. This way, accessing either the load balancer or the old system, the request will ultimately be delivered in the same place. Create a DNS just for the load balancer, to allow referring specifically to it.
  3. Test that sending a request to the load balancer directed to the host of the old DNS works as expected. You can send a request using the following curl command:
$ curl --header "Host:old-dns.com" http://loadbalancer/path/
  1. Change the DNS to point to the load balancer IP. Changing DNS registries takes time, as caches will be involved. During that time, no matter where the request is received, it will be processed in the same way. Leave this state for a day or two, to be totally sure that every possible cache is outdated and uses the new IP value.
  2. The old IP is no longer in use. The server can (and should) be removed from the externally facing network, leaving only the load balancer to connect. Any request that needs to go to the old server can use its specific new DNS.

请注意,像 HAProxy 这样的负载均衡器可以使用 URL 路径,这意味着它可以将不同的路径定向到不同的微服务,这在从单体应用迁移时非常有用。

Because a load balancer is a single point of failure, you'll need to load balance your load balancer. The easiest way of doing it is creating several identical copies of HAProxy, as you'd do with any other web service, and adding a cloud provider load balancer on top.

因为 HAProxy 用途广泛且速度快,如果配置正确,您可以将其用作重定向请求的中心点——以真正的微服务方式!

Keeping the balance between new and old




The pilot phase – setting up the first couple of microservices

在看到第一次部署之前,可能需要很多基础设施。这一阶段可能很难克服,这是需要最大推动力的阶段。一个好的策略是在新的微服务架构中组建一个专门的爱好者团队,让他们领导开发。他们可以是参与过设计的人,也可以是喜欢新技术的人,或者曾与 Docker 和 Kubernetes 合作过的业余项目。并非您团队中的每个开发人员都会对改变您的运营方式感到兴奋,但其中一些人会。用他们的热情来启动项目并在最初的步骤中处理它:

  1. Start small—there'll be enough work to set up the infrastructure. The objective in this phase is to learn the tools, set up the platform, and adjust how to work with the new system. The aspect of teamwork and coordination is important and starting with a small team allows us to test a couple of approaches and iterate to be sure that they work.
  2. Choose non-critical services. At this stage, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Be sure that a problem does not have a huge impact on operations or revenue.
  3. Be sure to maintain backward compatibility. Substitute parts of the monolith with new services, but do not try to change the behavior at the same time, unless they are obvious bugs.


The consolidation phase – steady migration to microservices


Training will be a critical part of the migration project—be sure to allocate enough time. While training events such as workshops and courses can be very useful to kickstart the process, constant support from experienced developers is invaluable. Appoint developers as a point of contact for questions, and tell them explicitly that their job is to ensure that they answer questions and help other developers. Make the supporting team meet up regularly to share concerns and improvements on the knowledge transfer.




The final phase – the microservices shop


While desirable, it may not be realistic to migrate absolutely everything from the monolith. Some parts may take a long time to migrate because they are especially difficult to migrate or they deal with strange corners of your company. If that's the case, at least clearly define the boundaries and limit their action radius.


团队将建立完善,过程将顺利进行。 关注来自不同团队的好想法,并确保传播信息。





虽然本章是以与技术无关的方式编写的,但我们已经了解了为什么 Docker 容器是实现微服务的好方法,这将在接下来的章节中进行探讨。您现在还知道使用负载平衡器如何有助于保持向后兼容性并以不间断的方式部署新服务。



  1. What is a monolith?
  2. What are some of the problems of monoliths?
  3. Describe the microservice architecture.
  4. Which is the most important property of microservices?
  5. What are the main challenges to overcome in a migration from a monolith to microservices?
  6. What are the basic steps to make such a migration?
  7. Describe how to use a load balancer to migrate from an old server to a new one without interrupting the system.