战神诸神黄昏 战神5 BOSS指导所有BOSS
推荐档位: ;
- 武器附属物: ;九界握手/鞍石/背心,任何给予高属性的东西
- 盾牌: ;冲击盾牌或石墙盾牌
- 行: ;远征或九界行
- 装甲: ;狂暴装甲或冲锋队烧焦装甲
- 护身符: ;3倍尼夫海姆符咒,3倍穆斯佩尔海姆符咒,九界徽章,更大再生精华,逃避徽章
推荐能力: ;
- 利维坦斧子: ;Njord的暴风雨和Ivaldi的铁锤
- 混沌之刃:地狱复仇,驯服野兽
- 德鲁皮尔长矛:千兵之刺,向阵亡将士致敬
- 遗迹: ;霍夫德的希尔特,斯科夫农的希尔特, ;道赫的圣杯
- 斯巴达人的愤怒: ;斯巴达人的愤怒代表损害,斯巴达人的勇气代表治愈
推荐技能: ;
- 利维坦斧头: ;扑灭火焰、永久冻土、冰川永久冻土、旋转风暴、霜冻冲刺、利维坦的愤怒、冰川瑞克、蛇的圈套
- 混沌之刃:
蒸发冰霜、自焚、狂暴自焚、旋转混沌、急速混沌、混沌大满贯、混沌狂暴I/II/III - 长矛:大漩涡、猛烈漩涡、投掷长矛、长矛演练、将军进军、元素虹吸I/II、霍普利特突击I/II、刺穿推力I/II/III
- 常规攻击:无指示,通常可以被阻挡、格挡、躲避或中断。
- 拦截攻击:由攻击上的黄色圆圈表示,如果您试图阻止这些攻击,则它们将破坏您的拦截。这些问题可以及时避开,也可以避开。
- 不可阻挡攻击:由攻击上的红色圆圈表示,这些攻击不能被阻挡或躲避。对于这些,你需要或者躲避它们,或者在特殊情况下,可以用远程攻击来取消它们。
- Shield Strike Attack: Indicated by a double blue ring on the attack, these attacks usually have a build up and can be countered by shield striking by pressing
twice rapidly.
Most boss fights you can follow the same general strategies: Utilise all your runic attacks, companion attacks and Spartan Wrath to deal most of your damage. Fill your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom bar by dealing damage without being hit, then charge your preferred weapon with +
to deal more damage with it for a period of time.
BOSS#1- ;Bjorn
攻略: ;比约恩是一只巨熊,为您介绍阻挡破发和不可阻挡攻击。打破拦网的攻击将用金色圆圈表示,而不可阻挡的攻击将用红色圆圈表示。比约恩将发布一系列刷屏攻击,并随后进行其中任何一次攻击。对抗比约恩的最好方法是用你的盾牌挡住他的常规攻击,然后当他使用特殊攻击时躲避,在躲避后获得命中。你也可以破坏环境中的树木来获得健康的水晶。
Partway through the battle you will be able to enable your Spartan Fury ability with +
, allowing you to do serious damage and heal. This will also act as a mid-battle checkpoint.
Reward: 250 Kratos XP, Battle the Bear
任务: ;在盛冬中生存
策略: ;对于雷神,你会想要使用与比约恩类似的策略:阻挡他的常规攻击,躲避黄色和红色圆圈的攻击,在他攻击之间尽可能地击中他。这场战斗将有三个阶段在不同的领域,它将给你一个检查站为每个阶段。
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, Blood Debt
老板#3- ;女猎手
任务: ;在盛冬中生存
战略: ;女猎手是一场非常简单的战斗。她大多会发动远程攻击或试图撞向你,这两种情况都可以很容易地通过躲避来避免。每当她的角发光时,用你的斧头或刀刃进行远程攻击,错开她,然后对她哀号,直到她站起来。在这几个周期之后,她将会走下坡路。
奖励: ;250 Kratos XP、372 Atreus XP、冬季咬伤(轻符文攻击)、冰火(武器升级)
BOSS#4- ;Dreki
Quest: ;寻找轮胎
战略: ;一旦你到达熔炉,你就会遇到Dreki。在射程内,Dreki会向你吐口水,而在近距离,它要么扑向你咬人,要么向你甩尾巴。其中一些可以被屏蔽,但更容易的是简单地躲避它们,在你能命中的地方获得命中。使用你的符文攻击和斯巴达愤怒,当你有更多伤害的时候。战斗进行到一半时,Dreki将充满闪电,并开始进行近距离和远距离不可阻挡的闪电攻击。这些都是影响区域,所以当他发动这些攻击时,你想要离开目标区域。除了新的攻击,这一阶段仍然是相同的,所以当你可以攻击的时候。竞技场周围有许多健康水晶,如果你需要的话,可以收集它们。
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,500 Atreus XP,痛苦火焰(轻符文攻击),混乱火焰(武器升级)
BOSS#5- ;alva
任务: ;格罗亚的秘密
Strategy: At the end of the Temple of Light you will fight Alva. This is the first boss fight that will really test you, as Alva is fast, aggressive and there are no checkpoints mid-battle. Alva will always start with a double-blue circle attack, and these can be countered by doing a shield strike by double tapping quickly. She will do these regularly throughout the battle, so get used to shield striking. After being slammed, she is vulnerable, so it is recommended to use a heavy attack during this. A good example is the Serpent’s Snare ability for the Leviathan Axe if you have it unlocked (hold
), as this will do hefty damage and also build her freeze status a decent portion.
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP, ;332 Atreus XP,冷冻火焰(武器升级), ;远征军 ;(盾牌附件)
任务: ;失落的避难所
战略: ;格里拉将是你作为阿特鲁斯的第一场老板争夺战。这将主要是一场远程战斗,并不太困难。为了伤害格里拉,你需要在她的紫色符文暴露时击中她的大锅。格里拉将主要使用远程攻击,除非你站在她附近的地板上,在这种情况下,她将使用近战攻击。在战斗的大部分时间里,最好是呆在架子上,躲避她向你投掷的攻击,并在符文暴露的时候向大锅发射箭。在对火锅进行足够多的攻击后,她的横杆将被填满,她将丢掉火锅,这是你冲入近战并进行组合的机会。
After enough damage, there will be two candles you can tell Angrboda to attack with , which will stun Gryla if she is close to them, so you will want to go between the two shelves with the candles to lure her close to them. At this point in the fight she will also sometimes make either the floor or the shelves dangerous to stand on, covering them in purple magic. If this happens, get off that surface until it dissipates. She will also occasionally launch a flurry of slow-moving purple projectiles at you, which you will want to shoot with your arrows to stop them from hitting you.
Reward: The Cauldron
请求: ;无请求
战略: ;重新控制奎托斯后,你会立即与另一位老板发生争执。这场比赛类似于阿尔瓦,因为瓦纳迪斯速度很快,很有侵略性。她会撤退到一定距离,并经常使用弓,因此在试图缩小差距时,请确保要么挡住,要么躲避到一边。她的许多攻击都可以被阻止,阻止她比躲避更容易。利用你的符文攻击快速开始攻击她,然后试着靠近她,在她攻击之间对她进行打击。
When she gets to half health, you will start a new phase and be introduced to Spartan Valour, which will use a chunk of your rage bar to heal you instead of buff your attacks. This will also be a checkpoint, so if you die you won’t have to redo the first half. In this second phase she will start shooting poison pools and use her arrows a lot. Atreus can get downed by her poison, so if this happens run over to him and press to bring him back. Utilise Atreus’ abilities to try and stun her, and whittle away at her health, dodging/blocking as necessary.
Reward: Backyard Brawl
任务: ;清算
Strategy: You will encounter the Forest Ancient roaming when leaving Freyr’s Camp. This is a very easy fight. It can only take damage to its core, so throw your axe at it. When you attack the core it will spit out white orbs you can pick up and throw at it to deal massive stagger damage. When it staggers, run up to it and press , then start pummeling it with
. After doing this once it will spawn a bunch of Legions, but you can ignore them and finish off the Ancient first. It should only take two phases to kill it.
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,混沌火焰(武器升级)
BOSS#9- ;Fiske
任务: ;清算
策略: ;Fiske将位于废弃村的尽头。Fiske使用BiFrost Scythe,所以他有很远的射程,可以对你施加BiFrost,它会冻结你的生命棒的一大块,如果再次命中,会立即移除那块。正因为如此,菲斯克很难对付,而且他很有侵略性。他偶尔会做一次作用区域的不可阻挡攻击,当他猛击地面时,确保向后躲避两次,以达到安全的距离。如果他发动了这次攻击,就以此为契机发动一些远程攻击。
奖励: ;500克瑞托斯XP,多赫魔戒(遗物)
老板#10- ;Nidhogg
任务: ;清算
战略: ;Nidhogg将有四个阶段,每个阶段之间您将获得一个检查点。远程攻击几乎不会对尼德霍格造成任何伤害,所以你需要使用近战攻击。尼德霍格将主要使用比弗罗斯特攻击,以及王国撕裂攻击。对于第一阶段,它将主要进行咬合攻击,以及比弗罗斯特远程攻击和比弗罗斯特效果区域攻击。对于所有你想要躲避的攻击,你可以尝试阻挡/格挡咬人,但这样更容易躲避。
Reward: 2000 Kratos XP, Frozen Flame (Weapon Upgrade), Amulet of Yggdrasil, Root of the Problem
老板#11- ;Frost Phantom
Strategy: Frost Phantom cannot be hurt normally, so you must fill its stagger bar and then destroy its 2 pillars. To stagger it you must hit the runic orb at the centre of the Phantom, and due to the nature of the boss the best way to do this is by throwing your Leviathan Axe. Occasionally the runic orb will flash, and if you hit it while this is happening it will be stunned, allowing you to run in and attack it for more damage. Freya’s arrows will do a decent chunk of damage during this, so be sure to use them with . None of the Phantom’s attacks are particularly dangerous, as you can simply dodge them all while throwing your axe.
奖励: ;1400 Kratos XP,500 Freya XP, ;Chaos Flame(武器升级),Yggdrasil宝石(护身符升级)
任务: ;重聚
Strategy: Garm is a giant wolf that you fight in Helheim. When at a distance he will do stomp attacks that launch a line of ice at you, which can be easily dodged. He will rush in to do bite attacks, either starting with regular bites that can be blocked, or block break/unblockable bites that can be dodged. After dodging/blocking these attacks, attack his snout while it is up close to stun him momentarily, at which point you can deal damage. Don’t bother attacking him when he is at a distance, simply dodge and wait for the bite attacks. After enough damage Garm will swing his chain at you, which you can dodge and then freeze by throwing your Axe at it. Grab the chain with and he will be stunned for a longer period of time, allowing for bigger damage. This stun is a good opportunity to use runic attacks or Spartan Wrath if you have it equipped.
Reward: 2500 Kratos XP, 1250 Atreus XP, Off the Leash
任务: ;重聚
战略: ;你将再次与Garm战斗,除了这次他的腿和脖子上有弱点,你可以用你的Draupnir长矛投掷来引爆巨大的伤害。他的攻击基本上是一样的,向你猛烈抨击和投掷冰块,以及咬伤攻击。重复你之前做过的事情,同时当有弱点时也要破坏它们,直到Garm的交错条填满为止。攻击他,直到他重新站起来,他的生命条恢复,这将触发一个检查点。
The second phase will be identical, so repeat what you did until he is staggered again, except this time you can grab Garm with to lead to a QTE to finish the fight.
奖励: ;无
BOSS#14-Double Dreki
探索: ;预言生物
Strategy: You’ll face two Drekis at once, but these Drekis won’t become lightning empowered at all. If you have Spartan Wrath equipped, you can unload all of your Rage on one to nearly kill one Dreki outright, even on higher difficulties. This will also fully charge your +
ability for the weapon equipped, which can be used to finish off the first Dreki quickly. The second Dreki will likely be hiding in the water spitting poison at you, but once it comes out it will be like a regular Dreki without too much threat. Dodge/block its attacks and utilise your runic/companion abilities to deal with it quickly.
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,350 Atreus XP,古人炮兵(重符文攻击),混沌火焰(武器升级)
探索: ;预言生物
战略: ;这实际上是一场3个老板的战斗。与骑着古尔托普尔的海姆德尔战斗,他的骏马。古尔托普尔是一个相对容易的战斗,即使在更高的困难,因为他没有太多的健康。Gulltoppr将以各种可以躲避、阻挡或躲避的划动攻击进行攻击,以及不可阻挡的冲锋和盾牌打击践踏攻击。海姆达尔还会向你投掷比弗罗斯特,你可以躲避。这些攻击中的大多数都非常容易阅读和惩罚。
Once Gulltopr is dead, you will face Heimdall for the first time. Initially you won’t be able to hit him directly, so you will need to throw your Draupnir Spear at him or near him and detonate them with to increase his stagger bar. You will need to fill his stagger bar this way 3 times before you are able to hurt him normally. Initially you can throw the spears and detonate them immediately to increase his stagger, but eventually he’ll catch on and dash away when you throw them, so you will need to plant some and lure him towards them before detonating.
Reward: 3000 Kratos XP, Hilt of Hofud (Relic), Emblem of the Nine Realms (Amulet Enchantment), Comeuppance
任务: ;解锁面具
战略: ;冰霜古人基本上与你在故事前面战斗的森林古人相同,或者是你在一些恩惠中与食魂者战斗,只是这次你没有奎托斯的力量来对付它。你将需要攻击核心,当它暴露在造成伤害和增加交错棒的时候。与奎托斯不同,古人不会吐出爆炸性的核心来扔回去,所以你需要使用你的箭和同伴的能力来击倒它。
Use Sonic Arrows instead of Runic Arrows, as these will do both damage and stagger, whereas the latter will only deal stagger. When the stagger bar fills, it will collapse and you can attack it with , which will reset the stagger. It will stay down for a few seconds more, so use your special attacks here for extra damage. A good method is to use Ingrid’s
attacks when it is down and the stagger bar has reset, as using these attacks can completely fill the bar before it even stands up, allowing you to stagger it a second time immediately. Ignore the Hel-Walkers until after the Frost Ancient is defeated, as they will respawn infinitely. Once you defeat the Ancient, kill the remaining Hel-Walkers to finish the battle.
奖励: ;500 ;Atreus XP
Quest: ;The ;Summoning
Strategy: Flame Phantom cannot be hurt normally, so you must fill its stagger bar and then destroy its 3 pillars. To stagger it you must hit the runic orb at the centre of the Phantom, and due to the nature of the boss the best way to do this is by throwing your Leviathan Axe or Draupnir Spear. Occasionally the runic orb will flash, and if you hit it while this is happening it will be stunned, allowing you to run in and attack it for more damage. Freya’s arrows will do a decent chunk of damage during this, so be sure to use them with . None of the Phantom’s attacks are particularly dangerous, as you can simply dodge them all while throwing your axe.
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,500 ;Atreus XP,冷冻火焰(武器升级), ;Vindsvalr风暴(重符文攻击)
Quest: ;The ;Summoning
Strategy: This is like the fights with the Soul Eaters and Ancients previously, except there’ll be two of them to fight. As with previous fights, use range attacks on the core when it is exposed and throw the orbs it spits out to deal massive damage. Attack it with when it’s staggered. Once both Soul Eaters are defeated, deal with the Draugrs. Very simple fight.
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,500 ;Atreus XP,混沌火焰(武器升级), ;愤怒恩惠 ;(护身符附魔)
Quest: ;The ;Summoning
战略: ;Hrist和Mist是你们将共同战斗的瓦尔基里人。它们共享相同的生命条,你需要耗尽它们的生命条3次才能打败它们。在每个健康吧之间都会有一个检查站。在第一阶段,Hrist将攻击你,而Mist将攻击Atreus。通常你只需要处理其中的一个,因为他们通常会分别关注你和阿特鲁斯。在近距离时,他们会进行几次近战攻击,可以很容易地躲避或阻挡,还有一个盾牌攻击块,你可以用它来击晕他们。
Once the first health bar is depleted, they will retreat and heal, then throw you off the ledge. Spam to get up and you’ll be introduced to a mechanic for this boss fight, where one of the Valkyries will grab Atreus. If they do this, be sure to quickly throw a Spear at them to free Atreus. They will now regularly retreat to the opposite side of the arena, where Mist will launch feathers at you, followed up by Hrist throwing an unblockable boulder. The feathers can easily be blocked, followed up by dodging the boulder. Mist will also start doing a spinning attack towards you, but that can be stopped with any attack. During this phase you can simply throw your Spear over and over when they are at range, as this will cancel Mist’s spin, stop them from grabbing Atreus, and deal damage while they throw feathers and boulders. They will also start doing a double attack where they will launch a boulder alongside one of the Valkyries, and they will also do a sweeping attack where they will sweep across the field. During this there will be obvious markers on the ground indicating where they will attack, so just avoid these zones.
奖励: ;5000 Kratos XP、2500 ;Atreus XP、 ;Gale Flame(武器升级)
探索: ;战争中的王国
Strategy: You will face Thor outside the lodge in Asgard. This fight will have several phases, and there will be checkpoints between each phase. In the first phase, Thor will use a variety of punches/kicks at close range, unblockable/block break swings with his hammer, as well as an unblockable grab attack. At range, he will throw his hammer at you multiple times in succession, which is best dodged, and he will also slam his hammer down multiple times creating electric fields around the arena that you will want to avoid. He can also cleave the ground to launch lightning in a line in front of him. After the first 30% of his health, Thor will grab you and you will be able to spam /
to hurt him more, before you will need to spam
. After this will initiate the second phase of the fight.
In the second phase, Thor will use a shield strike attack where he floats into the air and releases lightning throughout the arena, so make sure to strike him with double to stop it, and punish him with attacks afterwards. He will jump into the air and throw his hammer down dealing area-of-effect damage that you can dodge. For the most part however he will continue using the same attacks as the first phase, except now everything will be lightning enchanted and deal more damage. Once you get his health down to 40%, there’ll be another short scene that initiates the third and final phase.
In the third phase, he’ll start summoning electric fields around the arena a lot more, making it harder to dodge them. He will also throw his hammer into the air and come crashing down on your location a second later, so when he does this you will need to be prepared to dodge away from the attack. He will also throw his hammer around allowing him to travel quickly. Once you get his health low enough, you can initiate another QTE with and press
when prompted to finish the fight.
奖励: ;无
探索: ;战争中的王国
战略: ;这场战斗将在雷神之战之后立即开始,实际上将会有两场与奥丁的战斗。每一场战斗都将是一个检查点,此外,每一场战斗都会有一个阶段,这些阶段被算作检查点。
In the second phase, Odin will slam his weapon into the ground and cover the entire area in Bifrost. After a few seconds this will explode and deal heavy damage, but if you time it correctly you can parry this attack as it explodes. Most of his other attacks will remain the same, except now he will teleport around and also deal more damage. After enough damage on this phase, he will teleport into the middle and cover all platforms in Bifrost, which can be avoided by jumping across one of the gaps just as the attack ends. From this point on he will mostly continue using the regular attacks, so dodge/block/parry what you can and punish him with runic/companion attacks and Spartan Wrath. When at range, use your Draupnir Spear to deal damage to him. Once his health is low enough, finish this fight with .
After the cutscene, you will be in a new arena, and this time you will have both Atreus and Freya to assist you. Odin’s regular attacks will now include whip attacks as well of spear attacks. He will do a large area-of-effect shield strike attack that you can either dodge away from and attack him with the Spear at range, or strike him with the shield to punish him while he’s stunned. Odin will dash around the arena, and also do a block break attack where he releases ravens towards you. If the ravens hit you, you will be stunned momentarily and will need to spam to escape.
He will have several unblockable whip attacks where you can flick ice at you, or create walls of Bifrost that travel in a line. He will also sometimes spawn five fireballs above his head that you can either destroy with range attacks, or dodge them so they hit the ground. Eventually after enough damage you will be able to attack Odin with , which will initiate his next phase.
Now Odin will start putting on elemental shields and using magic. Break his shields with the opposing element (Blades of Chaos for Frost Shield and Leviathan Axe for Flame Shield), or simply use the Draupnir Spear. He will launch a beam of fire in an arc around him, and do a large attack where he jumps into the air and launches flame and frost attacks at five or six spots around the arena, indicated by red danger zones. He will continue to use the same attacks from the previous phase on top of these, so deal with them the same way you have previously. Attack from range when necessary, otherwise punish his attacks with runic/companion attacks and Spartan Wrath. Once his health is low enough, grab him with and there will be a few QTEs to finish the fight.
Reward: Ragnarok
地点: ;斯瓦塔尔夫海姆-守望塔,阿普莱克雷/阿尔夫海姆-荒原/瓦纳海姆-废弃的村庄,平原/米德加德湖
探索: ;从火中诞生
战略: ;可恶之人是一只从火龙洞穴中产生的火龙。在不同的地点有六个这样的设备,但它们的工作方式都是一样的。他会进行一次凌乱的攻击,以及一次无法阻挡的火焰攻击,形成一堵火墙,所以当他这样做的时候,要躲避到一边。战斗进行到一半时,会有两个普通的吸血者产生,所以利用这个机会使用斯巴达之怒快速杀死他们并治愈他们。老板打架本身就是一个耐心的问题,当他进攻时躲避/阻挡,当他脆弱时被击中。
奖励: ;诅咒女皇手柄(刀刃附属物-先杀),混乱火花(武器升级碎片-每一次杀戮)
地点: ;Vanaheim-Vanir神殿
探寻: ;Freya的失踪的和平
Strategy: This is very similar to the Forest Ancient you fought outside Freyr’s Camp, except the Soul Eater will spray an ice beam every time it opens its core, and will also slam ice around it whenever you are close. Wait until it opens its core and throw your axe, then grab and throw the white orb it spits out to deal massive stagger damage. Run in, press , and spam
to deal big damage. This will take two phases to kill it. There will be reavers and poison gas present during the whole fight, but it is not worth trying to deal with first, just focus on the Soul Eater.
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP、345 Freya XP
老板#8-Double Dreki
地点: ;Vanaheim- ;女神瀑布
任务: ;Freya的失踪的和平
战略: ;这就像与单人Dreki的战斗,除了一个是常规的,一个是闪电赋能的。一次专注于一个Dreki,这取决于你自己,你更愿意首先处理哪个,但我处理了常规的那个。幸运的是,有弗雷娅在场,你真的不需要担心两个Drekis同时关注你,所以你可以专注于一个,而不会太担心第二个Dreki。采用与单人德鲁基战斗相同的策略,躲避或阻挡常规攻击,并在射程内躲避吐痰攻击。偶尔会有一只德鲁基躲在水里朝你吐口水,所以在这段时间里,你需要专注于第二只德鲁基。这场战斗只有两颗生命水晶,没有检查点,所以建议使用斯巴达勇士作为你的治疗之源。
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,500 Freya XP,流星之印(护身符魔法)
BOSS#9-The Maven
地点: ;阿尔夫海姆-禁区
任务: ;精灵圣殿
战略: ;Maven的战斗将非常类似于Alva,但她将更具攻击性并造成大量伤害。她的攻击将包括一次匆忙的攻击,最终以不可阻挡的大满贯攻击结束,最好的处理方法是阻止常规的攻击,从大满贯中闪回,然后在她恢复时冲进去进行一次猛烈的攻击。
奖励: ;无
地点: ;阿尔夫海姆-禁沙
任务: ;沙漠之门
攻略: ;在打开禁沙的沙漠之门后,你会遇到砾石肚。砾石贝利是一只德雷克,不能掉以轻心。碎石肚皮的攻击会造成很大的伤害,但很多攻击都有大量的积聚。它将进行常规的扫尾、不可阻挡的咬合和阻挡的尾部鞭打,所有这些都可以相当容易地躲避,因为建立时间(但是尾部掠过有一个特别长的建立,所以不要太早躲避,否则你会被击中)。
奖励: ;2400 Kratos XP,750 Freya XP,Alfheim‘s Fortune(护身符附魔),Skirnir’s Gambanteinn(唯一资源),Dragon Claw ;(唯一资源)
BOSS#11-Olaf Nautson
地点: ;Midgard-Raider据点
任务: ;动物本能
策略: ;奥拉夫是一场相对简单的战斗,因为他的健康状况不是很好,他的攻击也很容易预测。他将进行盖帽破发和不可阻挡挥杆的组合,以及不可阻挡的大满贯攻击和盾牌攻击,在那里他将治愈自己。一开始,他只会有很短的组合,但随着他的健康状况变差,他会开始连续连接更多的组合。
奖励: ;元素逃避令牌(护身符结界),比尔斯克尼尔爆裂(唯一资源)
BOSS#12- ;奥姆斯图加
地点: ;Svartalfheim-Alberich Hollow
寻找: ;丢失的宝藏
战略: ;奥姆斯图加是邪恶格林的老板变种。他非常敏捷,不停地跳来跳去,进攻非常迅速,这让他在更高的难度上变得困难。奥姆斯图加在射程内会进行多次攻击;向你吐酸,背靠背拦网断舌头,拦网跳水斜杠--所有这些都可以躲避或躲避--以及他最致命的攻击,一次无法阻挡的跳跃攻击。这次攻击非常迅速,在看到红色指示器后,你只有片刻的时间来躲避它。由于这一点,建议在他处于射程内时打防守,因为如果他发动跳跃攻击,冲刺或侵略性攻击可能会代价高昂。
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP, ;405 Freya XP,逃避象征(护身符附魔),Svefnthorn(唯一资源)
地点: ;Vanaheim- ;平原
探索: ;在平坦的视野中
Strategy: This is very similar to the Forest Ancient you fought outside Freyr’s Camp, except the Soul Eater will spray an ice beam every time it opens its core, and will also slam ice around it whenever you are close. Wait until it opens its core and throw your axe or spear, then grab and throw the white orb it spits out to deal massive stagger damage. Run in, press , and spam
to deal big damage. This will take two phases to kill it. There will be no regular enemies to deal with, but if you haven’t killed the dragon yet then it may join the fray, in which case just be aware of its fire.
奖励: ;1400 Kratos XP,330 Atreus ;XP,猎人品牌(独特资源),Eir‘s Armantment(护身符附魔)
地点: ;Vanaheim- ;The Plains
Quest: ;for Vanaheim!
战略: ;红色恐龙是一条红色的龙,它使用各种近距离攻击和火力攻击。它将使用不可阻挡的冲锋攻击,通常紧随其后的是阻挡攻击。它还将使用各种常规的咬合,可以阻挡、躲避或躲避。当在近距离时,它可以使用无法阻挡的火力攻击,当它在它前面喷火的时候,你会想要向后躲避。它还会在射程内向你喷出一条火线。
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,500 Atreus ;XP, ;2龙爪(唯一资源),冰火(武器升级),Vanaheim坚韧(护身符结界)
地点: ;Vanaheim-The Plains
任务: ;夜间捕食者
Strategy: Flame Phantom will appear out of the Sigil after capturing the 3 wisps. This is essentially the same as the Frost Phantom you fight during the story, except there’ll be 5 pillars instead of 2. Flame Phantom cannot be hurt normally, so you must fill its stagger bar and then destroy its 5 pillars. To stagger it you must hit the runic orb at the centre of the Phantom, and due to the nature of the boss the best way to do this is by throwing your Leviathan Axe or your Draupnir Spear. Occasionally the runic orb will flash, and if you hit it while this is happening it will be stunned, allowing you to run in and attack it for more damage. Your companion’s arrows will do a decent chunk of damage during this, so be sure to use them with . None of the Phantom’s attacks are particularly dangerous, as you can simply dodge them all while throwing your weapons.
奖励: ;猎人品牌(唯一资源),大风 ;火焰(武器升级)
BOSS#16- ;Crag JAW
地点: ;Vanaheim-The Sinkholes
任务: ;震荡的山谷
攻略:在瓦纳海姆的Sinkholes中爬过一个缺口后,你会遇到Crag Jow。 ;Crag Jw ;是一只德雷克,但如果你以前在Alfheim与Gravel Belly战斗,那么这场战斗就和那场战斗一样,只是更容易,因为你现在可能会更强大。 ;Crag Jow ;会对它的攻击造成很大伤害,但很多攻击都有大量的积聚。它将进行常规的扫尾、不可阻挡的咬合和阻挡的尾部鞭打,所有这些都可以相当容易地躲避,因为建立时间(但是尾部掠过有一个特别长的建立,所以不要太早躲避,否则你会被击中)。
奖励: ;1875 Kratos XP,500 Atreus ;XP,再生精华(护身符附魔),龙爪 ;(唯一资源)
BOSS#17-Double Dreki
任务: ;下面是什么
Strategy: Inside the dam, You’ll face two Drekis at once, and both of these Drekis will be lightning empowered. As they both have lightning abilities, this is the most dangerous Dreki encounter in the game, but if you focus on taking one out quickly it isn’t too bad. Unload all your runic and companion attacks on the first Dreki, then one or two Spartan Wrath attacks to fill your +
gauge on your weapon. Using this should be enough to finish off the first Dreki, which will drop a health and rage crystal to top you up.
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP、 ;500 Atreus XP
地点: ;Vanaheim- ;丛林
任务: ;死亡之路
Strategy: The Corpse Eater is a blue dragon that uses a variety of close range attacks as well as ice attacks. It will use a couple of block break/unblockable biting attacks that you will want to dodge. It will also do a grabbing attack where you will need to rapidly press to escape. Primarily however it will use ice attacks, such as an ice beam across the arena or launching a group of icicles in front of it, both of which can be easily avoided by dodging to the side.
Eventually the dragon will grab you and fly you into the air, at which point you will want to repeatedly attack it with until it drops you back in the arena. Once you get the dragon’s health bar completely down, you will have a few QTEs to finish it off.
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP、500 Atreus ;XP、 ;2龙爪(唯一资源)
BOSS#19- ;渣角
地点: ;Vanaheim- ;丛林
任务: ;毁灭路径
攻略: ;你会在爬过瓦纳海姆丛林的空隙后遇到熔渣号角。 ;熔渣号角将与其他龙兽,砾石贝利和岩爪一样发挥,但他的生命值将明显更强。 ;熔渣号角的攻击将造成很大伤害,但许多攻击都有大量积聚。它将进行常规的扫尾、不可阻挡的咬合和阻挡的尾部鞭打,所有这些都可以相当容易地躲避,因为建立时间(但是尾部掠过有一个特别长的建立,所以不要太早躲避,否则你会被击中)。
奖励: ;2500 Kratos XP,1125 Atreus XP,更强再生精华(护身符附魔), ;龙爪(唯一资源)
BOSS#20- ;Dreki
Location: ;The ;Plains
任务: ;在夜深人静
战略: ;这个Dreki将由毒药而不是闪电赋能,但它将是一个单独的Dreki,这使得它更容易管理。它的生命值将略高于普通的Dreki,但它的攻击将是相同的,除了闪电攻击将被毒药攻击取代。它的大多数攻击将是可以躲避或阻止的咬伤或拖尾,而毒药攻击最好是躲避,以避免中毒。使用你的符文攻击,同伴攻击和斯巴达愤怒来快速伤害德鲁基,如果你设法给你的武器充电,使用永久冻土/自焚/漩涡,以造成额外的伤害并更容易地击晕德鲁基。
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP、 ;500 Atreus XP
BOSS#21- ;灰暴君
Location: ;The ;Sinkholes
任务: ;燃烧的天空
战略: ;灰暴君是一条白龙,使用各种近距离攻击和火力攻击。与你对抗的其他龙相比,这条龙是非常独特的,因为它的机械结构非常不同。它会进行一些近战攻击,但在大多数情况下,它会用火攻击。当龙试图喷火时,脖子上会出现一个弱点,当被长矛或斧头攻击时,会瞬间击晕龙,使你造成严重伤害。
奖励: ;1400 Kratos XP、500 Atreus ;XP、 ;2龙爪(唯一资源)
BOSS#22- ;Stinnr和Sterkr
地点: ;Alfheim-The Barrens
任务: ;阿斯加德的最后残余
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,150 Freya XP
地点: ;尼夫海姆-乌鸦树
任务: ;奥丁之眼
战略: ;在杀死所有奥丁的乌鸦并打开乌鸦树的箱子后,可以对抗乌鸦看守者。乌鸦守护者是地狱荒野猎人,所以你需要用符文/音速之箭射杀她才能让她变得脆弱。她通常会使用你想要躲避的不可阻挡的冰气,最好是挡住的两面冰墙,或者用一次拦网攻击来接近你。只要你不试图躲避你的冰墙攻击(因为这几乎总是会导致你被他们击中),她自己并不太难。
这里的困难将来自她将在不同的时间段产生的敌人。在80%,50%和20%的生命值下,乌鸦守护者将消失并产生一波敌人,并将在杀死他们中的一些人后回来。第一波主要是Hel-Revers ;和Hel-Shadows,第二波将包括Hel-Viken。当乌鸦守护者在一波之后返回时,你会想要专注于首先清除常规敌人,这样你就不会受到后面的攻击。然而,第三波是最艰难的,因为这将引发第二波与冰霜龙-苍白一号的战斗。
Once The Pale One is defeated, The Raven Keeper will return. Finish her off and remember to use yours arrows on her. Throughout the fight the regular enemies will drop occasional health crystals, but not a lot. There will also be no checkpoint at all despite there being a second boss fight in the middle, which can make this a bit difficult on higher difficulties. A particularly beneficial skill for this fight is Elemental Siphon II on the Draupnir Spear, as this allows you to receive a temporary resistance to the element you absorbed, making everything in the fight hurt you less. You will need to hold to do this and it has some build up, but with all the regular enemies it shouldn’t be too hard to keep this up for most of the fight.
奖励: ;200 Kratos XP,50 Freya XP,尼夫海姆正义(护身符附魔),Forsbrandr Hilt(遗迹)
地点: ;Midgard- ;九子湖
任务: ;适合国王
战略: ;狂热的弗雷克尼可以在九子湖的狂暴墓碑上战斗。弗雷克尼可以快速杀死你,但有一个非常可预测的攻击模式。在射程,弗雷克尼要么进行无法阻挡的冲锋攻击,可以躲避和惩罚,要么跳起来进行拦网突破攻击,几乎总是紧随其后的是近距离不可阻挡的扣杀。因此,对于这一次,你会想要躲避这两次攻击,然后继续攻击。当在近距离时,弗雷克尼可以做一次常规的刺拳,可以被阻挡或躲避,或者她会进行一次不可阻挡的攻击,然后再进行一次常规的刺拳。
奖励: ;1500 Kratos XP,375 Freya XP, ;狂暴护腰(腰甲)
地点: ;Svartalfheim-Jarnsmida Pitmine
任务: ;适合国王
战略: ;凶猛的Bodvar和麻烦的Starolfr可以在Jarnsmida Pitmins的狂暴墓碑中找到。这是一场双头大战,所以你需要注意两个敌人。Bodvar将挥舞两个盾牌,Starolfr将挥舞两把剑。在这两个人中,博德瓦将是更危险的一个。他们两个都会进行近距离的狂暴攻击,包括拦网突破/不可阻挡的攻击,以及各种危险的远程攻击,例如不可阻挡的冲锋/地面猛烈攻击。博德瓦可以在他面前进行一次非常具破坏性的阻挡闪光,也可以进行一次盾牌攻击,在他充电后释放并造成巨大的影响范围伤害。正因为如此,你会想要一直关注Bodvar,以防他这样做。Starolfr偶尔会粘在墙上,向你扔刀子,但这些很容易被挡住。
You can choose to either focus on one until they are dead, or whittle them down individually. Both have their benefits, as when you’re fighting one you only have one target, but they will also enrage and start hitting harder. I opted to work them both down, killing Starolfr first as she is weaker, then focusing on Bodvar to finish him off. You will want to utilise all your runic/companion attacks and Spartan Wrath if you have it equipped to quickly disperse damage, and use your +
ability when you get it to deal even more. With some good dodging and ability usage you will be able to defeat one by the time you’ve used all your abilities, and can then focus on the second. Health crystals will drop throughout the fight, so Spartan Wrath will prove more beneficial than Spartan Valour or Fury.
奖励: ;1500 Kratos XP,375 Freya XP,Gale Flame(武器升级),九界之链(矛柄)
地点: ;Svartalfheim- ;Nidavellir
任务: ;适合国王
战略: ;坚韧可以在尼达维利耶的狂暴墓碑找到。哈德菲尔没有很大的进攻能力,在近距离他会进行一系列的凌乱进攻,可以是常规和盖帽挥杆的组合。这些组合拳可以在他完成后被阻挡/躲避和惩罚。在射程中,他会跳跃并向你挥杆进行拦网攻击,并且经常会导致一次慌乱的攻击。哈德菲尔需要注意的主要攻击是跳跃攻击,地面上会出现一个绿色指示器。这表明他将在大约一秒钟后降落在哪里,所以当他降落时,你需要准备好躲避。这种攻击可以造成严重的伤害,但只要你不立即躲避,当你看起来他跳的时候,你应该能够避免这些不需要太多的努力。
奖励: ;1500 Kratos XP,375 Freya XP, ;阿斯加德坚韧(护身符附魔)
地点: ;Svartalfheim- ;艾伯里奇岛
任务: ;适合国王
Strategy: Beigadr the Feared can be found at the Berserker Gravestone on Alberich Island. Beigadr is lightning enchanted, so most of his attacks will be ranged lightning attacks. He will do several unblockable lightning attacks, one where he throws four lightning orbs at you, and another where lightning will strike all around the arena, indicated by danger zones on the floor. Both of these you will need to time your dodge to avoid them. Getting hit by a lightning attack with shock you, and you will need to spam to escape. There will also be normal ranged lightning attacks, where he can launch two orbs at you or cast a line of lightning in front of him. At close range he will also do some punches, but these are all regular attacks so can be blocked, parried or dodged. Lastly there will be a leaping attack where after a second or two he will slam down into the ground, so you will want to time your dodge so you don’t get hit by this.
奖励: ;1500 Kratos XP,375 Freya XP, ;Asgard‘s力量(护身符附魔)
BOSS#28- ;Svipdagr伊尔斯卡的冷酷和姐妹
地点: ;Alfheim-The Barrens
任务: ;适合国王
战略: ;Svipdagr在荒原的狂暴墓碑上可以找到伊尔斯卡的冷与姐妹。这是一场三重大战,但伊尔斯卡姐妹将共享一个健康吧。姐妹俩将被火焰和冰霜附魔,而斯维普达格将使用双斧头。修女们将使用由他们的元素注入的重击攻击,以及向你投掷冰箭/寻的火球。他们还将跳跃到空中,释放覆盖大片区域的多个不可阻挡的影响区域攻击,因此要密切关注地板上的危险指示器,并远离它们。最好是先关注修女,因为他们共享一个生命棒,而且大多会从射程攻击你。
奖励: ;1500 Kratos XP,375 Freya XP,狂暴之剑(胸甲),阿斯加德安全(护身符附魔),冰火(武器升级)
地点: ;阿尔夫海姆--紫禁沙
任务: ;适合国王
奖励: ;1500 Kratos XP,375 Freya XP, ;握持九界(Axe附件)
BOSS#30- ;Hvitserkr The Bold
地点: ;Vanaheim-朝圣者登陆
任务: ;适合国王
战略: ;Hvitserkr勇敢者可以在朝圣者之地的狂暴墓碑中找到。Hvitserkr是以毒药为基础的,也会召唤阴影和噩梦与他并肩作战。如果奴才死了,他会重生,所以不用费心直接攻击他们了。他的大部分攻击都是基于距离的,比如向你投掷两次毒药,一次不可阻挡的攻击,他同时投掷四次毒药,还有一次召唤攻击,他会在你身上产生大约五次爆炸的敌人。对于常规攻击,你可以阻挡,但对于其他攻击,你会想要躲避,在召唤攻击的情况下反复进行。他也会冲进来多次向你挥拳,但这些都是非常基本的近战攻击,并不难对付。
The biggest problem with Hvitserkr is getting overwhelmed by all his minions and his range/area-of-effect attacks. The best way to deal with him is chaining together all of your runic attacks, companion attacks and Spartan Wrath to deal heavy damage to him, using your +
attack when available to deal even more damage. By the time you’ve exhausted all your abilities he should hopefully be heavily damaged, allowing you to quickly finish him off. If need be you can use your Spear or Axe for ranged attacks when he is at a distance, but you will have to be cautious of his attacks and the minions.
奖励: ;1500 Kratos XP,375 Freya XP,九界宝珠(刀锋附件)
地点: ;Vanaheim- ;Sinkholes
探索: ;适合国王
奖励: ;1500 Kratos XP、375 Freya XP、Chaos Flame(武器升级)
地点: ;尼夫海姆-雾域
任务: ;适合国王
Strategy: Skjorthendi the Unerring can be found at the Berserker Gravestone at Mist Fields. Skjorthendi is the hardest of the berserkers, as she uses Bifrost attacks and can teleport around. It is highly recommended that you use the Remedy of the Bifrost and Celestial Panacea Amulet Enchantments if you have them, as these will make the Bifrost more manageable. It is also recommended that you use the Elemental Siphon II ability on the Draupnir Spear (hold ) to receive a temporary resistance buff to Bifrost.
On top of all the attacks she will do, she will also teleport all around the arena, constantly into close range to swing at you, then back to a distance to attack from range, making it very difficult to get a combo going on her. This can also ruin your +
attack or Spartan Wrath attacks if you do them at an inopportune time and she teleports as you initiate these. You can either go aggressive and unload all your special attacks and abilities, trying to get combos off and not wasting them when she teleports, or play more purposefully and wait until after an attack to punish her with these abilities. Either way this is a difficult fight, so be prepared.
奖励: ;1500 Kratos XP、375 Freya XP、狂暴手环(腕甲)
地点: ;Midgard-国王的坟墓
任务: ;适合国王
推荐装备: ;攻击盾、狂暴装甲套装、3倍尼夫海姆咒语、3倍穆斯佩尔海姆咒语、九界徽章、更大再生精华、躲避徽章
战略: ;赫罗夫·克拉基国王在击败所有其他狂暴战士后,可以在国王墓的狂暴战士墓碑中找到他的遗物。霍罗夫国王将采用许多以前贝塞克人的进攻模式,以及吹嘘拥有巨大的健康棒,使他成为比赛中最艰难的两场战斗之一。
Before you fight King Hrolf, it is recommended that you have the above listed recommended gear and abilities at max level. You can change some things up if you like, but in my testing I found this to be the best loadout for defeating him on No Mercy difficulty. This loadout will allow you to dodge further, deal more damage when your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom bar is full, effectively deal with Hrolf’s shield strike ability, regenerate your relic and runic attacks at a faster rate, and deal massive damage while in Realm Shift and using your +
He will also jump into the air to charge up with Bifrost energy, which is unblockable and covers the whole arena. When he does this, make sure to hit him with a ranged attack with either the Spear or Axe, or by detonating spears inside of him. Hrolf will also do a shield strike attack, where he will slam his weapons together to deal damage across the entire arena. He can do this at range, which makes it very difficult to deal with if you don’t have the Onslaught Shield, hence the recommendation. With this, you can initiate a shield strike ( twice) from across the arena and you will charge at him to strike him. Even if he manages to complete the attack before you reach him, you will block it mid-charge, turning the attack from a very deadly attack at range to something you can mitigate completely.
As for actually fighting King Hrolf, you won’t be able to get too many combos on him as he will be very aggressive at close range and will often immediately jump back to a long distance upon finishing a combo. You’ll be able to get a few hits in here and there normally, but the best way to deal damage is to utilise your runic attacks, companion attacks, Spartan Wrath and a combination of the Hilt of Hofud relic and your +
attack. The Berserker Armour set will make it so many of these attacks will cooldown faster, allowing you to do them more often, while the Amulet Enchantments and Hilt of Hofud will make it so when your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom bar is full, you can slow down time with the relic, then use
with your preferred weapon (I opt to use the Leviathan Axe for it), then unleash a combo on him during slowdown to deal heavy damage to him. When he is at range, you can abuse your Draupnir Spear, throwing charged spears to deal damage and fill him with spears that you can detonate for further damage, as well as potentially stun him.
Health crystals will drop throughout the fight, but these won’t heal a huge amount, so don’t rely on them. Greater Regenerating Essence is good in this regard, as it will provide passive healing over the fight. Once his health is depleted, finish him with .
Reward: 15000 Kratos XP, 3750 Freya XP, Hilt of Skofnung (Relic), Helheim’s Virtue (Amulet Enchantment), Grave Mistake
地点: ;穆斯佩尔海姆--熔炉
任务: ;捍卫你的勇气
推荐装备: ;石墙盾牌、远征骑兵、狂暴装甲套装、3x尼弗尔海姆咒语、3x穆斯佩尔海姆咒语、灵丹妙药、更强大的再生精华、躲避徽章、九界武器附装在你的首选武器上。
攻略: ;GNA只有在游戏完成后才能战斗。她会被发现在穆斯佩尔海姆的熔炉里,在阿斯加德的遗迹上。GNA是游戏中最艰难的战斗,她的攻击将有非常小的躲避/阻挡/闪避窗口,并且她可以非常快地攻击而不需要停机。虽然她比霍罗夫国王更强壮,但她的健康状况也较差,这至少让这场战斗不是一场消耗战,而更多的是掌握如何应对她的每一次攻击。
- “为了阿斯加德!”-格纳会跳得很高,落在你的位置上,如果它击中你,会造成严重的伤害。这是非常迅速的,并将连续三次,所以当你听到她说“为了阿斯加德!”你会想要躲避,并准备好三次。当Gna的生命值低于一半时,这种攻击可能会延迟,在她坠落之前,她会在空中停留更长的时间。通常,当这种情况发生时,你可以在第一次闪避两次以避免它,然后如果有后续攻击,你可以等待一秒钟再躲避它。
- “跪下!”-Gna会跳到空中,在你站立的地方踢你的脚跟,如果连接上,会造成严重的伤害和结霜。这是不可阻挡的,所以请稍等片刻,然后躲避。如果你一听到“跪下!”就躲开了,你就有被击中的风险。在此之后,她通常会进行多次拦网突破攻击,在这些攻击中,她会猛击地面,并在她面前排成一排投掷石块。
- “投降!”-Gna将向你发起不可阻挡的攻击,如果它连接上,将造成严重伤害。她通常会连续几次这样做,但她可能会假装成一系列经常性的攻击。当她发起这次攻击时,你会想要躲避到一边,然后阻挡,以防她假装进入常规攻击,然后如果她再次“提交”,则再次躲避。进攻。通常在两次之后,她就会开始攻击,但偶尔她会立即发动另一次攻击,所以在这里惩罚她是有风险的。
- “沐浴在火中!”-Gna将在她上方生火,你必须用符文之箭(紫色)射杀她以阻止攻击。如果你不用箭来阻止它,你将被击中造成严重损害并被烧伤。用符文之箭打击她会灼伤并击晕她,从而允许后续攻击。
- “起来,起来!”- ;Gna会召唤一块巨石向你投掷,你必须用音速箭(浅蓝色)射杀她以阻止攻击。 ;如果你不用箭阻止它,你将受到严重伤害。用音速箭打击她会使她昏迷,从而进行后续攻击。
- “Asgard’s blood is on you!” – One of Gna’s shield strike attacks, where she will charge up a lightning attack that will hit a large portion of the arena. If you are close to her you can shield strike her (
twice) and punish her, and if you’re not close you can dodge backwards out of the danger zone, then throw charged Draupnir Spears at her while she is busy.
她的其他攻击将包括排在她前面的队伍中的比弗罗斯特雨,你会想要躲避的。这通常是她躲闪到一边,然后冲向你进行三种攻击中的一种:她向你挥动翅膀的慌乱攻击,紧随其后的假装攻击和不可阻挡的猛烈攻击,或者非常快的不可阻挡的刺伤攻击。因此,最好为攻击做好准备进行阻止,如果您看到无法阻止的攻击迅速到来,请躲避到右侧 ;。这种攻击很难躲避,因为表示攻击的红色环出现在攻击发生前的最后一刻,所以你需要快速躲避。你可以尝试向右躲避所有的攻击,但有时即使躲闪的时间更长,你也不会超出侧翼的射程而被击中。每当她躲避到一边时,就会发生其中一次袭击,所以当你看到她这样做的时候,要做好准备。
At the start of the fight, the best way to initiate the fight is to charge in with a Spartan Wrath attack, using Freya’s companion attacks as you charge. Immediately use your Hilt of Skofnung, then 3-4 of your runic attacks while she is stunned. You may not get the fourth attack out depending on how early she breaks out, but if you manage to get them all you will immediately remove 2 bars of health on No Mercy. After this initial flurry, you will want to play cautiously, only attack her when she is vulnerable after an attack, and never rush her. The only time to go aggressive is when you have an activation for Hilt of Skofnung at the ready, at which point you can unload your abilities again. Whenever your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom is charged up, if you have the Weapon Attachment of the Nine Realms on your preferred weapon you can use the +
attack to temporarily slow down time and get a few swings on her at a higher damage, and chain it into a runic attack.
Gna will regularly drop health crystals throughout the fight, plus with Greater Regenerating Essence you will restore health throughout the fight. That said certain attacks from her will effectively kill you outright on No Mercy difficulty, so you will want to avoid her stronger attacks as best you can. Once her health is depleted, finish her with .
Reward: 4000 Kratos XP, 4000 Freya XP, The Queen’s Armour (Freya Armour), The Queen’s Roar (Freya Runic Summon), Rond of Obliteration (Shield Attachment), The True Queen
其他 ;老板
BOSS#1- ;Frost Phantom
Strategy: Frost Phantom will appear out of the sands east of the entrance to The Forbidden Sands. This is essentially the same as the one during the story, except there’ll be 3 pillars instead of 2. Frost Phantom cannot be hurt normally, so you must fill its stagger bar and then destroy its 3 pillars. To stagger it you must hit the runic orb at the centre of the Phantom, and due to the nature of the boss the best way to do this is by throwing your Leviathan Axe. Occasionally the runic orb will flash, and if you hit it while this is happening it will be stunned, allowing you to run in and attack it for more damage. Freya’s arrows will do a decent chunk of damage during this, so be sure to use them with . None of the Phantom’s attacks are particularly dangerous, as you can simply dodge them all while throwing your axe.
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,500 Freya XP,Alfheim荣誉(护身符魔法)
BOSS#2-&Visi Haglkorn
地点: ;米德加德-九子湖
战略: ;Visi Haglkorn是在九点湖东南部发现的霜冻巨魔。他将主要通过踩踏并在他面前制造一波冰浪来攻击,或者通过猛击他的冰柱来进行攻击。这些攻击很容易阅读和躲避,而且他的健康状况也不是很好,所以相对容易被击败。只需攻击和躲避,根据需要使用弗雷娅的能力和你的符文能力,你应该很快就能击败他。只是不要贪婪,因为如果他猛烈抨击你,你可能会陷入困境,并受到沉重的伤害。
奖励: ;500 Kratos XP,500 Freya XP,Jotunheim荣誉(护身符)
Strategy: Blatonn is the Alpha Wulver, and can be found on the side path in The Abandoned Village leading towards Freyr’s location. Blatonn doesn’t have a lot of health, but he has long combos and can deal massive damage. Because of his low health, the best way to deal with him is to chain together your runic attacks for all three weapons, as well as your companion abilities. With a good set of damaging abilities, you will be able to unleash all of these back to back while keeping him stunned and dealing good damage. With all of these used, you can use spam Spartan Wrath to deal most of his remaining health (if you have 4 bars of Spartan Rage). If you’re not able to kill him by using all of these attacks, you should have Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom available on your weapon to deal extra damage ( +
奖励: ;英勇恩惠(护身符附魔)、纳尔杯(唯一资源)
位置: ;Vanaheim- ;Plains
战略: ;Vali是一个强大的旅行者,是平原上发现的三个旅行者之一。他可以在红衣箱附近的入口处找到老板,与红色的龙,红色的恐龙战斗。在与瓦利交战之前,你首先要对付的是两种有毒植物和两个暗影敌人。瓦利将使用大量的重型进攻,其中大部分要么是拦网破发,要么是不可阻挡的进攻。在很大程度上,你可以躲避这些,但你仍然需要小心,因为他可以很快地跟进攻击。他偶尔也会猛击地面释放冰霜,你会想要简单地阻挡它,否则就会造成重大伤害。
奖励: ;3000 Kratos XP,750 Atreus XP, ;谎言之路(Lore Scroll)
位置: ;Vanaheim- ;Plains
奖励: ;2200 Kratos XP,300 Atreus XP,Hrotti希尔特(遗物),盲人(传说卷轴)
位置: ;Vanaheim- ;Plains
战略: ;Egil是一种强大的旅行者,是平原上发现的三种旅行者之一。穿过东部平原天坛正南方的一个缺口,就可以找到他。Egil ;将使用大量的重型攻击,其中大部分要么是拦网破解,要么是不可阻挡的攻击。在很大程度上,你可以躲避这些,但你仍然需要小心,因为他可以很快地跟进攻击。他偶尔也会猛击地面释放冰霜,你会想要简单地阻挡它,否则就会造成重大伤害。
奖励: ;200 Kratos XP,60 Atreus XP,致命生命力之刃(矛柄),目的地(传说卷轴)
地点: ;Svartalfheim-The Applecore
战略: ;Miklimunnr是一个火焰巨魔,可以在应用程序核心中释放Tyr的地方找到。他将主要通过踩踏和在他面前制造一波火焰来攻击,或者通过猛击他的火焰柱来攻击。这些攻击很容易阅读和躲避,而且他的健康状况也不是很好,所以相对容易被击败。只需攻击和躲避,根据需要使用弗雷娅的能力和你的符文能力,你应该很快就能击败他。只是不要贪婪,因为如果他猛烈抨击你,你可能会陷入困境,并受到沉重的伤害。
奖励: ;1400 Kratos XP,500 Freya ;XP,四风勋章 ;(矛柄)
vt.(1) ;
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