读书笔记《spring-5-design-patterns》第 12 章实现并发模式
第 12 章实现并发模式
在第11章中,实现响应式设计模式,我们讨论了响应式设计模式以及它如何满足当今应用程序的要求。 Spring 5 Framework 为 Web 应用程序引入了响应式 Web 应用程序模块。在本章中,我们将探讨一些并发设计模式以及这些模式如何解决多线程应用程序的常见问题。 Spring 5 Framework 的响应式模块也为多线程应用程序提供了解决方案。
- Handling concurrency with concurrency patterns
- Active object pattern
- Monitor object pattern
- Half-Sync/Half-Async patterns
- Leader/followers pattern
- Thread-specific storage
- Reactor pattern
- Best practices for concurrency module
concurrency 设计模式的活动对象类型将方法执行与方法调用区分开来。这种模式的作用是增强并发性,同时简化对驻留在独立且可区分的控制线程中的对象的同步访问。它用于处理同时到达的多个客户端请求,也用于提高服务质量。让我们看下图,它说明了并发和基于多线程的应用程序中的活动对象设计模式:

正如您在上图中所见,此 concurrency 设计模式的以下组件:
- Proxy: This is the active object that is visible to the client. The proxy advertises its interface.
- Servant: There is a method that is defined in the interface of the proxy. The servant is the provider of its implementation.
- Activation list: This is a serialized list that contains method request objects that the proxy inserts. This list allows the servant to run concurrently.
监视器对象模式是另一种并发设计模式 有助于执行多线程程序。它是一种设计模式,旨在确保在单个时间间隔内,只有一个方法在单个对象中运行,为此,它同步并发方法执行。
- The synchronization boundaries are defined by the interface of the object, and it also makes sure that a single method is active in a single object.
- It must be ensured that all the objects keep a check on every method that needs synchronization and serialize them transparently without letting the client know. Operations, on the other hand, are mutually exclusive, but they are invoked like ordinary method calls. Wait and signal primitives are used for the realization of condition synchronization.
- To prevent the deadlock and use the concurrency mechanisms available, other clients must be allowed to access the object when the method of the object blocks during execution.
- The invariants must always hold when the thread of control is interrupted voluntarily by the method.

- Monitor object: This component exposes the methods that are synchronized to the clients
- Synchronized methods: The thread-safe functions that are exported by the interface of the object are implemented by these methods
- Monitor conditions: This component along with the monitor lock decides whether the synchronized method should resume its processing or suspend it
每个并发系统都包含异步和同步服务。为了使这些服务能够相互通信,Half-Sync/Half-Async 模式将系统中的服务分解为层。使用排队层,这两个服务相互传递消息以进行相互通信。

如上图所示,共有三层——同步服务层、队列层和异步服务层。同步层包含与 队列层的队列同步工作的服务,并且此查询使用 异步服务层。这一层的这些异步服务正在使用基于事件的外部资源。
- Synchronous Task Layer: The tasks in this layer are active objects. High-level input and output operations are carried by these tasks, which transfer the data synchronously towards the queuing layer.
- Queuing Layer: This layer provides the synchronization and buffering required between the synchronous and asynchronous task layers.
- Asynchronous Task Layer: The events from the external sources are handled by the tasks present in this layer. These tasks do not contain a separate thread of control.
事件源中服务请求的检测、解复用、分派和处理在并发模型中以高效的方式进行,其中许多多个线程一个一个地处理以使用事件源上的集合.半同步/半异步的另一个替代品是领导者/跟随者模式。可以使用此模式代替 Half-Sync/Half-Async 和活动对象模式,以提高性能。使用它的条件是在处理多线程请求时不能有排序和同步约束:

reactor 模式用于处理服务处理程序从单个或多个输入源同时接收的服务请求。接收到的服务请求然后由服务处理器解复用并分派给相关的请求处理器。所有反应器系统通常都存在于单线程中,但据说它们也存在于多线程环境中。

正如您在上图中所见,调度程序使用解复用器通知处理程序,处理程序执行要通过 I/O 事件完成的实际工作。反应器通过调度适当的处理程序来响应 I/O 事件。处理程序执行非阻塞操作。上图具有此设计模式的以下组件:
- Resources: These are the resources through which input is provided or output is consumed.
- Synchronous event demultiplexer: This blocks all resources via an event loop. When there is a possibility that a synchronous operation will start, the resource is sent to the dispatcher through the demultiplexer without blocking.
- Dispatcher: The registering or unregistering of request handler is handled by this component. Resources are dispatched to the respective request handler through the dispatcher.
- Request Handler: This handles the request dispatched by the dispatcher.
- Obtaining an executor: The Executor Framework for obtaining an executor supplies the executors utility class. Various types of executors offer specific thread executions policies. Here are three examples:
- ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool(): This creates a thread pool using the previously constructed threads if available. The performance of the programs that make use of the short-lived asynchronous tasks is enhanced using this type of thread pool.
- ExecutorService newSingleThreadExecutor(): A worker thread that is operating in an unbounded queue is used here to create an executor. In this type, the tasks are added to the queue that is then executed one by one. In case, this thread fails during the execution, a new thread will be created and replace the failed thread so that the tasks can be executed without interruption.
- ExecutorService newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads): A fixed number of threads that are operating in a shared unbounded queue are reused in this case for the creation of a thread pool. At threads, the tasks are being actively processed. While all the threads in the pool are active and new tasks are submitted, the tasks will be added in the queue until a thread becomes available for the processing of the new task. If before the shutdown of the executor, the thread fails, a new thread will be created for carrying out the execution of the task. Note that these thread pools exist only when the executor is active or on.
- Use of cooperative synchronized constructs: It is recommended to use cooperative synchronized constructs when possible.
- No unnecessary lengthy tasks and oversubscription: Lengthy tasks are known to cause deadlock, starvation, and even prevent other tasks from functioning properly. Larger tasks can be broken down into smaller tasks for proper performance. Oversubscription is also a way to avoid the deadlock, starvation, and so on. Using this, more threads than the available number of threads can be created. This is highly efficient when a lengthy task contains a lot of latency.
- Use of concurrent memory-management functions: If in a situation, ensuing concurrent memory management functions can be used, it is highly recommended to use it. These can be used when objects with a short lifetime are used. The functions such as
are used to free memory and allocate, without memory barriers or using locks. - Use of RAII to manage the lifetime of concurrency objects: RAII is the abbreviation for Resource Acquisition Is Initialization. This is an efficient way to manage the lifetime of a concurrency object.