

Reactive Programming, BLoC and Streams.


What is a Stream? 什么是流?

In order to easily visualize the notion of Stream, simply consider a pipe with 2 ends, only one allowing to insert something into it. When you insert something into the pipe, it flows inside the pipe and goes out by the other end.


In Flutter, the pipe is called a Stream.


to control the Stream, we usually(*) use a StreamController


to insert something into the Stream, the StreamController exposes the “entrance", called a StreamSink, accessible via the sink property


the way out of the Stream, is exposed by the StreamController via the stream property


What can be conveyed by a Stream? 流可以传递什么东西?

Everything and anything. From a value, an event, an object, a collection, a map, an error or even another Stream, any type of data may be conveyed by a Stream.


How do I know that something is conveyed by a Stream? 我怎么知道一个东西被流传递了?

When you need to be notified that something is conveyed by a Stream, you simply need to listen to the stream property of the StreamController.


When you define a listener, you receive a StreamSubscription object. This is via that StreamSubscription object that you will be notified that something happens at the level of the Stream.


some data goes out from the stream, when some error has been sent to the stream, when the stream is closed.


As soon as there is at least one active listener, the Stream starts generating events to notify the active StreamSubscription object(s) each time:


The StreamSubscription object also allows you to: stop listening, pause, resume.


Is a Stream only a simple pipe? 流是一个简单的管道吗?

No, a Stream also allows to process the data that flows inside it before it goes out.


To control the processing of the data inside a Stream, we use a StreamTransformer, which is nothing but a function that “captures” the data that flows inside the Stream, does something with the data, the outcome of this transformation is also a Stream


You will directly understand from this statement that it is very possible to use several StreamTransformers in sequence.


A StreamTransformer may be used to do any type of processing, such as, e.g.:


  • filtering: to filter the data based on any type of condition, 过滤:基于某种条件过滤数据
  • regrouping: to regroup data, 重组:重新对数据进行组合
  • modification: to apply any type of modification to the data, 修改:对数据进行某种修改
  • inject data to other streams, 注入:往其它流中注入数据
  • buffering, 缓冲
  • processing: do any kind of action/operation based on the data, 处理:某种对数据的操作

Types of Streams 流的类型

Single-subscription Streams 单次订阅流

This type of Stream only allows a single listener during the whole lifetime of that Stream.


It is not possible to listen twice on such Stream, even after the first subscription has been canceled.


Broadcast Streams 广播流

This second type of Stream allows any number of listeners.


It is possible to add a listener to a Broadcast Stream at any moment. The new listener will receive the events, as of the moment it starts listening to the Stream.


Basic Examples 举例

This very first example shows a “Single-subscription” Stream, which simply prints the data which is input.


import 'dart:async';

void main() {
// Initialize a "Single-Subscription" Stream controller
final StreamController ctrl = StreamController();

// Initialize a single listener which simply prints the data
// as soon as it receives it
final StreamSubscription subscription = ctrl.stream.listen((data) => print('$data'));

// We here add the data that will flow inside the stream
ctrl.sink.add('my name');
ctrl.sink.add({'a': 'element A', 'b': 'element B'});

// We release the StreamController

This second example shows a “Broadcast” Stream, which conveys integer values and only prints the even numbers. To do so, we apply a StreamTransformer that filters (line #14) the values and only let the even numbers go through.


import 'dart:async';

void main() {
// Initialize a "Broadcast" Stream controller of integers
final StreamController<int> ctrl = StreamController<int>.broadcast();

// Initialize a single listener which filters out the odd numbers and
// only prints the even numbers
final StreamSubscription subscription = ctrl.stream
.where((value) => (value % 2 == 0))
.listen((value) => print('$value'));

// We here add the data that will flow inside the stream
for(int i=1; i<11; i++){

// We release the StreamController


The RxDart package is an implementation for Dart of the ReactiveX API, which extends the original Dart Streams API to comply with the ReactiveX standards.

RxDart包是Dart的ReactiveX API的实现,扩展了Dart原生流的API,并且符合ReactiveX标准。

Dart-->RxDart Stream-->Observable StreamController-->Subject

RxDart as I just said, extends the original Dart Streams API and offers 3 main variations of the StreamController:


PublishSubject 发布主题

The PublishSubject is a normal broadcast StreamController with one exception: stream returns an Observable rather than a Stream.


As you can see, PublishSubject sends to a listener only the events that are added to the Stream after the time of the subscription.



BehaviorSubject 行为主题

The BehaviorSubject is also a broadcast StreamController which returns an Observable rather than a Stream.


The main difference with a PublishSubject is that the BehaviorSubject also sends the very last event that was emitted to the listener that just subscribed.



ReplaySubject 重播主题

The ReplaySubject is also a broadcast StreamController which returns an Observable rather than a Stream.


A ReplaySubject, by default, sends all the events that were already emitted by the Stream to any new listener as the very first events.



What is Reactive Programming? 什么是响应式编程?

Reactive programming is programming with asynchronous data streams.


In other words, everything from an event (e.g. tap), changes on a variable, messages, … to build requests, everything that may change or happen will be conveyed, triggered by a data stream.


In clear, all this means that, with reactive programming, the application:


  1. becomes asynchronous, 变得异步,
  2. is architectured around the notion of Streams and listeners, 围绕流和listeners的概念构建,
  3. when something happens somewhere (an event, a change of a variable …) a notification is sent to a Stream, 当某处发生某事(事件、变量的更改)时,会向Stream发送通知,
  4. if “somebody” listens to that Stream, it will be notified and will take appropriate action(s), whatever its location in the application. 如果“某人”侦听该Stream,它将收到通知并采取适当的行动,无论它在应用程序中的位置如何。

There is no longer any tight coupling between components.


In short, when a Widget sends something to a Stream, that Widget does no longer need to know:

简而言之,当 Widget 向Stream发送某些内容时,该 Widget不再需要知道

  1. what is going to happen next, 接下来会发生什么,
  2. who might use this information (no one, one or several Widgets…) 谁可能会使用这些信息(没有一个,一个或几个小部件......)
  3. where this information might be used (nowhere, same screen, another one, several ones…), 可能使用此信息的地方(无处,同一屏幕,另一个,几个……),
  4. when this information might be used (almost directly, after several seconds, never…). 何时可能使用此信息(几乎是直接使用,几秒钟后,从不……)。

that Widget does only care about its own business, that’s all !!


The BLoC Pattern  BLoC 模式

BLoC stands for Business Logic Component.


In short, the Business Logic needs to:


  1. be moved to one or several BLoCs, 移至一个或多个BLoC,
  2. be removed as much as possible from the Presentation Layer. In other words, UI components should only worry about the UI things and not about the business, 尽可能多地从展示层中删除。换句话说,UI 组件应该只关心 UI 的事情而不是业务
  3. rely on exclusive use of Streams for both input (Sink) and output (stream), 依赖于对输入(Sink)和输出(stream)的Streams 的独占使用,
  4. remain platform independent, 保持平台独立,
  5. remain environment independent. 保持环境独立。

In fact, the BLoC pattern was initially conceived to allow to reuse the very same code independently of the platform: web application, mobile application, back-end.

事实上,BLoC模式最初的构想是允许独立于平台重用完全相同的代码:Web 应用、移动App、后端。

The BLoC pattern makes use of the notions that we just discussed above: Streams.

BLoC 模式使用了流的概念。

  1. Widgets send events to the BLoC via Sinks, 小部件通过Sinks向 BLoC发送事件,
  2. Widgets are notified by the BLoC via streams, BLoC 通过流通知小部件,
  3. the business logic which is implemented by the BLoC is none of their concern. BLoC 实现的业务逻辑与他们无关。

Thanks to the decoupling of the Business Logic from the UI:

得益于业务逻辑与 UI 的解耦:

  1. we may change the Business Logic at any time, with a minimal impact on the application, 我们可以随时更改业务逻辑,对应用程序的影响最小,
  2. we may change the UI without any impact on the Business Logic, 我们可以在不影响业务逻辑的情况下更改 UI,
  3. it is now much easier to test the Business Logic. 现在可以更容易地测试业务逻辑。