







    4)对于模糊查询,要看具体的数据库,一般是不会启用索引(Oracle 会做一定的优化,会用索引,具体可看后面的测试数据);

    5)IS NULL,IS NOT NUL等条件也是一样.






    1) 一般比较都会启用索引,In,between也会启用索引.


    3) is null,is not null不会启用索引;



select count(*) from cards;-- >52s

select count(1) from cards;-- >52s

select * from cards where cards='1';--不存在,毫秒

select * from cards where cards='994595942';--存在,毫秒级

select * from cards where cards>='999999999';--毫秒级,但也与返回数据量大小有关.索引有效.

select * from cards where cards>='9999' and  cards<='9999';--毫秒级,但也与返回数据量大小有关.索引有效.

select * from cards where cards in('994595942','999906236');--毫秒秒,索引有效.

select * from cards where cards in( select '994595942' from dual);--毫秒级索引有效.

select * from cards where cards in('999906236');--0.156秒,索引有效.

select * from cards where cards > '999999999';--毫秒级,索引有效.

select * from cards where cards like '999999%';-->毫秒级,索引有效.但也与返回数据量大小有关

select * from cards where cards like '_999999_';--分钟级,索引无效

select * from cards where cards like '999999_';--毫秒级,索引有效.但也与返回数据量大小有关

select * from cards where cards like '_999999';--分钟级索引无效

select * from cards where cards like '999_999';--分钟级索引无效

select * from cards where cards is null;--分钟级索引无效

select * from cards where cards='994595942' or 1>1;--毫秒级,索引有效

update cards set batchno=batchno  where cards='994595942';--毫秒级,索引有效.

update cards set batchno=batchno  where cards='994595942' or i>1;--分钟级索引无效 i是变量

update cards set batchno=batchno  where cards='994595942' or :V >1;--分钟级索引无效 v是占位符号,其实就是一般参数化查询.

select * from cards where cards between '994595942' and '994595942';--毫秒级索引有效.

select * from cards where cards='994595942' or batchno='222';--索引有效,但没意义,还是全表扫描;

select * from cards where cards='994595942' and batchno='222';--索引有效,毫秒级

select * from cards where  batchno='222' and cards='994595942';--索引有效,毫秒级,说明Oracle有先进行索引字段处理的优化.

select * from cards where (batchno,cards) in (select '994595942','994595942' from dual);--毫秒级,索引有效.
