



mysqladmin 工具介绍

Usage: mysqladmin [OPTIONS] command command....


    -i number 同 --sleep=number :每隔多长时间重复执行,单位是秒

    -c number 同 --count=number :需要运行多少次命令,必须和-i一起使用

  • 如果要查看mysqldadmin详细的参数和命令,可使用如下命令;

mysqladmin --help
  • 命令列表及解释:

Where command is a one or more of: (Commands may be shortened) create databasename Create a new database debug Instruct server to write debug information to log drop databasename Delete a database and all its tables extended-status Gives an extended status message from the server  flush-hosts               Flush all cached hosts flush-logs Flush all logs flush-status Clear status variables flush-tables Flush all tables  flush-threads             Flush the thread cache flush-privileges Reload grant tables (same as reload) kill id,id,... Kill mysql threads password [new-password] Change old password to new-password in current format ping Check if mysqld is alive processlist Show list of active threads in server reload Reload grant tables  refresh                   Flush all tables and close and open logfiles shutdown Take server down status Gives a short status message from the server start-slave Start slave stop-slave Stop slave variables Prints variables availableversion Get version info from server

mysqladmin 工具使用示例

  • 本地或远程连接数据库,查看数据库是否存活:


mysql@Tdongkf[14:30:55]:~$mysqladmin -h -P3310 -udbmgr -p pingEnter password:mysqld is alive


mysql@Tdongkf[14:33:11]:~$mysqladmin --socket=/mysql/my3310/mysql.sock -uroot -p pingEnter password: mysqld is alive
  • 查看数据库版本

mysql@Tdongkf[14:33:19]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -pdbmgr1234 -P3310 versionmysqladmin: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.h tables: 1  Open tables: 154  Queries per second avg: 0.023
  • 查看数据库服务器状态:

mysql@Tdongkf[14:36:57]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 versionEnter password: mysqladmin Ver 8.42 Distrib 5.7.22, for linux-glibc2.12 on x86_64Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or itsaffiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.Server version 5.7.22Protocol version 10Connection via TCP/IPTCP port 3310Uptime:      2 hours 25 min 14 secThreads: 6  Questions: 208  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 161  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 154  Queries per second avg: 0.023
  • 检查数据库服务器的各种状态变量:

        输出结果太多,已忽略部分结果,mysqladmin extended-status命令可以获得所有MySQL性能指标,即show global status的输出,默认的,使用extended-status,看到是累计值,但是,加上参数-r(--relative),就可以看到各个指标的差值,配合参数-i(--sleep)就可以指定刷新的频率。

mysql@Tdongkf[14:38:17]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 extended-statusEnter password:+------------------------------------+-------------+| Variable_name | Value |+------------------------------------+-------------+| Aborted_clients                    | 0           ||  Aborted_connects                  | 6           ||  Binlog_cache_disk_use            | 0 |  ......
  • 检查数据库服务器的各种状态参数信息

mysql@Tdongkf[14:39:38]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 variablesEnter password:+-----------------------------------------+-----------+| Variable_name | Value |+-------------------------------- --------+-----------+| auto_increment_increment                | 1  || auto_increment_offset                   | 1         || autocommit                     | ON |......
  • 查看数据库服务器的进程信息

mysql@Tdongkf[14:41:38]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 processlistEnter password:+----+-------+--------------------+--------+---------+------+----------+------------------+| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |+----+-------+--------------------+--------+---------+------+----------+------------------+| 3  | root  | localhost          | sys    | Sleep   | 7896 |          |                  ||  4  | dbmgr | | sakila | Sleep   | 97   |          |                  || 5  | dbmgr | | sakila | Sleep   | 97   |          ......
  • kill线程会话:

mysql@Tdongkf[14:43:05]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 kill 7Enter password:mysql@Tdongkf[14:43:07]:~$---查看会话已消失
  • 修改用户密码

mysql@Tdongkf[14:45:32]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -P3310 -udbmgr -p password 'dbmgr'Enter password:mysqladmin: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.Warning: Since password will be sent to server in plain text, use ssl connection to ensure password safety.


  • 不使用flush privilege命令,重载权限信息:

mysql@Tdongkf[14:46:58]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 reloadEnter password:mysql@Tdongkf[14:47:01]:~$


  • 创建数据库:

mysql@Tdongkf[14:48:00]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 create dbtestEnter password:mysql@Tdongkf[14:48:02]:~$


mysql> show databases;+--------------------+| Database |+--------------------+| information_schema || dbtest || mysql || performance_schema || sakila || sys                |+--------------------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 删除数据库:

mysql@Tdongkf[14:48:02]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 drop dbtestEnter password: Dropping the database is potentially a very bad thing to do.Any data stored in the database will be destroyed.Do you really want to drop the 'dbtest' database [y/N] yDatabase "dbtest" droppedmysql@Tdongkf[14:49:40]:~$
  • 使用安全模式关闭数据库

mysql@Tdongkf[14:50:10]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 shutdownEnter password:mysql@Tdongkf[14:50:12]:~$


  • 各种刷新类命令:

flush-hosts: 刷新主机缓存信息flush-tables: 刷新表缓存flush-threads: 刷新线程缓存flush-logs: 刷新日志flush-privileges: 重载权限信息 flush-status: 重置状态变量mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 flush-hostsmysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 flush-tablesmysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 flush-threadsmysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 flush-logsmysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 flush-privilegesmysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 flush-status
  • 管理复制

mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 start-slavemysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 stop-slave
  • 多个mysqladmin命令一起使用

mysql@Tdongkf[14:53:25]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 processlist status versionEnter password: +----+-------+-------------------+----+---------+------+----------+------------------+| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |+----+-------+-------------------+----+---------+------+----------+------------------+| 2 | dbmgr | | | Query | 0 | starting | show processlist |+----+-------+-------------------+----+---------+------+----------+------------------+Uptime: 3 Threads: 1 Questions: 3 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 105 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 98 Queries per second avg: 1.000mysqladmin Ver 8.42 Distrib 5.7.22, for linux-glibc2.12 on x86_64Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or itsaffiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.Server version 5.7.22Protocol version 10Connection via TCP/IPTCP port 3310Uptime:      3 secThreads: 1  Questions: 4  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 105  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 98  Queries per second avg: 1.333



  • 统计状态变量

mysql@Tdongkf[14:56:08]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 -r -i 1 extended-status |grep "Questions\|Queries\|Innodb_rows\|Com_select \|Com_insert \|Com_update \|Com_delete "Enter password: | Com_delete | 0 || Com_insert | 0 || Com_select | 0 || Com_update | 0 || Innodb_rows_deleted | 0 || Innodb_rows_inserted | 0 || Innodb_rows_read | 8 || Innodb_rows_updated | 0 || Queries | 6 ||  Questions                                     | 3 ......
  • 还可以和awk命令结合:

mysql@Tdongkf[14:57:48]:~$mysqladmin -h10.1.12.124 -udbmgr -p -P3310 -r -i 1 ext |awk -F"|" '{if($2 ~ /Variable_name/){print " ";}if($2 ~ /Questions|Queries|Innodb_rows|Com_select |Com_insert |Com_update |Com_delete |Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests/)print $2 $3;}'Enter password:  Com_delete 0 Com_insert 0 Com_select 0 Com_update 0 Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests 1761  ......



