「Vue 源码」nextTick 的执行逻辑
Defer the callback to be executed after the next DOM update cycle. Use it immediately after you’ve changed some data to wait for the DOM update. https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#Vue-nextTick
在下一次 DOM 更新结束后,执行的回调函数,更改了数据,但想等着 DOM 更新结束,那就可以使用这个方法。
Vue.prototype.$nextTick = function (fn) {
return nextTick(fn, this)
const callbacks = [];
let pending = false
function flushCallbacks () {
pending = false
const copies = callbacks.slice(0);//浅拷贝数组
callbacks.length = 0
for (let i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) {
export function nextTick (cb?: Function, ctx?: Object) {
let _resolve
callbacks.push(() => {
if (cb) {
try {
} catch (e) {
handleError(e, ctx, 'nextTick')
} else if (_resolve) {
if (!pending) {
pending = true
单线程的 JS 为了防止出错影响到后面的执行,用 try catch 捕获了,就算传入的方法出错,也不会影响后面的执行。
if (!cb && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') {
return new Promise(resolve => {
_resolve = resolve
console.log('updata data');
// Promise
console.log('updata data');
function isNative (Ctor) {
return typeof Ctor === 'function' && /native code/.test(Ctor.toString())
if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && isNative(Promise)) {
const p = Promise.resolve()
timerFunc = () => {
// In problematic UIWebViews, Promise.then doesn't completely break, but
// it can get stuck in a weird state where callbacks are pushed into the
// microtask queue but the queue isn't being flushed, until the browser
// needs to do some other work, e.g. handle a timer. Therefore we can
// "force" the microtask queue to be flushed by adding an empty timer.
if (isIOS) setTimeout(noop)
isUsingMicroTask = true
} else if (!isIE && typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined' && (
isNative(MutationObserver) ||
// PhantomJS and iOS 7.x
MutationObserver.toString() === '[object MutationObserverConstructor]'
)) {
// Use MutationObserver where native Promise is not available,
// e.g. PhantomJS, iOS7, Android 4.4
// (#6466 MutationObserver is unreliable in IE11)
let counter = 1
const observer = new MutationObserver(flushCallbacks)
const textNode = document.createTextNode(String(counter))
observer.observe(textNode, {
characterData: true
timerFunc = () => {
counter = (counter + 1) % 2
textNode.data = String(counter)
isUsingMicroTask = true
} else if (typeof setImmediate !== 'undefined' && isNative(setImmediate)) {
// Fallback to setImmediate.
// Techinically it leverages the (macro) task queue,
// but it is still a better choice than setTimeout.
timerFunc = () => {
} else {
// Fallback to setTimeout.
timerFunc = () => {
setTimeout(flushCallbacks, 0)
nextTick 执行的是一套微任务队列,如果当前设备不支持 MutationObserver 或者 Promise ,那就会转为宏任务 setTimeout ,关于宏任务和微任务在队列中执行顺序的区别,可以参考之前文章: