




These practices will help to secure your JavaScript execution


JavaScript is used everywhere today. It runs in your browser as well as in your backend. Besides, JavaScript is a highly dependent ecosystem on third-party libraries. Therefore, securing JavaScript requires following best practices to reduce the attack surface.


But, how do we keep JavaScript applications secure? Let’s find out.


1. JavaScript Integrity Checks JavaScript的完整性检查

As a frontend developer, you may have used <script> tags to import third-party libraries. Have you thought about the security risks of doing so?


What if the third-party resource has been tampered with?


Yes, these are things that can happen when you render external resources on your site. As a result, your site may face a security vulnerability.


As a safety measure for this, you can add an integrity (also known as Subresource integrity — SRI) code to your script as follows.

作为对此的安全措施,你可以在脚本中添加一个完整性(也称为Subresource integrity--SRI)代码,如下所示。



The integrity attribute allows a browser to check the fetched script to ensure that the code is never loaded if the source has been manipulated.


Note: Still, you have to ensure that the code you refer initially doesn’t contain any vulnerabilities.


2. Frequent Tests for NPM Vulnerabilities 对NPM漏洞的频繁测试

I hope all of you know that we can use npm audit command to detect vulnerabilities for all installed dependencies. It provides vulnerability reports and provides fixes for them. But how often do you do that?

希望大家都知道,我们可以使用npm audit命令来检测所有已安装的依赖项的漏洞。它提供漏洞报告并为其提供修复。但你多长时间做一次呢?

Unless we automate it, these vulnerabilities will stack up, making it difficult to fix them. Remember, some of them could even be critical, allowing severe exploits.


As a solution, you can run NPM in your CI for each pull request to identify vulnerabilities. Therefore, you can prevent any vulnerabilities from going unnoticed.

作为一个解决方案,你可以在每个pull request的CI中运行NPM来识别漏洞。因此,你可以防止任何漏洞被忽视。

However, there are some vulnerabilities that will require a developer’s manual intervention to be solved.


An extra mile from GitHub 来自GitHub的提示

Lately, GitHub introduced a bot name Dependabot, to scan the NPM dependencies automatically and notify you by email stating the risks.



Besides, suppose you enabled the “automated security fix PRs” option. In that case, GitHub will send an automated PR to fix these issues, addressing the security risks in advance.

此外,假设你启用了 "自动安全修复PR "选项。在这种情况下,GitHub 会自动发送 PR 来修复这些问题,提前解决安全风险。

2. Keep Minor and Patch Version Updates Enabled 保持启用小版本和补丁版本更新

Have you ever seen ^ or ~ symbol in front of any NPM package version? These symbols indicate the automatic version bump for minor and patch versions (depending on the symbol).


Technically, minor and patch versions are both backward compatible, reducing the risk of introducing bugs to the application.


Since most third-party libraries release hot-fixes vulnerabilities as patch version bumps, at least enabling automated patch updates helps to reduce security risks.


3. Have Validations in Place to Avoid Injections 建立有效的验证来避免注入

As a rule of thumb, we should never rely only on client-side validations since attackers can change them as required. However, some JavaScript injections can be omitted by having validations for every input.


For Example, if you type in the comment field anything with quotes <script><script/>, those quotes will be replaced with double — <<script>><</script>>. Then the entered JavaScript code will not be executed. This is called Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).


Likewise, there are a few other common ways to conduct JavaScript injection.


Use the developer’s console to insert or change the JavaScript.


Entering “javascript:SCRIPT” into the address bar.


Preventing JS injections is important to keep your application secure. Like I mentioned before, having validations place is one method to prevent it. For example, before saving any input to the database, replace all < with &lt;, and all > with &gt; .


Content Security Policies (CSP) are another way to avoid malicious injections. Using CSP is quite straightforward as follows.


Content-Security-Policy: trusted-types;
Content-Security-Policy: trusted-types 'none';
Content-Security-Policy: trusted-types <policyName>;
Content-Security-Policy: trusted-types <policyName> <policyName> 'allow-duplicates';
5. Always Keep Strict Mode On 始终保持开启严格模式

Having Strict mode on will limit you from writing unsafe code. Besides, its straightforward to enable this mode. It’s as simple as adding the below line as the first in your JavaScript files.


use strict

When the strict mode is on;


  • It throws errors for some errors that were previously kept silent. 它会抛出一些错误,而这些错误之前是沉默

  • Fixes mistakes that make it difficult for JavaScript engines to perform optimizations. 修正了使JavaScript引擎难以进行优化的错误.

  • Prohibits the use of reserved words likely to be defined in future versions of ECMAScript. 禁止使用可能会在未来版本的ECMAScript中定义的保留词.

Throws errors when ‘unsafe’ actions are taken (such as gaining access to the global object).

当采取 "不安全 "的操作(如获得对全局对象的访问)时抛出错误。

Every modern browser has supported strict mode for years. If the browser does not support strict mode, the expression is simply ignored.


6. Lint Your Code 仔细检查你的代码

Linters perform static analysis on your codebase. It helps to establish quality and avoid common pitfalls. Since quality goes hand in hand with security, Linting helps to reduce the security risks. Few popular tools that we use for JavaScript as follows.


  • JSLint

  • JSHint

  • ESLint

Further, tools like SonarCloud can also be used to identify code smells and known security vulnerabilities. A Sonar report would look like the following.


7. Minify & Uglify Your Code 压缩和混淆你的代码

Attackers will most often try to understand your code to hack their way through. Therefore, having a readable source code in the production build increases the attack surface.


As a common practice, if you minify and ugly your JavaScript code, it is difficult to exploit vulnerabilities in the code you have written.


However, if you want extreme measures to hide your code from users/clients, it should be kept on the server-side without sending it to the browser at all.


Summary 摘要

Focusing on security is very important, especially in JavaScript applications, to make your application secure. With minimal tools, you can secure JavaScript to prevent common attacks.


Besides, suppose you look for advanced solutions. In that case, there are tools like Snyk, WhiteSource which are specialized to scan the vulnerabilities in your code and automate it with continuous integrations.


