

Managing Workflows


这与我们在第4章中介绍的管道概念有关,< em>创建管道和工作流。然而,在本章中,我们将讨论任务的过程。管道和构建结构可确保任何提议的更改都符合质量标准。在本章中,我们将重点关注技术的团队合作方面,以及如何在跟踪不同变化的同时实现流畅的交互。


  • Understanding the life cycle of a feature
  • Reviewing and approving a new feature
  • Setting up multiple environments
  • Scaling the workflow and making it work


Understanding the life cycle of a feature

遵循敏捷原则,任何团队的主要目标都是能够快速实施新功能,而不会影响系统的质量或稳定性。改变的第一个元素是 功能请求。

功能请求是对系统更改的非技术性描述。功能请求通常由非工程师(产品所有者、经理和 CEO)出于与业务相关的原因(例如制造更好的产品或增加收入)而寻求改进系统。

功能请求可以很简单,例如 在主页更新公司的标志,或者大而复杂的,比如 增加对新 5G 网络的支持。功能请求可能包括错误报告。虽然他们通常不会,但为了本章的目的,他们会这样做。


Our focus is on the elements that need to be taken into account due to the microservices approaches and practices more than agile practices. Such practices deal with how to structure feature requests into tasks and estimations, but they are not specific to the underlying technologies.

Take a look at the Further reading section at the end of this chapter to find out more about agile practices and methodologies.



例如,如果我们有一个新功能请求允许我们提及用户in 想法的文本(类似于在 Twitter 上提及的方式) ,那么 这个提及 必须存储在 Thoughts Backend 中并显示在 Frontend 中。此功能影响两个微服务: 前端和Thoughts后端。



Features that affect multiple microservices



The basis for a successful microservice architecture is to have loosely coupled services. Ensuring that the API of each microservice makes sense on its own is important if we wish to avoid blurring the lines between services. Not doing so may mean that independent work and deployments aren't allowed.



然后,我们可以在前端进行相应的更改,以允许外部用户通过 HTML 界面与之交互。

正如我们在 第 1 章中所讨论的,采取行动 - 设计、计划, 和 Execute,对于任何微服务架构来说,我们可以独立部署服务是至关重要的。这使我们能够独立地测试服务并避免任何需要复杂部署的开销,这些开销使我们在发生错误时难以调试和回滚。



Implementing a feature


Defining a technical feature in a clear manner can be challenging. Remember that a single feature may need to be further subdivided into smaller tasks. However, as we mentioned previously, the objective here is not to structure our tasks.

通过创建一个新的 Git 分支开始您的任务。可以更改代码以反映此分支中的新功能。正如我们在第 2 章中看到的,使用 Python 创建 REST 服务< /em> 和 第 3 章构建、运行和测试您的服务 使用 Docker,可以运行单元测试以确保这项工作不会破坏构建。

As we described in Chapter 3 , Build, Run, and Test Your Service Using Docker, in the Operating with an immutable container section, we can use pytest arguments to run subsets of tests to speed up development, thereby enabling quick feedback when running tests. Make sure you use it.


基于管道,任何推送到 Git 的提交都将运行它的所有测试。这将及早发现问题并确保构建在与主分支合并之前是正确的。

在此过程中,我们可以使用拉取请求来查看主分支和新功能之间的更改。我们可以在合并之前检查我们的 GitHub 配置以确保代码处于良好状态。

一旦功能准备就绪并与主分支合并,应该创建一个新标签以允许其部署。作为配置管道的一部分,此标记将触发生成,该生成在注册表中生成图像并使用相同的标记标记图像。 标签和图片是不可变的,所以我们可以确保代码不会在不同的环境之间发生变化。您可以放心地前滚和后退,代码将与标记中定义的代码完全相同。

正如我们在第 8 章中看到的,使用 GitOps 原则 ,标签可以按照 GitOps 原则进行部署。部署在 Kubernetes 配置文件中描述,在 Git 控制下,并在需要批准的拉取请求中进行审查。一旦拉取请求与主分支合并,它将由 Flux 自动部署,正如我们在 第 8 章使用 GitOps 原则,在设置 Flux 以控制 Kubernetes 集群部分。那时,该功能在集群中可用。


这是我们介绍的 Flow 的更完整版本 第 4 章创建管道和工作流
  1. The technical request is ready to be implemented into a single microservice.
  2. A new feature branch is created.
  3. The microservice's code is changed in this branch until the feature is ready.
  4. A pull request, which is used to merge the feature branch into the main branch, is created. This, as described in Chapter 4, Creating a Pipeline and Workflow, in the Understanding the continuous integration practices section, runs the CI process to ensure that it is of a high quality.
  5. The pull request is reviewed, approved, and merged into the main branch.
  6. A new tag is created.
  7. A deployment branch is created in the GitOps repository that changes the version of the microservice to the new tag.
  8. A pull request, which is used to merge this deployment branch, is created. Then, it's reviewed and merged.
  9. Once the code has been merged, the cluster automatically releases the new version of the microservice.
  10. Finally, the new feature is available in the cluster!


Reviewing and approving a new feature

正如我们在 Chapter 4 中描述的管道模型所指定的,创建一个流水线和工作流,候选代码会经过一系列阶段,如果出现问题就会停止。

正如我们之前提到的,如果我们希望在我们的微服务代码中引入新功能,以及如果我们希望通过 GitOps 实践将这些更改部署到集群中,那么使用 GitHub 拉取请求进行审查是可行的。




Reviewing feature code

可以在开发功能并打开合并它的请求时启动代码审查。正如我们已经看到的,在 GitHub 中,可以在 pull request 阶段查看代码。



Code bases grow over time and their components can help each other out. Merging code into the main branch states that you fully accept that the new code will be maintained by the team as part of the code base.


在 GitHub 中,您可以启用代码所有者。这些是负责批准存储库或存储库部分的工程师。查看 GitHub 文档以获取更多信息: https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-code-owners

如今,代码审查是一个相当普遍的过程,并且在 GitHub 中使用拉取请求的流行度和易用性已经传播开来。大多数开发人员都熟悉这个过程。



  • Tell your reviewers what they should look for. Make a point of following a checklist. This helps develop a culture within the team so that they care about shared core values. This also helps junior developers know what to look for. This may change from team to team, but here are some examples:
    • There are new tests.
    • Error conditions are tested.
    • The documentation is properly updated.
    • Any new endpoints comply with standards.
    • Architectural diagrams are updated.
  • Reviewing code is not the same thing as writing the code. There will always be discrepancies (for example, this variable name could be changed), but what needs to be reviewed is whether such changes need to be implemented. Nitpicking will erode the trust between team members.
  • The bigger the code to review, the more difficult it is to do. It's better to work in small increments, which works well with the principles of continuous integration.
  • All of the code should be reviewed on equal grounds. This includes the code of senior developers, and junior developers should be encouraged to leave honest feedback. This helps ownership of the code and its fairness to grow.
  • A code review is a conversation. A comment doesn't necessarily mean that the reviewer's feedback has to be implemented without you questioning it first. It opens a conversation about improving the code, and making clarifications and pushing back is totally fine. Sometimes, the proper way of handling a request, that is, to change a part of the code, is to leave a comment explaining why this was done in a particular way.
  • Reviews help spread knowledge about the code base. This isn't a silver bullet, though. Code reviews tend to fall into tunnel vision, where only small issues such as typos, and local snippets of code, are looked at, and not the bigger elements. This is why it's important to implement features in small increments: to help those around you digest change.
  • It's important to leave appreciative comments. Create a culture that appreciates well-written code. Only highlighting what's bad makes the review process miserable for the author.
  • Criticism should be addressed to the code, not to the coder. Ensure that your review is civil. In this step, we want to ensure that the code is of a high quality; you don't want to make yourself, as the reviewer, look superior.
Code reviews can be stressful for those who aren't used to them. Some companies are creating principles and ideas to make this process less painful. A good example can be found at https://www.recurse.com/social-rules. Don't be afraid to define and share your own principles.
  • It's important that code can be approved at all times, even when someone in the team is on holiday or sick. Ensure that you grant approval to multiple members of the team so that the approval process itself isn't a bottleneck.


It is worth emphasizing how code reviews are not a technological solution, but a people-related one. As such, they can suffer from people-related problems such as big egos, adversarial discussions, or non-productive debates.

The microservice architecture is fit for big systems that have multiple people working on them. Teamwork is crucial. Part of that is ensuring that the code doesn't belong to a single person, but to a whole team. Code reviews are a great tool to that end, but be sure to actively look for healthy ones.

Over time, a consensus will develop and a lot of code will be developed consistently. In a healthy team, the amount of time that's spent on reviews should reduce.


Approving releases

使用 GitOps 原则允许我们启用相同的审查和批准方法,以便我们可以在 Kubernetes 基础架构中进行更改。正如我们之前提到的,基础设施是由 Kubernetes 中的 YAML 文件定义的这一事实使我们能够控制这些更改。

对 Kubernetes 集群所做的任何更改都可以通过拉取请求和审查方法进行。 这使得批准发布到集群成为一个简单的过程。

这有助于最大限度地减少问题,因为更多的团队成员参与了更改,并且他们对基础架构的了解更好。这与允许团队控制自己的部署和基础架构的 DevOps 原则非常吻合。

但是,GitOps 中的基础架构更改往往比常规代码审查更容易审查。一般而言,它们是以非常小的增量完成的,并且大多数更改都非常简单,以至于产生辩论的可能性很小。



Some sections of the infrastructure may be under the GitHub code owner's protection. This makes it mandatory for certain engineers to approve changes to critical parts of the infrastructure. Take a look at the documentation for more information: https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-code-owners.

由于基础设施被定义为存储在 GitHub 中的代码,这也使得复制基础设施变得容易,从而大大简化了多环境的生成。

Setting up multiple environments

在 Kubernetes 下创建、复制和删除命名空间的便利性大大减轻了之前保留多个环境副本以复制底层基础设施的负担。您可以利用它来发挥自己的优势。

基于我们前面提到的 GitOps 原则,我们可以定义新的命名空间来生成新的集群。我们可以使用另一个分支(例如,对生产集群使用 master 分支和 demo 对于演示集群)或复制包含集群定义的文件并更改命名空间。

You can use different physical Kubernetes clusters for different purposes. It's better to leave the production cluster as not being shared with any other environment to reduce risks. However, every other environment could live in the same cluster, which won't affect external customers.


利益相关者是项目管理中的一个术语,它指定第三方,即产品的最终用户或受产品影响的用户。在这里,我们使用该术语来指定对某个功能感兴趣但在团队外部的人,因此他们无法从内部定义功能需求。例如,利益相关者可以是经理、客户、公司 CEO 或内部工具的用户。

任何必须处理来自利益相关者的模糊定义请求(例如允许按名称搜索)的开发人员都必须对其进行调整:不,不是按名字,而是按姓< /em>。

Ensure that you define a proper end to these kinds of tasks. Stakeholder feedback can be endless if it's allowed to run without limits. Define what is and is not included in it, as well as any deadlines, beforehand.


正如我们在前几章中看到的,在 Kubernetes 中生成一个新环境很容易。我们需要创建一个新的命名空间,然后复制集群的生产定义,从而改变命名空间。这将创建环境的副本。


This is a simplified version. You may need to make changes between the production environment and demo environments, such as the number of replicas, and database setup. In such cases, a template environment could be used as a reference so that it's ready to be copied.



暂存环境的运行通常非常昂贵。毕竟,它们是生产环境的副本。使用 Kubernetes,您可以轻松复制生产环境并减少所需的物理基础设施。您甚至可以在不使用时启动和停止它以降低成本。



Scaling the workflow and making it work



The context switch is probably the most serious killer of productivity. One of the keys to keeping your team's productivity high is being able to start and finish a task. If the task is small enough, it will be finished quickly, so swapping between projects is easier. However, working on two or more tasks at the same time is a very bad practice.

If this happens often, try to divide your tasks into smaller chunks.


Reviewing and approving is done by the whole team



最初,虽然实施此过程需要积极的指导,但这通常由团队的高级成员领导。 审查代码是一种可训练的能力,目标是在一段时间后,每个人都能够运行审查并允许批准拉取请求。


审核发布的最佳人选可能是 Kubernetes 基础架构配置方面的专家,而不是微服务代码方面的专家。

Understanding that not every approval is the same


A big part of reviews is creating code that is understandable enough that other members of the team understand it. Although some people claim that code reviews make everyone aware of the changes that other members of the team are implementing, in my experience, reviewers are not that aware of specific features.

A good review, however, will ensure that nothing cryptic is being introduced into the code base and that the core elements are respected (elements such as introducing tests, keeping documentation up to date, and keeping code readable). As we suggested previously in this chapter, try to create an explicit list of things to check. It will help you make the reviews and code more consistent.


Defining a clear path for releases



对于这些步骤中的每一个,我们都需要验证该步骤是否正确。正如我们在 第 4 章中看到的,创建管道和工作流 em>,自动测试确保合并到主分支中的任何内容都不会破​​坏现有构建。这涵盖了前面的图表直到 创建标签 步骤。


  • Manual tests, to check that the deployed microservice works as expected
  • Automated tests, such as the ones described in Chapter 4, Creating a Pipeline and Workflow
  • Check that the image to be deployed has been correctly deployed using Kubernetes tools or a version API


在非生产环境中执行部署可以最大程度地降低中断生产的风险,因为这将确保部署过程是正确的。 该过程需要足够快以允许快速部署,从而使它们尽可能小。

The full process from merging into the main branch until the new version is released into the production environment should take less than a few hours, but ideally less than that.

If more time is required, the process is probably too heavy.


Emergency releases



If your regular deployment process is fast enough, then there's no need for an emergency process. This is an excellent reason to try to increase deployment times.



在发现异常情况时使用您的常识,并事先与您的团队讨论如何处理它们。我们将在 第 12 章中讨论回顾,跨团队协作和沟通.

Releasing frequently and adding feature flags

虽然回滚是可能的,正如我们刚刚看到的,但普遍的共识应该是每个新部署都会向前推进。新版本的代码包含上一版本的代码,以及一些小的更改。遵循 Git 的操作方式,我们在一个被推进的分支(主分支)上工作。

这意味着必须避免几个活跃的长寿分支。此模型称为基于主干的开发,它是旨在实现持续集成的推荐工作方式。在基于主干的开发中,功能分支是短暂的,并且总是与主分支(或主干)合并,在 Git 中通常称为 master

Trunk-based development avoids issues when we have long-lived branches that diverge from the main one, thus making the integration of several components complicated. The basis for continuous integration is to be able to always have code that can be released in small increments. This model takes "trunk" as the reference for the releases.

在下图中,我们可以看到 feature A w如何合并到ma​​ster strong> 分支以及 功能 B 如何仍在进行中。任何版本都来自 ma​​ster 分支:


如果 feature A 引入了一个 bug,一个新的 bugfix 分支将从 ma​​ster 分支出来并合并回来。注意结构是如何继续前进的。


Using feature flags

有时,根据设计,有些功能需要一次性进行大/剧烈的更改,例如新的 UI 界面。持续集成提倡的那种缓慢添加小功能的短而快速的迭代周期在这些频繁的发布情况下不起作用。新界面需要一次性包含所有元素,否则看起来会很奇怪。



In Kubernetes, we use the deployment.yaml file to describe the environment variables, as well as ConfigMaps. We will discuss ConfigMaps in Chapter 11, Handling Change, Dependencies, and Secrets in the System.




Feature flags are useful when we're dealing with externally accessible services. Internal services can add more features without any issue since they'll only be called by other microservices in the system.

Internal microservices are normally okay with adding new features. Here, backward compatibility is respected. Externally accessible features sometimes require us to replace a feature with another for reasons including interface changes or the deprecation of products.

一种相关的方法是将功能滚动到用户子集。这可以是一组预定义的用户,例如已注册 Beta 计划以获得早期访问功能的用户或随机样本,以便他们可以在全球发布之前及早发现问题。

Some big companies use regional access as well, where some features are enabled in certain countries first.


Dealing with database migrations






  1. Design a database migration in a way that doesn't interfere with the current code. For example, adding a table or column to the database is safe since the old code will ignore it.
  2. Perform database migration. This makes the required changes while the existing code keeps operating without interruption.
  3. Now, the code can be deployed. Once it has been deployed, it will start using the advantages of the new database definition. If there's a problem, the code can be rolled back to a previous version.


  • One for the migration
  • Another for the code that uses this migration
Migration deployment may be similar to code deployment. Maybe there's a microservice running the migrations, or maybe it's a script doing all the work. Most frameworks will have a way of making migrations to ensure that a migration isn't applied twice.

For example, for SQLAlchemy, there's a tool called Alembic ( https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/) that we can use to generate and run migrations.



  1. First, we would deploy a migration that creates a new column with the new column name, thereby copying the data from the old column. The code reads and writes from the old column.
  2. Then, we would deploy the new code that reads from the old column and writes to both. During the release process, any writes from the old code to the old column will be read correctly.
  3. After, we would create another migration that copies the data from the old one to the new one. This ensures that any transient copy is correctly applied. At this point, any new data still goes to both columns.
  4. Then, we would deploy code that reads and writes to the new column, ignoring the old one.
  5. Finally, we would implement a migration to drop the old column. At this point, the old column doesn't contain relevant data and can be safely deleted. It won't affect the code.






我们讨论了构成良好审核和批准流程的要素,以及 GitHub 拉取请求如何帮助我们做到这一点。使用 GitOps 实践来控制基础架构可以直接审查部署。

然后,我们讨论了使用 Kubernetes 和 GitOps 如何帮助我们创建多个环境,以及在处理演示和暂存 环境时如何利用它们来测试部署并在受控环境中呈现功能,然后再投入生产





  1. As a new business feature is received, what analysis do we need to perform in a system working under a microservice architecture?
  2. If a feature requires two or more microservices to be changed, how do we decide which one should be changed first?
  3. How does Kubernetes help us set up multiple environments?
  4. How does a code review work?
  5. What is the main bottleneck for code reviews?
  6. Under GitOps principles, are the reviews for deployment different from code reviews?
  7. Why is it important to have a clear path to deployment once a feature is ready to be merged into the main branch?
  8. Why are database migrations different from regular code deployments?

Further reading


如果您在组织中使用 JIRA,请阅读使用 JIRA 进行敏捷软件开发实践 (https://www.packtpub.com/eu/application-development/hands-agile-software-development-jira) 可以帮助您更好地使用当您使用敏捷实践时,请不要使用该工具。