
习语 | Spring fever 是什么意思​

Spring fever 是什么意思

Spring fever与发烧没关系,不过最初它确实是用来描述一些人在春天会有嗓子酸疼、浑身不适的症状。渐渐地,这个词开始有了其他两层意思,第一层是浪漫情感的突然升温;第二是经过长久冬日后无所适从狂躁的心情,表现出来的一种昏昏欲睡的现象,可译为“春困”。

例句:The days are getting longer and warmer. I am definitely starting to feel spring fever.



关于spring fever的起源故事

We often describe spring as a time of rebirth, renewal and awakening. Many trees are blossoming and early flowers are pushing through the earth. Things are coming to life!

When the weather turns warm, many people suffer from spring fever. Common "symptoms" of spring fever include not being able to focus on school or work, taking long walks, or falling in love. So, are you actually sick when you have spring fever?

Originally, spring fever used to refer to an actual illness. When the weather turned warm, some people developed sore throats, headaches, or stuffy noses.

The definition of "spring fever" slowly changed in the early 1800s. People came to use the term to mean a sudden increase of romantic feelings.

Elvis Presley describes this feeling in his song "Spring Fever."

"Spring fever, it comes to everyone. Spring fever, it's time for fun. There's no doubt now, love is in the air. Get up, get out, spring is everywhere"

These days, we use "spring fever" to describe a restless feeling after the long, cold days of winter.

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