最终幻想 7 (VII) 无法停止 不会停止演练
Can't Stop Won't Stop 是《最终幻想 7 (VII) Rebirth》中的支线任务。本演练将引导您完成“无法停止、不会停止”支线任务(奇怪的工作)的所有目标。它也被称为终极派对动物的要求。它要求您在金碟中的各种游戏中挑战终极派对动物。
完成“Hightailing It”主要目标、完成游戏中的所有其他 35 个支线任务并完成金碟中所有可用的迷你游戏后,Can't Stop Won't Stop 将在 Corel 地区的 Costa del Sol 社区布告栏上提供。
支线任务:停不下来 停不下来第 12章区域
:金碟 - 入口(可从 Costa del Sol 社区布告栏获取)任务给予者:终极派对动物要求:在完成《Hightailing It》主要目标后可用第 12 章并完成游戏中所有其他 35 个支线任务,并完成金碟中所有可用的迷你游戏。这将是完成其余所有任务后解锁的最后一个支线任务。如果没有解锁,请重新访问金碟中的所有大厅并完成每个大厅中的迷你游戏。奖励:赌徒魔石、机甲陆行鸟装、终极派对动物(女王血卡)任务信息:各位消遣与欢乐的弟子们,我向你们发出挑战!我,曾经是一个中等成就的人,现在被誉为冠军中的冠军,在金碟众多景点中最受欢迎的地方创造了新的高分。来吧,玩家们,比拼你的技术,争取获得我的终极派对动物称号!
- 与神罗中层经理一起狂欢
- 在 Musclehead Colosseum 击败 UPA 的高分
- 在陆行鸟比赛中击败 UPA 的高分
- 在 G-Bike 中击败 UPA 高分
- 在女王之血中击败 UPA 高分
- 在银河救世主中击败 UPA 的高分
- 与神罗中层经理一起摔倒
您可以在太阳海岸的社区布告栏接受奇葩任务,也可以直接前往金碟入口处的任务提供者处领取。只有完成游戏中所有其他 35 个支线任务后才能使用,这将是最终任务。
在陆行鸟比赛中击败 UPA 的高分
Use whichever chocobo and attire that you want, I used Piko with the Hyperion attire. This is a one-on-one race and shouldn’t be difficult at all if you’ve done chocobo races already.
Beat the UPA’s High Score in Galactic Saviors
Now head to Speed Square and challenge him again. This will be the Expert mission of Galactic Saviors and you need to beat a score of 50,000.
Use Proton Bombs ( ) to defeat the tougher enemies, and heal with a Restorative Charge (
) whenever your health is low. The score isn’t hard to beat as long as you abuse proton bombs to defeat most enemies. As long as you survive the whole mission you should be able to get 50,000 pretty easily.
Beat the UPA’s High Score at the Musclehead Colosseum
Head to Battle Square and challenge the Middle Manager.
You will have to complete the UPA Challenge: Send in the Clowns, which is a 5-round bout. For the first round you will be against some Gigantaurs. For the second round you will face 10 Tonberries and you have to be extra careful here due to their instakill attacks, so having at least one ranged character and Revive on multiple characters is wise. In the third round you will face an entirely new enemy, Ember Zu. Exploit its weakness to Ice either with Elemental-Ice in your weapons, or with Yuffie’s Ice Ninjutsu. The fourth round will be against a Gigantoad and two Jokers. The final round will be against an Ironclad.
Beat the UPA’s High Score in G-Bike
Now head to Wonderment Square and challenge him again. This will be the Expert course of G-Bike and you need to beat a score of 32,000.
Your points are based entirely on how many standard and elite units you defeat, as well as the blue point panels that you collect. Try and kill everything you see and save your spin attack for when there’s groups of bikes around you, and make sure to pick up all the blue point panels both for points and to heal yourself.
Beat the UPA’s High Score in Queen’s Blood
While you’re at Wonderment Square, challenge him at Queen’s Blood. This is a regular Queen’s Blood match, the only difference is that the Ultimate Party Animal card will be in play in the middle of the arena which will add the loser’s score in a lane to the winner’s score. If you’ve been doing all Queen’s Blood so far, you’ll have absolutely no difficulty winning this.
Throw Down with the Shinra Middle Manager
Finally, head back to Wonderment Square and challenge him to 3D Brawler.
This will be harder than all previous 3D Brawler fights as he will have all three attacks on both sides so you will need to learn to recognize the attacks and dodge them accordingly. To make it easier you can pause when he pulls his arm back to give you time to recognize which attack it is. By pausing on each move it will be easier. You must hit him after he starts glowing blue (every 3-4 hits he misses), or when he starts burning red and misses 4 strikes in a row.
对于所有其他支线任务演练,请查看我们完整的《 最终幻想 7 (VII) 重生演练》。