
最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌

最终幻想 7 (VII) 重生 一张丢失的稀有卡牌攻略

丢失的稀有卡是《最终幻想 7 (VII) 重生》中的支线任务。本演练将引导您完成“稀有卡片丢失”支线任务(奇怪的工作)的所有目标。它也称为调酒师的请求。它需要你帮助瓦什找回他丢失的稀有卡牌陆行鸟和莫古利。

完成“打破马鞍”主要目标(学习骑陆行鸟)后,Kalm 社区布告栏上会出现一张丢失的稀有卡。

第:  2
区域:  Kalm – 生锈的箭(可从 Kalm 社区布告栏获取)
任务给予者: 连败的调酒师
要求: 完成“上马”后可用 主要目标
奖励: 蒂法关系强化,10 组派对经验,玩家经验(根据你的等级调整),女王之血卡:陆行鸟和莫古利
任务信息: 在女王之血中被击败,但真正的紧张是当我不得不放弃我押注的稀有卡时比赛上。我正在寻找一位职业选手来代表我赢回胜利。如果您认为自己已具备所需条件,请前往酒吧。


  • 证明你的 Vash 技能
  • 追踪维吉尔
  • 追踪索林
  • 交付卡

最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌


您可以从 Kalm 的社区布告栏接受奇怪的工作,也可以直接前往《生锈的箭》中的任务提供者处。

最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌 最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌
最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌 最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌

证明你的 Vash 技能

与锈箭酒吧的酒保交谈后,他将向您挑战女王之血游戏。在一场比赛中击败他才能继续。如果您需要有关女王之血的帮助,请参阅:如何在女王之血中获胜 – 最佳套牌和策略

Queen’s Blood Strategy: The general strategy is that you’ll want to focus on two lanes, ignore the third lane. Only winning lanes get added to the score count at the end, losing lanes count as “0”. If you win two lanes you are almost guaranteed to win the match. Always sacrifice the third lane in order to get a dominant victory on two lanes. On the first draw discard all level 2 cards, you only want level 1 cards to to advance the lanes quickly and cut off the opponent. Start by putting a Levrikon in the top lane (even better, put a Cactuar if you won it from Nene, the Rank 3 player in the north of Kalm). Then put a Crystalline Crab in the middle lane (won from Ned just outside Kalm Inn). Now push the middle and top lanes forward as fast as possible with level 1 cards. Ignore the bottom lane. Depending on your deck you can also switch this strategy around and focus on the bottom and middle lane. The key to victory is to advance two lanes forward as fast as possible, if you block off the opponent you are pretty much guaranteed to win those lanes as you will have more cards on them. The same strategy will work for the other opponents too.

Track Down Virgil

Now head to the clocktower to find Virgil outside. You will need to beat him in a match as well.

最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌 最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌

Track Down Thorin

Next, hear to Thorin’s Card Shop northeast of Kalm. Speak to Thorin and once again, win another match. If needed, you can buy two powerful cards from him for 500 gil each. He’s stronger than the previous two opponents. Again, if you need help refer to How to Win at Queen’s Blood – Best Decks & Strategies.

最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌 最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌

Deliver the Card

Return to Vash at The Rusty Arrow.

最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌 最终幻想7重生 全支线任务攻略-丢失的稀有卡牌

For all other Side Quest Walkthroughs, check out our complete Final Fantasy 7 (VII) Rebirth Walkthrough.