9 个每个人都应该知道的函数式编程概念
原文地址:https://hackernoon.com/9-functional-programming-concepts-everyone-should-know-uy503u21 原文作者:Victor Cordova 译者:Breword
9 个每个人都应该知道的函数式编程概念
本文将介绍每个程序员都应该知道的函数式编程概念。让我们首先定义什么是函数式编程(从现在开始是 FP)。FP 是一种编程范式,通过应用和组合函数来编写软件。范式 是一种 “任何类型的哲学或理论框架”。换句话说,FP 让我们将问题的解法视为一系列互相连接的函数。
在这里,我将对 FP 中的基本概念及其能够解决的一些问题做一个基本的介绍。
1. 不变性(Immutability)
const cartProducts = [
"name": "Nintendo Switch",
"price": 320.0,
"currency": "EUR"
"name": "Play station 4",
"price": 350.0,
"currency": "USD"
// Let's format the price field so it includes the currency e.g. 320 €
cartProducts.forEach((product) => {
const currencySign = product.currency === 'EUR' ? '€' : '$'
// Alert! We're mutating the original object
product.price = `${product.price} ${currencyName}`
// Calculate total
let total = 0
cartProducts.forEach((product) => {
total += product.price
// Now let's print the total
console.log(total) // Prints '0320 €350 $' 😟
发生了什么?由于我们修改了 cartProducts
对象,因此我们 覆盖了 price
的原始值 。
突变可能会造成问题,因为它使跟踪应用程序中的状态变化变得困难甚至不可能。 你不想调用第三方库中的函数,因为你不知道它是否会修改你传递给它的对象。
const cartProducts = [...]
const productsWithCurrencySign = cartProducts.map((product) => {
const currencyName = product.currency === 'EUR' ? 'euros' : 'dollars'
// Copy the original data and then add priceWithCurrency
return {
priceWithCurrency: `${product.price} ${currencyName}`
let total = 0
cartProducts.forEach((product) => {
total += product.price
console.log(total) // Prints 670 as expected 😎
现在,我们无需修改原始对象,而是使用对象拓展操作符将数据克隆到原始 cartProducts
return {
priceWithCurrency: `${product.price} ${currencyName}`
使用第二种方法,我们通过创建一个包含 priceWithCurrency
不变性实际上可以由语言本身来强制约束。JavaScript 原生包括一个 Object.freeze
函数可以用来做这件事,但也可以使用成熟的库,例如 Immutable.js
2. 函数组合
const deductTaxes = (grossSalary) => grossSalary * 0.8
const addBonus = (grossSalary) => grossSalary + 500
const netSalary = addBonus(deductTaxes(2000))
3. 确定性函数
const joinWithComma = (names) => names.join(', ')
console.log(joinWithComma(["Shrek", "Donkey"])) // Prints Shrek, Donkey
console.log(joinWithComma(["Shrek", "Donkey"])) // Prints Shrek, Donkey again!
一个常见的不确定函数是 Math.random
console.log(Math.random()) // Maybe we get 0.6924493472043922
console.log(Math.random()) // Maybe we get 0.4146573369082662
值得注意的是,我们并不总是需要确定性函数。例如,当我们要为数据库行生成新的 ID 或获取以毫秒为单位的当前日期时,我们需要在每次调用时都返回一个新值。
4. 纯函数
纯函数是具有 确定性 且 没有副作用 的函数。我们已经了解了确定性的含义。副作用是指函数体外的状态的修改。
let sessionState = 'ACTIVE'
const sessionIsActive = (lastLogin, expirationDate) => {
if (lastLogin > expirationDate) {
// Modify state outside of this function 😟
sessionState = 'EXPIRED'
return false
return true
const expirationDate = new Date(2020, 10, 01)
const currentDate = new Date()
const isActive = sessionIsActive(currentDate, expirationDate)
// This condition will always evaluate to false 🐛
if (!isActive && sessionState === 'ACTIVE') {
如你所见, sessionIsActive
let sessionState = 'ACTIVE'
function sessionIsActive(lastLogin, expirationDate) {
if (lastLogin > expirationDate) {
return false
return true
function getSessionState(currentState, isActive) {
if (currentState === 'ACTIVE' && !isActive) {
return 'EXPIRED'
return currentState
const expirationDate = new Date(2020, 10, 01)
const currentDate = new Date()
const isActive = sessionIsActive(currentDate, expirationDate)
const newState = getSessionState(sessionState, isActive)
// Now, this function will only logout when necessary 😎
if (!isActive && sessionState === 'ACTIVE') {
重要的是要了解我们不想消除所有副作用,因为所有程序都需要做某种副作用,例如调用 API 或打印到某些标准输出。我们想要的是最大程度地减少副作用,这样我们的程序的行为将更易于预测和测试。
5. 高阶函数
const simpleProfile = (longRunningTask) => {
return () => {
console.log(`Started running at: ${new Date().getTime()}`)
console.log(`Finished running at: ${new Date().getTime()}`)
const calculateBigSum = () => {
let total = 0
for (let counter = 0; counter < 100000000; counter += 1) {
total += counter
return total
const runCalculationWithProfile = simpleProfile(calculateBigSum)
6. Arity
Arity 是函数采用的参数数量。
// This function has an arity of 1. Also called unary
const stringify = x => `Current number is ${x}`
// This function has an arity of 2. Also called binary
const sum => (x, y) => x + y
因此,在编程中有时会听到一元运算符,例如 ++ 或!
7. 函数科里化(Curried Functions)
函数科里化是指这样一类函数:它们需要用到多个参数,但每次只消费一个参数,每次返回新的函数消费剩余的参数。可以通过 JavaScript 中的高阶函数创建它们。
这是使用 ES6 箭头函数语法编写的科里化函数:
const generateGreeting = (ocassion) => (relationship) => (name) => {
console.log(`My dear ${relationship} ${name}. Hope you have a great ${ocassion}`)
const greeter = generateGreeting('birthday')
// Specialized greeter for cousin birthday
const greeterCousin = greeter('cousin')
const cousins = ['Jamie', 'Tyrion', 'Cersei']
cousins.forEach((cousin) => {
/* Prints:
My dear cousin Jamie. Hope you have a great birthday
My dear cousin Tyrion. Hope you have a great birthday
My dear cousin Cersei. Hope you have a great birthday
// Specialized greeter for friends birthday
const greeterFriend = greeter('friend')
const friends = ['Ned', 'John', 'Rob']
friends.forEach((friend) => {
/* Prints:
My dear friend Ned. Hope you have a great birthday
My dear friend John. Hope you have a great birthday
My dear friend Rob. Hope you have a great birthday
8. Functors
不要被这个名字吓到。Functors 只是将值包装到上下文中并允许在该值上进行映射的抽象。映射意味着将一个函数应用于一个值以获得另一个值。这是一个非常简单的 Functor:
const Identity = value => ({
map: fn => Identity(fn(value)),
valueOf: () => value
本来编写一个函数就解决问题了,为什么要如此麻烦去创建一个 Functor ?目的是为了更容易的组合函数。Functors 与其中的类型无关,因此可以顺序应用转换函数。让我们来看一个例子:
const double = (x) => {
return x * 2
const plusTen = (x) => {
return x + 10
const num = 10
const doubledPlus10 = Identity(num)
console.log(doubledPlus10.valueOf()) // Prints 30
这项技术非常强大,因为你可以将程序分解成较小的可重用部分,并分别测试每个程序,确保它们不会出现问题。如果你确实好奇,JavaScript 的 Array
对象其实也是一个 Functor。
9. Monads
Monad 是一个 Functor,它也提供 flatMap
// Here we lift x into an Array data structure and also repeat the value twice.
const repeatTwice = x => [x, x]
// Here we lift x into a Set data structure and also square it.
const setWithSquared = x => new Set(x ** 2)
函数(也称为联接)是从某些上下文中提取值的函数。你可以借助 JavaScript 的 Array.prototype.flat
// Notice the [2, 3] inside the following array. 2 and 3 are inside the context of an Array
const favouriteNumbers = [1, [2, 3], 4]
// JavaScript's Array.prototype.flat method will go over each of its element, and if the value is itself an array, its values will be extracted and concatenated with the outermost array.
console.log(favouriteNumbers.flat()) // Will print [1, 2, 3, 4]
什么是 flatMap 函数?
Monads 怎么用?
想象一下,我们想组合两个类型的提升函数,它们在上下文中平方和除以二。首先让我们尝试使用 map 和一个非常简单的称为 Identity 的 functor。
const Identity = value => ({
// flatMap: f => f(value),
map: f => Identity.of(f(value)),
valueOf: () => value
// The `of` method is a common type lifting functions to create a Monad object.
Identity.of = value => Identity(value)
const squareIdentity = x => Identity.of(x ** 2)
const divideByTwoIdentity = x => Identity.of(x / 2)
const result = Identity(3)
.map(divideByTwoIdentity) // 💣 This will fail because will receive an Identity.of(9) which cannot be divided by 2
我们不能只使用 map 函数,而需要首先提取 Identity 内的值。这就是 flatMap 函数大展身手的地方了。
const Identity = value => ({
flatMap: f => f(value),
valueOf: () => value
const result = Identity(3)
console.log(result); // Logs out 4.5
多亏了 monads,我们终于能够任意组合类型提升函数了。