战神诸神黄昏 战神5锻造收藏品地点
锻造包含 ;9 ;战神收藏品。 ;本演练将引导您按时间顺序找到 ;锻造区域 ;中的所有收藏品。奖杯和100%完成所需的一切都包括在内。没有什么是不能错过的,一切都可以在故事之后收集。
- 诺尼尔胸膛:1
- 传奇胸膛:1
- 传说:2
- 文物:1
- 奥丁乌鸦: 2
- Yggdrasil裂谷:2
#3 – Nornir Chest
Same area as the Artifact. From the artifact climb back up and go straight across, to a little side area on the right that has a green heart drawn on a stone. The Nornir chest is there. To open it, throw a spear at the 3 tiny totems in this area and detonate them all at once (requires Spear from story progress). Throw spears with +
and detonate them with
to destroy all 3 totems at the same time or else they will respawn. The first is to the left of the chest on the rocks. The second is left on the chest, go to the end of the cliffs and look for it 20-30 meters/yards away on a mountaintop, the third can be seen from the wall where the artifact was, close to where the raven was at the start of this area.
#4-Yggdrasil Rift
与上一次Lore Scroll相同的区域,位于左侧大门。检查墙上的蓝色字母。
#8 – Odin’s Raven
Inside the main Forge area where you obtain the Spear weapon from the story. The raven sits on the left wall. To get back here after the story, use the same big lift you took with Brok during the story, there’s a lever in front of the lift you can press on to call the lift to you.
#9-Yggdrasil Rift(Lindwyrm+Gale Spark)
爬上乌鸦所在的墙壁(必须首先在墙上引爆长矛才能开辟一条道路)。沿着这条路走,直到你必须挤过一个缺口。紧接着,向墙上扔两支长矛,然后爬上去。裂谷是在使用两支长矛攀登后找到的。 ;它包含一个代表 ;“丢失的Lindwyrms人情的Lyndwyrm。你一定接受了辛德里家的松鼠的帮助,他给了你Lindwyrm陷阱,没有它,你就不能把Wyrm从这个裂缝中拉出来。在