战神诸神黄昏 战神5所有斧头配件
这个页面包含了战争之神Ragnarok ;中的所有12个斧头附件(鞍状物/旋钮) ;包括一个带图片的展示柜。斧状物是你的主要武器--利维坦斧头的附属物,可以增加某些属性。不仅如此,他们还增加了独特的被动福利,可以改变战斗流程。每把鞍子都会在视觉上改变你的斧头的设计。知道在游戏中有哪些元宝,以及它们释放了哪些能力,可以帮助你为艰难的遭遇做好准备和制定策略。
- Wooden Knob – Improves Strength, no special ability (Starting Gear)
- The Furious Maul – Improves Strength & Slayer’s Strength: High Luck chance to grant a Gift of Strength on any Axe kill
- Haur’s Lucky Knob – Improves Strength, Luck & Marksman’s Stun: Moderate Luck chance for any successful precision throw to cause a bonus Stun Blast. (Craftable at Blacksmith)
- Fortified Frost Knob – Improves Strength, decreases Cooldown & Frost Resolve: Holding
to Frost Awaken the Axe Improves Defence and Stagger Resistance. (Located in Legendary Chest in Svartalfheim, The Applecore)
- Stonecutter’s Knob – Improves Strength, Defence & Slicing Finish: Adds a concussive wave to the end of the Axe
combo. (Craftable at Blacksmith)
- Grip of Weighted Recovery – Improves Strength, Runic & Seized Refresh: Stun Grabbing an enemy (
) provides a Blessing of Cooldown. (Craftable at Blacksmith)
- Grip of Healing Harmony – Improves Strength, Defence & Permafrost Lifesteal: When the Permafrost skill gauge is fully charged, Axe hits restore Health, but incoming damage is increased.
- Grip of the Fallen Alchemist – Improves Strength, Vitality, Luck & Serpent’s Health Burst: High Luck Chance to grant a Health Burst on any successful hit with the Serpent’s Snare skill. (Located in Legendary Chest in Vanaheim, Pilgrim’s Landing)
- Runic Hailstone Knob – Improves Strength, Runic, Luck & Prey Upon Frost: Moderate Luck chance on hitting a Frosted enemy to gain a Blessing of Runic.
- Grip of the Nine Realms – Improves Runic, Cooldown, Luck & Momentous Shift: Activating Glacial Permafrost (
) while Permafrost is full triggers a Realm Shift. (Reward from Berserker Gravestone in Alfheim, The Forbidden Sands)
- Grip of Radiant Reflection – Improves Strength, Runic, Cooldown & Precision Momentum: Successful Axe Ranged Attacks now generate charge of the Permafrost skill, with successful precision throws generating even more. (Craftable at Blacksmith)
- Banahogg Knob – Improves Strength, Vitality & Bare Force: Successful precision throws increase Bare-Handed attack damage for a duration. (Located in Legendary Chest in Svartalfheim, The Applecore)
- 战神Ragnarok所有装甲
- 战神Ragnarok所有武器
- 战神Ragnarok所有斧头附件
- 战神Ragnarok所有刀片附件
- 战神Ragnarok所有长矛附件
- 战神Ragnarok所有符文攻击
- God of War Ragnarok All Shield
- God of War Ragnarok All文物/Hilts
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