战神诸神黄昏 战神5 Althjof的钻机收藏地点
Althjof的Rig ;包含战神Ragnarok中的5 ;收藏品。 ;本演练将引导您按时间顺序找到 ;Althjof的Rig;地区 ;中的所有收藏品。奖杯和100%完成所需的一切都包括在内。没有什么是不能错过的,一切都可以在故事之后收集。
- 传奇胸膛:1
- 传说: ;2
- 奥丁乌鸦:1
- 采矿机:1台
#2 – Lore (Rune Read – The Squasher)
Found at the bottom of the area after smashing through the ground. From the Raven, turn right and press to pull down an elevator with your blades. Then interact with the wheel on the right to lower a grappling point, bring it just one level above the bottom (not to the very bottom). This allows you to step on the platform you lowered and swing over. Then use the fire of your blades
to blow up the red barrel, climb up at the end of the floor, open the gate upstairs, drop down and blow up another red barrel, then in the back left corner you can climb up (the white climbing-path signs on the wood show the way). After climbing up you can smash through the floor with
, this brings you downstairs. Immediately after smashing through the floor check the left side for blue letters on the wall, that’s the lore.
#3 – Mining Rig (Althjof’s Rig)
Found at the top of the area. From the lore, use your chains on the middle platform to raise it back up. Now climb back to the start of the area where you turned the wheel. Press on the wheel to raise the grappling point by one floor (just one floor below the very top). Then climb up the left side, where you opened the gate on the way to the lore. From there you can jump over to the middle platform and then swing over to the other side if you placed the grappling hook correctly with the turning wheel. After landing on the other side, climb up and the rig will be in front of you. Clear out the enemies first to interact with it.
#4 – Lore (Scroll – Passion)
From the mining rig turn around and look left. You can shoot green arrows at the vases with +
. Then you can climb around the wall behind the vases (there are white icons on the wall to indicate the climbing path). Jump over to the golden chain, slide down the chain, use the wheel once more to raise the grappling point to the very top. Climb back up the same golden chain, now you can use the grappling hook to jump over, in midair press
to smash through the wall. The lore scroll is on the floor here.