
战神诸神黄昏 战神5朝圣者登陆收藏品地点

Pilgrim‘s Landing ;包含战神Ragnarok中的4 ;收藏品。 ;本演练将引导您找到Pilgrim’s Landing ;Region ;in ;chronological订单中的所有收藏品。奖杯和100%完成所需的一切都包括在内。没有什么是不能错过的,一切都可以在故事之后收集。

  • 传奇胸膛:1
  • 传说:1
  • 狂暴墓碑:1
  • 长三角最受欢迎人数:1



战神诸神黄昏 战神5朝圣者登陆收藏品地点


#1- ;狂暴墓碑(九界之刃附属物)
停靠你的船后,在Pligrim的登陆岛中央。它催生了老板Hvitserkr the Bold。

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#2- ;Lore(传说标志-到达时死亡)
从狂暴人墓碑爬到桥上,向葡萄藤附近的火发射一支紫色的箭,这会导致爆炸并烧毁葡萄藤,然后向锁孔投掷斧头,使桥倒下。穿过这座桥,在左边你会看到Lore Marker。

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#3 – Legendary Chest (Grip of the Fallen Alchemist – Axe Attachment)
Behind the Lore Marker is another blocked bridge. Shoot the left lock with your axe. The right lock is blocked by vines so you must burn them first. Check the big tree on the right, there’s a platform with a blue lock that you can throw the axe at. Then press 战神诸神黄昏 战神5朝圣者登陆收藏品地点 on that platform to swing it to the right, into a brazier, which lights a brazier on the platform itself. Now place 2 triple purple arrows, one on the left brazier that’s not lit, one near the right brazier that’s lit (shoot 3 arrows at one spot for bigger radius). Shoot a purple arrow into the lit brazier to cause a chain reaction, the fire will jump over to the left brazier. Then swing the platform again with Chaos Blades to the left to light the brazier near the vines. Shoot another purple arrow to blow it up, the vines will burn, now the lock on the gate can be shot. Behind that gate is the Legendary Chest.

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