战神诸神黄昏 战神5 所有诺尼尔宝箱位置和解决方案
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#3 – Dragon Beach
The chest is on the left side of the beach. To open it, you must destroy the 3 seal totems behind the geysers in the area. They are hard to see through the geysers, so first throw your axe at the geysers to freeze them, then you can see the seal behind. Aim at it, retrieve your axe with and then throw the axe through the geysers. The first is directly behind the chest. The second is behind the dragon statue on the right side of the beach. The third is behind the geyser at the west side of the beach, close to where you can dock your boat. After hitting all 3 seals the chest can be opened.
#4 – Radsvinn’s Rig
To the left of the rig is a Nornir Chest. You must light all 3 seals with the Chaos Blades to open the chest. They look like little stone totems with blue glyphs on them. They are all hidden here in the same area as the chest, light them by equipping the Chaos Blades and pressing +
. The first is directly left of the chest. The second is opposite the chest behind some metal bars, to destroy it climb up the ledges where you came from and throw the axe at the fire pot, this will ignite the seal. The third is to the right of the chest in the back of the area, shoot a green arrow at the two kegs to reveal the seal behind, and light it with your blades. Now return to the chest to open it.
#5- ;阿尔伯里奇岛
#6- ;Myrkr隧道
#7 – The Forge
After you reach the Forge by using the train, enter the first area to the right of the wooden walkway, to a little side area that has a green heart drawn on a stone. The Nornir chest is there. To open it, throw a spear at the 3 tiny totems in this area and detonate them all at once (requires Spear from story progress). Throw spears with +
and detonate them with
to destroy all 3 totems at the same time or else they will respawn. The first is to the left of the chest on the rocks. The second is left on the chest, go to the end of the cliffs and look for it 20-30 meters/yards away on a mountaintop, the third can be seen from the wall where an artifact is.
#8 – The Applecore
When backtracking to The Applecore via Aurvangar Wetlands > Sverd Sands (take elevator to go down), in the first Applecore section you can throw a spear at a wall on the right. Use it to climb up, the chest is there. You must throw the spear at 3 glyph seals and explode them all at the same time with . The first and second are opposite the chest, hanging in the air. The third glyph is found to the right of the chest, climb up to the top of the rocks, then turn around to look in the direction of the chest and you will see it. After detonating all 3 with the spear you can open the chest.
#9 – The Applecore
On the path between Jarnsmida Pitmines and The Applecore (basically the entrance/exit between these two areas). You must throw the spear at 3 glyph seals and blow them up simultaneously. The first is to the right of the chest, in the distance behind some water. This one is hard to see, you can see a blue shimmer through the water, and when aiming at it the reticle should change (see image with #1 below). The second is to the left of the chest where the Rift was, must throw axe at the explosive vase to clear the rubble, then the glyph becomes visible. The third is in on the path in the middle, next to a Mystic Gateway. Blow up all 3 spears with to open the chest.
#10 – Jarnsmida Pitmines
Near the center of the area close to a small water wheel. You must burn 3 braziers with runes on them. You do this by selecting the Chaos Blades and pressing +
. The first is directly left of the chest. The second requires you to drop down to the left, then use a grappling hook to jump over to the 2nd brazier. From the 2nd brazier jump back via the grappling hook, then the third brazier is under the moving water wheel. You must freeze the water in the channel above by throwing an axe at it, then you can light the brazier. Return to the chest when all 3 are lit simultaneously, it can now be opened.
#11 – Well of Urd
Before the first climbing section, the chest is on the left. You must light 3 braziers with your Chaos Blades ( +
) to open the Chest. The first is to the right of the chest on the rocks. The second is after climbing up, at the cliffside on the right. The third requires you to climb down the cliffside where the 2nd brazier was, then check on the left. When all 3 are lit you can open the chest.
#12- ;划桨人
#13- ;突袭者藏身之处
#14- ;丢失的金库
#15 – The Strond
From the Mystic Gateway climb up and squeeze through the gap in the wall. Then go straight and drop down the ledge to find the Nornir Chest. You must light 3 braziers with the Chaos Blades ( +
). The first is to the left of the Chest on the cliffs. The second is to the right of the Chest, look down the cliffs in the edge of the area. The third requires you to climb back up the path, climb up twice and then drop down on the left.
#16 – The Strond
In front of the entrance to Temple of Light (basically end of The Strond area). You must throw the Spear at 3 totems and explode them all simultaneously. The spear is an automatic story unlock. For the first two, turn around from the chest and they will be in sight. The third is to the right of the broken bridge. After planting the 3 spears press to detonate them, this opens the chest.
#17 – Temple of Light
About halfway through the Temple of Light, pretty much in plain sight and easy to see. You must hit the 3 seals in quick succession by throwing the axe. #1 is the furthest left of the chest, #2 is the closest left of the chest, #3 is in the corridor to the right of the chest (must first shoot green arrows to clear the rubble in front of it). The chest opens when you hit all 3 seals quickly enough. If you’re too slow you can retry. Use the quick throw with +
#18- ;下面
#19 – The Barrens
In the north, on a rock. You must first throw your axe through the 3 red glowing sacks from the north side of this rock (line them up to hit all 3 in one throw). Then light the 3 braziers on fire. Two are near the ground, can be reached with Chaos Blades +
. One is at the top, must hit the explosive vase next to it, which is revealed after you cleared the 3 red sacks.
#20- ;禁沙
在该地区的北部,在精灵圣殿的入口处下方,有一堵可摧毁的墙,它通向诺尼尔神殿(见下图)。一旦你进入这个隐蔽的区域,你必须首先向紫色水晶扔斧头,让它穿过3个发光的红色麻袋。然后点燃3个火盆。1号在左边,朝它旁边的篝火射一支紫色的箭。2号在右边,往下看。附近有一个篝火,在火盆和篝火之间放置紫色的箭头(一个点可以射出3支箭,以增加效果半径),然后用紫色的箭头击中篝火,引起爆炸,火会引起连锁反应,点燃火盆。#3也在右边,抬头向活动墙发射绿色箭头,拍摄时它会短暂打开。在第二个和第三个火盆之间种植2 x三个紫色箭头。然后用紫色箭头射击第二个火盆以引起爆炸,并让火跳到第三个火盆。第三个火盆前面的活动门应该保持打开,所以如果它关闭了,你可能需要向它发射另一个绿色箭头。
#21 – The Forbidden Sands
In the south-west of the region, lift the rock to find the Nornir Chest. You must light 3 braziers with your Chaos Blades +
to open the chest. #1 is to the right of the chest itself. #2 is across from the chest on the rock, place 3 purple arrows and attack one with Chaos Blades to cause a chain reaction (you can shoot 3 arrows at the same spot to make the reaction circle bigger). #3 is below what looks like a big rock bridge, again string 3 purple arrows together to cause a chain reaction, must shoot 3 arrows at same spot (9 arrows total) to reach far enough.
#22 – The Southern Wilds
Keep following the linear path and you will reach the Nornir Chest, in plain sight in the middle of the main path, can’t miss it. You must turn 3 symbols by throwing the axe at them. The first is above the chest to the left. The second is to the right of the chest, must first burn the vines with your Chaos Blades ( +
). The third is across from the chest, must burn the vines hanging down the ledge, the fire will spread, then you can throw the axe to turn the symbol. When you’ve turned the symbols to the correct ones, you will see that symbol’s light go out on the Nornir Chest itself. Then the chest can be opened.
#23- ;东巴里森林
#24- ;废弃的村庄
#25- ;悬崖废墟
将船停靠在悬崖废墟后,您可以在右侧找到诺尼尔的箱子。你必须转动3个符号以匹配胸前显示的符号。#1在右边,通过放置紫色符文箭头来燃烧藤条,然后使用你的混沌之刃来引起连锁反应。你可以在一个地方射出最多3支箭来增加半径(总共放置9支符文箭,3个点x 3支箭)。2号被发现在箱子的左边,但你必须爬上墙,跳过平台才能从上面看到它。可以从铁匠那里看到#3,必须回到你的船上,在那里划船。
#26- ;面纱通道要到达该区域,强烈建议您先遵循
#27- ;女神瀑布
#28- ;丛林
#29- ;Sinkholes
#30- ;烟囱
在你与飞龙战斗的区域的尽头(这个区域的主要目标)。 ;同时在3个诺尼尔图腾上引爆你的长矛。#1在你爬上去的地方的左边,在悬崖边。#2在你爬上去的地方右边的一根柱子上。#3在诺尼尔箱子的左边。
#31- ;平原
#32- ;平原
#33 – Burning Cliffs
- 在这个领域里没有诺尼尔的箱子
#35- ;Aesir;监狱残骸
- 在这个领域里没有诺尼尔的箱子
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