战神诸神黄昏 战神5的乌尔德收藏品之井
《战争之井》包含战争之神Ragnarok中的5个 ;收藏地点。 ;本演练将引导您按时间顺序找到 ;Well of Urd ;Region ;中的所有收藏品。奖杯和100%完成所需的一切都包括在内。没有什么是不能错过的,一切都可以在故事之后收集。
- 诺尼尔胸膛:1
- 传奇胸膛:1
- 奥丁乌鸦:1
- HELL泪水:1
- 阿斯加德残骸:1
#2 – Nornir Chest
Before the first climbing section, the chest is on the left. You must light 3 braziers with your Chaos Blades ( +
) to open the Chest. The first is to the right of the chest on the rocks. The second is after climbing up, at the cliffside on the right. The third requires you to climb down the cliffside where the 2nd brazier was, then check on the left. When all 3 are lit you can open the chest.
#3- ;Hel Tear(冰冻火花)
爬回第二个诺尼尔火盆所在的地方。这一次挤过缝隙进入下一个区域。地狱之泪将会在那里。HELL TRAINS ;开始在 ;中产卵。主要任务12:留尼汪岛。你可以在故事结束后回来取。与Hel-Tear门户网站交互并进行防御,直到屏幕顶部的计时器结束。
#4- ;奥丁的乌鸦
#5 – Legendary Chest (Rönd of Purification – Shield Attachment)
From the raven, climb back down the ledge where you came from, but just a little bit. You can climb to the left onto another rock. From there climb down the side (don’t use the rope slide). As you hang down the side of the wall, you can see a breakable wall, press on it to smash through and find the Legendary Chest behind.