
战神诸神黄昏 战神5龙滩收藏品

龙滩 ;包含 ;4 ;战神收藏品。 ;本演练将引导您按时间顺序找到 ;龙滩 ;地区 ;的所有收藏品。奖杯和100%完成所需的一切都包括在内。没有什么是不能错过的,一切都可以在故事之后收集。

  • 诺尼尔胸膛:1
  • 传说:1
  • 《埋藏的宝藏》:1
  • Yggdrasil裂谷:1



战神诸神黄昏 战神5龙滩收藏品



战神诸神黄昏 战神5龙滩收藏品 战神诸神黄昏 战神5龙滩收藏品

#2 – Nornir Chest
The chest is on the left side of the beach, left of the Lore collectible. To open it, you must destroy the 3 seal totems behind the geysers in the area. They are hard to see through the geysers, so first throw your axe at the geysers to freeze them, then you can see the seal behind. Aim at it, retrieve your axe with 战神诸神黄昏 战神5龙滩收藏品 and then throw the axe through the geysers. The first is directly behind the chest. The second is behind the dragon statue on the right side of the beach. The third is behind the geyser at the west side of the beach, close to where you can dock your boat. After hitting all 3 seals the chest can be opened.

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战神诸神黄昏 战神5龙滩收藏品 战神诸神黄昏 战神5龙滩收藏品

在海滩右侧,大龙骨架脚下,查看沙子里是否有金色的光芒。要想找到宝藏,你必须首先收集《宝藏地图》,它来自阿尔伯里奇岛斯瓦塔尔夫海姆的古卷收藏品。请参阅Alberich ;Island ;Collectibles:#6 ;Lore(宝藏地图-被冲上岸)。当你在艾伯里奇岛100%完工时,你会自动得到它。回到这里之后,宝藏就会在地上金光闪闪。你总是需要藏宝图,才能让宝藏本身产生。

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#4 – Yggdrasil Rift
Climb up the gold chain on the left side of the beach. Then throw a spear at the wind coming out the wooden pole (story unlock from Main Mission 10: Forging Destiny). This creates a path to climb up. At the top you can press 战神诸神黄昏 战神5龙滩收藏品 to swing over to the bridge, turn right to crouch under the broken piece of wood to find the Yggdrasil Rift behind. Interact with it and defeat the enemies that come out of it.

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