
战神诸神黄昏 战神5焚烧悬崖收藏品

燃烧悬崖 ;包含 ;5 ;战神收藏品地点。 ;本演练将引导您按时间顺序找到 ;燃烧悬崖&地区 ;中的所有收藏品。奖杯和100%完成所需的一切都包括在内。没有什么是不能错过的,一切都可以在故事之后收集。

  • 诺尼尔胸膛:1
  • 传奇胸膛:1
  • 传说:1
  • 奥丁乌鸦:1
  • 阿斯加德残骸:1



战神诸神黄昏 战神5焚烧悬崖收藏品


#1- ;传奇箱子(神灰/也可以:穆斯佩尔海姆种子)

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#2- ;奥丁的乌鸦

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#3 – Nornir Chest
From the Legendary Chest, squeeze through the gap on the left, then turn left and climb along the wall. After walking a little bit downhill (before Remnants of Asgard encounter), there’s a yellow-glowing rock on the right. Throw the spear at it to blow it up. Behind it is the chest. You must light 3 braziers on fire to open the chest by using the Chaos Blades with 战神诸神黄昏 战神5焚烧悬崖收藏品 + 战神诸神黄昏 战神5焚烧悬崖收藏品 and also placing purple arrows for chain reactions. The first is behind the chest, get close to it and use Chaos Blades on it. The 2nd and 3rd are across from the chest. You must first light the left of the two (see image before labeled #2). To do so, go back to where you blew up the yellow-glowing rock with Spear, plant 3 purple arrows on the walls, place one of them close enough that you can light it with the Chaos Blades, thus causing a chain reaction that lights the left brazier. Remember you can (and should) shoot up to 3 purple arrows at the same point to grow the radius of the chain reaction. So in total use 9 arrows, shoot 3 at each spot for them to cover a much bigger radius, this makes it easier for your fire to jump over to the brazier. The third brazier is the on to the right, for it go back to the Nornir Chest. Turn around from the chest to see Brazier #2 and #3. You must place purple arrows between the 2nd and 3rd brazier, then shoot an arrow into the 2nd brazier that you already lit up. If you hit the fire in the brazier it will create a little explosion and your purple arrows cause a chain reaction that carries the fire over to the 3rd brazier (see image labeled with #3 below). Afterward you can open the chest.

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#5- ;传说(符文阅读-瓦尔哈拉崛起)

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