战神诸神黄昏 战神5 Jarnsmida Pitmines收藏品
战神Ragnarok中的Jarnsmida Pitmines ;contains ;8 ;Collectible地点。 ;本演练将引导您找到Jarnsmida Pitmines ;Region ;in ;chronological订单中的所有收藏品。奖杯和100%完成所需的一切都包括在内。没有什么是不能错过的,一切都可以在故事之后收集。
- 诺尼尔胸膛:1
- 传奇胸膛:1
- 传说:1
- 文物:2
- 奥丁乌鸦:1
- 狂暴墓碑:1
- 阿斯加德残骸:1
故事之后如何到达Jarnsmida Pitmines:
首先,建议您遵循 ;Applecore收藏品指南,按照该指南操作,您将自动最终到达Jarnsmida Pitmins。简要回顾:故事结束后,快速前往Svartalfheim>;Aurvangar湿地。在神秘之门的左侧,乘坐渡轮前往Sverd Sands,在那里您会发现一部通往Applecore的电梯。然后穿过Applecore回到Jarnsmida Pitmins。你不能100%完成这个区域,直到故事结束,因为在此之前,仙宫‘收藏品’的残余物没有产生。所以回溯是强制性的,没有办法在你的第一次故事访问中完成这一点。
#1 – Berserker Gravestone (Hind of the Nine Realms – Spear Handle)
After coming from The Applecore, when you exit the tunnel and reach the outside, the Berserker Gravestone will be in front of you. To interact with it you need a story item “Inert Hilt of Skofnung” which is automatically obtained in Mission 9: The Word of Fate. This spawns two bosses “Bodvar the Frierce” & “Starolfr the Troublesome”, which is a pretty tough fight. You should be at least Gear Level 7 and change the difficulty to the lowest setting in the gameplay options. Having Gear Level 8 or 9 will make it significantly easier, so come back to it later if you find it too hard. Focus on the Assassin enemy first, unleash your most powerful Runic Attacks with all 3 weapons and when your health drops use Spartan Rage which deals damage and recharges your health simultaneously. Also make sure you crafted a Resurrection Stone at the blacksmith shop (under Special Item), to self-revive if you go down. If you die, you will have the Resurrection Stone back in your inventory when you respawn. The second boss has much more health, but after the Assassin boss is dead you can focus on him exclusively. Dodge right when he attacks, after he misses an attack do some quick spear strikes while smashing to shoot Sonic Arrows at him.
#5 – Nornir Chest
Follow the path left of the Raven (don’t slide down the rope across the water yet). At the end of the path is the Nornir chest. You must burn 3 braziers with runes on them. You do this by selecting the Chaos Blades and pressing +
. The first is directly left of the chest. The second requires you to drop down to the left, then use a grappling hook to jump over to the 2nd brazier. From the 2nd brazier jump back via the grappling hook, then the third brazier is under the moving water wheel. You must freeze the water in the channel above by throwing an axe at it, then you can light the brazier. Return to the chest when all 3 are lit simultaneously, it can now be opened.
#7 – Artifact (Things Left Behind – Lofnheid’s Whetstone)
While standing in front of the Nornir Chest, jump over the gap to the right, drop down a little ledge, then immediately turn left to see a rope. Interact with it ( ), then slide down the rope (requires Spear, automatic story unlock). After the rope slide you land at a beach, the Artifact is on the ground, glowing purple. You can also burn the red vines here, shoot a purple arrow at them and then use Chaos Blades to light them up, they reveal a hidden Mystic Gateway.
这是100%的收藏品,你可以在战争之神Ragnarok的Jarnsmida Pitmines ;地区找到。